Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Ohhh, I can totally see Flack taking her dancing on New Years' eve. It would be so romantic and sweet! Or he could take her to a show of some sort.. haha do they even do Broadway shows on New Years eve or is it dark?
Re: Flack & Stella

Since New Year's Eve is a Monday, Broadway would be dark but I think it's open on New Year's Day. So Flack and Stella could perhaps see a musical or a play. :lol:

Anyway, have a Merry Fiesta Christmas, ladies! :D
Re: Flack & Stella

Haha oh yeah, totally forgot what day New Year's Eve is on. Duh! LOL.

Thanks for the Fiesta wishes, Mandy! Hope you all have a great Christmas... and just picture this: Stella and Flack curled up by the fire opening gifts and just spending the day in each other's arms ;)
Re: Flack & Stella

De nada! ;)

I can totally picture our favorite couple doing just that and so much more! I'm thinking very naughty things they could do with each other. :lol: :devil:
Re: Flack & Stella

I figured I should bump this thread a little bit. Has it really been three days since someone posted???

Mandy, you read my mind... spending the day in bed, cuddling and, um, other things ;) What resolutions do you think our lovely couple are going to make?
Re: Flack & Stella

Has it really been three days? I haven't posted in here since then because I haven't gotten over my Christmas hangover! Just kidding! Seriously, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrations really took a toll on me. Just spent Boxing Day in bed sleeping until past lunch. I know, what a bum, right? :lol:

Ladies with their minds perpetually stuck in the gutter think alike! :lol: :lol:

Resolutions...I'll keep you hanging on that one. I know I'm being coy on this one. :lol: I'll try to squeeze that into my fic, which by the way, I'm in the middle of writing! Hopefully, I'll be able to post it in time for New Year's.


FYI, Happily Never After will air on January 9th. :)
Re: Flack & Stella

Haha I know what you mean about the holidays Mandy! They certainly take their toll on all of us.

We DO have our mind perpetually in the gutter, and we are proud of it!

Oh yay! I am looking forward to your fic... I am actually in the middle of writing a late Christmas fic :D
Re: Flack & Stella

Yeah, I know the holiday celebrations can get pretty tiring. New Year's will be the same for me, two long days of celebrations. :lol: As for Flack and Stella, I'm sure it can get tiring for them but in a different context. :devil: I can see them getting exhausted from all the celebrating in bed! :lol: :devil:

Yeah, proud to have my mind perpetually stuck in the gutter! :lol:

Looking forward to that fic of yours fg! :D

P.S. I couldn't resist posting since the last post was a certain unlucky number. Gah! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

My New Years will probably be low-key... just hanging out with friends and having a few drinks :)

I will let you know as soon as my fic goes up! Let us know when yours does, Mandy.
Re: Flack & Stella

New Year's in both sides of my family is never low-key. :lol: We love to eat and talk and talk and talk... :lol: For sure, I am going to get stuffed and smashed! :lol:

No prob...I will also let you guys know as soon as I have posted my fic. :D
Re: Flack & Stella

Hi ladies! I finally finished the first chapter of my New Year's fic. You can find it here. I'm not sure when I'll be able to post the next chapter since my New Year's Eve celebrations will probably start in a few hours' time.

Anyway, have a happy and safe New Year! Mwah! :)
Re: Flack & Stella

Yay for a new fic!!! I will eventually post mine, PROMISE, even if it is a tad late for Christmas :)

Have a great New Year's ladies... Flack and Stella are wishing you a great one, too, I am sure ;)
Re: Flack & Stella

I'm looking forward to that Christmas fic. Never mind if Christmas is over. Better late than never, right?

Yes, have a great Fiesta New Year! I'm actually just sneaking this in. New Year's Eve celebrations have kicked off for me with relatives crawling all over the place! :lol: :lol: :D
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey ladies! Happy New Year! Anyway, I just wanted to say that my PC crashed and I don't know when I'll be able to post here. Also, I don't know when I'll be able to update my fic. Grrrr... (I'm just using my cousin's PC)

Anyway, have a fun Fiesta New Year! Don't get smashed like I did! ;) :lol:
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