Funny Faces/Caption This 2!!!!

Sara: Are you singing again?
Nick: I love youuuu...
Sara: Oh, god. I forgot my ear plugs at home.
Nick: I love love meeeee...we're a happyyyy familyyyy
Mac: What does that say? Kiss my a**, Mac? Can't they spell "ass"?
NY Trio
Gary: I wish this season premiere had the same searchlights as those movie premieres. CBS sure is cheap. Probably paying all the money to Caruso.

Nick: This town ain't big enough fer the two of us.
Hodges: Konnichiwa. Sushi, samurai, sudo CHOP.
Nick & Hodges: Rock, paper scissors, shoot!

Catherine: I think I feel one of Grissom's bugs crawling up my leg!
Nick: No no that's not how you do the Vulcan sign

Catherine: *singing* Grissom and Sara sittin' in a tree... k i s s i n g...*
Mac: I don't care what you say. The police commisioner will NEVER accept this as the CSI version of the Bat Signal.