G.A.S. is as Great As S..

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lol. I think anyone can get on well with Mac/Gary. I think he has that presence that people just respect him when working with him. I mean David must really like working with Gary because they've crossed over twice now.
The local ABC news ran a segment tonight about Steppenwolf and the band performance....boy did he look happy on stage. *squeeeee*

Interesting that he wears glasses sometimes...he didn't have them when they interviewed him but another video clip showed him with them.
He wears them quite a lot I have lots of piccies with him wearing glasses. He looks damn sexy with them.... :D
Mel23 said:
The local ABC news ran a segment tonight about Steppenwolf and the band performance....boy did he look happy on stage. *squeeeee*

Interesting that he wears glasses sometimes...he didn't have them when they interviewed him but another video clip showed him with them.

I heard they were in town this weekend for that! How cool. I've seen the Lt. Dan Band a couple of times before, and they're really awesome. What did he say in the interview?
I can't remember clearly lol I was too busy drooling. But I think he talked about Steppenwolf...I know that's what the segment was primarily about.
I'd like to see the Lt Dan band, I've heard that Gary is very enthusiastic on stage and that the band themselves have quite the reputation.
BlueGirl said:
I just found thins news from January and thought I'd post the link since it has a video interview with Gary.

Actor Gary Sinise Aids Iraqi Kids

The May 2006 issue of Reader's Digest (which I just received in the mail yesterday) mentions this in a little blurb:

"After actor Gary Sinise first visited war-torn Iraq in 2003, he and author Laura Hillenbrand (Seabiscuit) launched Operation Iraqi Children, a non-profit program that collects pencils, notebooks and other items for children. Our troops (and Iraqi security forces) deliver the goods--24,000 boxes of supplies so far. "It brings smiles to the kids' faces, and soldiers' days are brightened too," [Sinise] says."

Doesn't that just make you all warm and fuzzy inside? :)
It does make me warm and fuzzy. Of course, everything about him makes me feel warm and fuzzy. :devil:

Looks like we have more pissy Mac and really intense Mac coming up next week kids. I can hardly wait! :p
Cute shot :D :

CTV On The Set of CSI:NY April 11th, 2006

Okay, here's the whole CTV On The Set of CSI:NY video for that day (18 MB). That was the only way to get it. Enjoy!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.....drool. Gary just looks so good...

Thanks again for posting this...*g*
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