Forensic Science Trivia Game!

It is a characterization of the prints on the card.
They each get a number.
Then depending on the form of the print there is a chart.

I've read about it, but can't remember it exactly.

But we could look up in the internet :D :lol:
Can I join if I answer it correctly???
1. You can get its fingerprint or run in AFIS.
2. DNA sampling and run to CODIS
Hehehe....gotta love the Henry System!

The Henry system is a way of classifying and sorting fingerprints based on which, if any, fingers contain whorls. It's slightly out of date, at least in the USA, because of AFIS. However, we had to learn it because some agencies, particularly the FBI, still test you on it when you apply for jobs.

The cool thing is, once you know the classification system inside and out, you can just glance at a ten card or a suspect's hands in the field, and know whether they might match a ten card that you have on file. It's a good way to eliminate suspects quickly. The downside is that you have to have all ten prints to really do it.

Oh yeah, that and it's a royal pain in the butt to learn! :devil:
Can I join?? What is the question..And if there isn't one can I post one?
It's kind of interesting, if you guys would like, I'll gather my info on it, and post a thread.

So is it my question then? I'll post one, I guess. A lot of my training deals with basic Crime Scene Processing and photography, so I'll go with one on that.

When taking a picture of an item of evidence, you have to take AT LEAST two close up photos, one with and one without the yellow evidence markers. There are two reasons for this, anybody want to take a stab?
Well, everyone can join. :D
But since DrHunnicutcsi answered the last question it is his turn to ask ;)

So, DrHunnicutcsi, let us hear (or better read) about your next question :cool: :cool:
I posted one, but I think it ended up at the bottom of the last page, so here it is:

When taking a picture of an item of evidence, you have to take AT LEAST two close up photos, one with and one without the yellow evidence markers. There are two reasons for this, anybody want to take a stab?
phew, I'd say,

you take the first pic without the marker, so you can see the item alone and the one with the marker is for later, that you can compare where the object was positioned.
Yeah, to establish the position of the object is one reason!
The other has to do with complications from the OJ Simpson Case........
Wow....Alrighty..These are a lot harder than I thought....I am stumped..You actually work as a CSI? That is SO aweosme! I want to do that SO badly! I Love Forensics!
I am new here also..Just thought that I would mention.
Hmm..I will have to think about that question.