Former X-Philes, Unite!

How come I never seen this thread before?! I've been a Huge X files fan since I was 8 years old!! And I'm 18 now,, so I'm a fan for over 10 years *proud* :D,, I own all 9 seasons =) & What can I say what's not to love about the X files?! I've seen every epi at least 300 times *hehe talking about being Obsessed..*
^Cause it keeps falling off the front pages :)

I started watching XF when I was 8 too! My mom was so totally not cool with me watching it at first, but eventually gave up and let me be. heh. I'm 21 so that makes me a fan for 13 years. And crap, that makes me feel really old.

In case anyone else happens to live in BC, Channel M is now showing the Files at 12:30am nightly :D
Man, I feel so old. I started watching XF in my 20s already (S6).

BTW, it's 10.13 here today so I thought I'd pop in and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chris Carter! :D

And now that I got that out of the way, any news on XF2? Gillian's pregnant, right?
Woah, I totally forgot about 10:13 day! Dude! How horrid. That's probably the first time in years. I usually have no trouble remembering because it's my sister's birthday today (the 14th). I must be braindead. Well, happy birthday to Chris!

I'm starting to feel like I'm only barely clinging to hope that XF2 will ever see the light of day. Sucky.

Gillian is, indeed, pregnant. And she released a delightful (and expletive-filled) rant on her website last month about how she definitely wants to do another XF movie, so she wants everyone to stop saying that she doesn't. I guess she still has a bit of that punk charm in her ;)
I loved this series back when it was on and will often watch if I see it on tv (even though I have the box sets). I got a bit bored with it near the end as the stories were not so good.

Last year I heard that they were planning on filming a second movie in 2007 but I've heard nothing since and can't find any info on it either.
Is her second child. The father is her new friend Mark Griffith. They are not married. ;)

She had a daughter from her first husband Clyde Klotz.
You know I always thought she already had 2 children. What do I know.

I guess it could be years before anything happens with a second movie. It seems they have been talking about it since 2002. Five years later we have nothing. What do people think? Will there ever be another?
Nope, I don't think there ever will be. I hate thinking that cuz I miss XF! I honestly don't think they'll ever get around to it. Sniff sniff. You never know, they made Rocky Balboa and Die Hard 4 is in filming (jigs, I love DH) so maybe one day. I just honestly don't see it. *cries*
Thanks Miss_Undercover. I thought she already had two as well that's why I was surprised she was having another. But I haven't seen any of her work in awhile. I really wish they would make another one. I thought that's what they wanted to do since DD said he wanted it to move to LA. ;)
They need to make another movie!! Theres only so many times you can watch repeats and not get depressed that the god that is David Duchovny doens't bless our screens as Mulder anymore. That's reason enough to make me want to rock myself to sleep lol. Thank god for CSI!
Null problemo, CSI_Watcher_8 ... ;)

I saw for a while David Duchovny in the movie * Playing God *.
To tell the true, he was in the serie The X-Files umpteen times better as in a another role.

He can play Fox Mulder none else.... OR about not ?!
Yeah I have seen Playing God too. It's been awhile but I remember seeing him in Return to Me. I remember him being ok in that. But it's hard to see him in other roles. But Gillian does a wonderful job when she plays other character's other than Scully.
I always thought Gillian was the better actor by far, but that David was perfect for Mulder (or vice versa). I thought it was amazing that both of them wrote and directed at least one episode of the show. They are both extremely talented. I miss the show so much. And them. I know they are doing other things, but I rarely ever hear about them, much less see them.