Re: Forensic Science Trivia Game
The answers are as follows: Amido Black, Coomassie Blue, Crowle's Double Stain, Diaminobenzidine(DAB), Fuchsin Acid,
Hungarian Red, Leucocrystal Violet, Patent Blue , Tartrazine.
The first two use Glacial Acetic Acid and Methanol both in their staining and rinsing solutions with the addition of Distilled Water in the second one. The third, while using Glacial Acetic Acid , adds another one:Trichloroacetic Acid, but the rinsing solution is the as the other two.
For DAB, Sulphosalicylic Acid and Distilled Water iss used for the fixer solution.Its working solution is a combination of sloutions B and C, the first comprised of 100 ml. 1M (pH7.4)Phospate Buffer and Distilled Water and the other comprised of 1 g.DAB dissolved in 100 ml. Distilled Water added to 5 ml. 30% Hydrogen Peroxide.