Funny Faces/Caption This 2!!!!

So I got another one:

Greg:"Hey God, it's me Greg. I'm in another Grissom experiment please don't let him infect me with anything! Amen"
Greg: Hey Gris. You won't belive this, but I haven't been drinking. Some red-haired guy with sunglasses, a cape, and a big "H" on his chest just flew over the Bellagio.
Greg: Can I tell Sara and Cath to move over just a bit?
Grissom: Only Cath, I get Sara
Greg: Hey, you're the one who yelled to me from up there and made me jerk it up, it's your fault it's stuck this way.
one more
Greg: See, I told you Ecklie wasn't human. Nice set of bat wings there, though. And the fangs are nice too.
Greg: If you look at the ceiling fan long enough, it's like you're in Apocalypse Now!
Grissom: I thought I told you not to work in the diesel fumes too long...
Greg: I love the smell of diesel in the morning!
Cath:*eye-twitching madly* Crazy? I'm not crazy. Talk to Greg. He's the one that's crazy.
Man in white coat (off-screen): Of course you're not...

That was lame. But she does look a wee bit nuts in that pic.
Greggo: Wow! Grissom's bugs are doing the willlld thing.

=== or ===

Greggo: This laughing gas experiment is much better than the fungus one.

=== or ===

Greggo: Hey, Hodges. Are you sure this is the way to test these pot samples?
Catherine:, Greg, jalapenos do not bother me at ... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!