Forensic Science Trivia Game!

dNTPs are Deoxynucleotide Triphosphates. I'm not positively sure what they are used for but I seem to remember they play a part in the PCR process to duplicate DNA strands. In forensics, if you only recovered a tiny DNA sample, you would use them during the PCR process to give you something bigger to work with.

Some of that may not be exactly right...but do I have the right idea?
dNTPs are Deoxynucleotide Triphosphates. I'm not positively sure what they are used for but I seem to remember they play a part in the PCR process to duplicate DNA strands. In forensics, if you only recovered a tiny DNA sample, you would use them during the PCR process to give you something bigger to work with.

Yep that's right - well done! Will be posting my lesson on PCR on Monday, so watch out for it :)

Your turn now! :)
Electrons go to a higher kwantumlevel. For this a 'package' of energy is needed. It's has to be exactly enough energy. After that the electrons fall back to the original kwantumlevel. In that process the molecule/atom sends out light. In this case it fluoresces.
Well, assuming I'm right (although Grissom thinks you should not assume things :D) I'll post a new one.
If it was wrong, then forget the one I'm posting.

What is pyoverdine?
Damn, im sorry lol but i have absolutley no idea....ill just take a wild guess.. is it some sort of chemical? hehe sorry lol i really dont know