Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Hahaha, Mariel! :lol: Stella would have your head for stalking her man! And then they would have to have you arrested! Oh Flack, you're too pretty for your own good...What with you being such a babe magnet! :lol: Speaking of a cruise, a Scandinavian cruise would be lovely as well. Or one nearer to home, a cruise around the Caribbean. :D

And about the warning, no problem, glad I could help. As for double posting, you have 24 hours to edit your post. We were new here once too. :lol: So if you have any questions just check out the FAQ section. ;)
Re: Flack & Stella

Yay! New page! You ladies have been busy posting... sorry I haven't been around much... Christmastime chaos has settled in.

Haha, come on, you guys can't leave the gutter, it's what keeps us warm... Sharing a bath, huh? So freaking hot!
Re: Flack & Stella

No worries fg...I know all about Christmas chaos settling in. Too busy to have time for yourself. :lol:

Don't worry, we won't leave you alone in the gutter! :lol: Just thinking about our favorite couple doing naughty things to each other is enough to keep us warm. :lol: :devil: :lol:

Anyway, to celebrate the Christmas holidays, I made this as a sort of early Christmas gift to you ladies. Enjoy! Mwah! :D

Re: Flack & Stella

As long as you guys don't abandon me, I am good!

Thanks for the lovely Christmas gift... their beautiful faces will hold us over til new eps...
Re: Flack & Stella

You're welcome fg. ;) Yup their beautiful faces will tide us over until we get new episodes, plus I'll just have to content myself with watching my Seasons 1-3 DVDs. :lol:

I'm still thinking of the Fiesta honeymoon we were talking about. Anyway, I was listening to my iPod while waiting in line at the supermarket and one of my favorite songs came up on my playlist. It's called Ever After by Bonnie Bailey. It's house/dance music which is perfect for a beach setting. So perfect that the DJs in Marbella and Ibiza play it. While listening to it, of course, I imagined Flack and Stella at the beach. :lol: I think you guys will love the video (especially you Carly) since pictures of the beach or tropical paradise are shown in it. Plus the lyrics are perfect! It's such a catchy song that you'll want to dance along! :lol: Anyway, what do you guys think?
Re: Flack & Stella

I need to get season 3 on DVD, but being without a job makes that difficult.

I got really excited when I looked at the CSI NY my DVR had recorded because it still said "Happily Never After" but then the episode started and it was that boat one..l. SIGH.
Re: Flack & Stella

Grrr...Stupid CBS, making us wait until next year for new episodes! I want my Fiesta now! :lol: I guess fanfics will have to do until the new year plus DVDs and pictures and my naughty and overactive imagination! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Yup, fics are gonna have to tide us over... now if someone will just write one, hehe ;) Oh, and I am thinking of writing that Gift of the Magi fic but I can't think of what each of them would give up for the other... Any ideas?
Re: Flack & Stella

hahaha! Flack giving up his fugly ties! :lol: Or his love for food...:lol: Stella giving up shoes. I think she loves shoes. Actually, I don't know what these two would give up for the other. Flack, dating other women? Just for Stella. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Hahahaha I don't think Stella would feel guilty if he were to give up his ties, she would probably rejoice. Thanks for the ideas though, Mandy, maybe it will get me thinking of something!
Re: Flack & Stella

Hahaha! I know...Stella would probably be the first to throw out those fugly ties! :lol: As for more ideas, I'm sure you'll be able to think of something they could give up for the other. :)
Re: Flack & Stella

Aww thanks Mandy :)

New question, what do you think they are gonna do for New Years? My idea? He is gonna take her to some swanky sushi restaurant or maybe French or Italian, then they are going to a small gathering with their closest friends. On New Years Day, they will have off, so they will spend all day at home, just being together ;)

Oh, I just noticed I am now a "Witness." Woot!
Re: Flack & Stella

Congrats fg, on reaching your 100th post. ;)

New Year's, eh? I'm actually still thinking about that for my fic! Crap! I'm still at a loss...But your idea is so Flack!! Best way to a man's heart is through his stomach and we know how Flack just loves his food! :lol: I love the idea of Flack and Stella just spending the day off together at home...Quality time in bed comes into mind! ;) :lol: :devil: :lol:


OMG! Check this out! Flack and Stella as Santa's elves! :lol: :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Thanks, Mandy!

Quality time in bed is pretty much what I had in mind ;) I need to work on a fic since I did promise to write one, haha.

OMG, that link you posted is hilarious! Thanks for sharing.
Re: Flack & Stella

I know! Stella and Flack dancing. What comes to mind is them slow dancing to a love song...But this was too funny to pass up! Dressed as Santa's elves, dancing like idiots! Too cute, I couldn't resist! :lol:
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