Forensic Science Trivia Game!

It is Edmond Locard (sp?)

Here is another very easy one:

How can you make sure, that evidence under the fingernails doesn't get lost? (2 options)
Yeh it is Edmond Locard...

Umm you can wrap the hand in paper bags that get taken off at the autopsy room...i think thats one
I know the chances of this being right are pretty much non-exsistant, but I'll throw it out there anyway.

You could (theoretically possible) scrape under the nails at the crime scene. Of course, (as far as I know) that isn't procedure and probably wouldn't be done.
csifreakaholic, you are right!
As to the fact procedure or not, in the Miami-NY crossover Mac packs the hands into paper bags.
Horatio says "Interesting,we scrape before we transport".
So I assumed you can do both.

Or is it just another mistake?
So...umm who's turn is it? Agertays's turn or csifreakaholic's turn?

Sorry it took so long, (theres blackouts happening in my neighbourhood)

When was the first modern lie-detector invented? By whom?
How does it work?
Well i dont know when or who invented it, but i do know that it works by measuring the comfort of the person it is being tested on. For example, it measures your persperation levels, your blood pressure and your breathing, this can be used to tell if a person is becoming uncomfortable when a question is being asked. :D

Sorry it took so long, (theres blackouts happening in my neighbourhood)

When was the first modern lie-detector invented? By whom?
How does it work?

I know who!!!!!!!!!!!

JAMES MACKENZIE invented the first modern lie-detector. :lol: