Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

The HUG. GUH. I just love that scene and I play it over and over. My DVDs might be worn out!

"When you don't drive...we don't eat. Do you at least have some crackers in the glove box?" :lol:
Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

Welcome CSINYGal88 to the Fiesta Love Forum. :D So what about Flack and Stella that drew you to them as a 'ship? :D

Haha, you're not the only one. My DVDs are pretty worn out too from overwatching episodes. :lol:
Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

If Mac can't have Stella, then I'd go with Flack. They're both snarky and funny. They fit together somehow. I guess it would be my second in line.

I would be happy with either one.

Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

Yup, that's what I like about Flack and Stella as well. The banter. Flack is such a smart mouth while Stella gives as good as she gets. The dialogue between them produces some of the funniest moments on screen. :lol: Plus, it helps that they're such good-looking people. :p
Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

Hey guys,

Just a reminder that posts in shipper central threads must contain at least three lines of on topic discussion about your ship. Please make sure you adhere to this rule.

Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

Hey ladies...Where are all of you? Anyway, this thread was already floundering on the second page. It's been a week since anyone posted in here. So what the heck. I'm just reviving this.

How about a screencap to get things started in here.

Since it's raining hard here at the moment. How about a pic of a very wet Flack and Stella from Rain. :drool: :devil: :drool: Flack looks really sexy all the time. But he looks even hotter when he got wet. :devil: Now who wouldn't want to peel off that wet leather jacket off of his body to see what's underneath it. :guffaw:


Flack: 'Stella looks amazing wet...or dry!'
Stella: 'I'd love to rip that leather jacket off of him!'

Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

Hey! *waves*

It's my first time posting in here. I'm still pretty new to shipping Fiesta. I don't even know how I started, but it just happened during writing a fic. :lol: And I agree, they look really good wet.

Nice picture, mandy9578! I needed a bit to remember which episode and scene this one is from. I haven't watched season 1 in ages. :lol: I really liked this scene. And
Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

So I post in here from time to time and I was wondering besides Rain, what are other good season one Flack/Stella episodes?

Brina! Good to see you here! And mandy loving that picture! :drool:
Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

Hey ladies...Where are all of you? Anyway, this thread was already floundering on the second page. It's been a week since anyone posted in here. So what the heck. I'm just reviving this.

I'm here. I enjoyed "Rain." This was around the time I began to ship Flack and Stella together. They were pumped with adrenalin, and bounced off each other in their responses to each other. Such an intense episode.
They need to get wet again. :drool:
Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

Hey, a new face! Welcome Brinchen to our offbeat 'ship. *waves back* :D So, you've written an F/S fic? I manage the F/S Community over at ff.net. I'll PM you about it soon.

Kiane and Megan, welcome back as well.

To answer Brinch's question, the screen cap is from Rain and yes, they do look so hot wet! :lol:

To answer Megan's question, 'Til Death Do We Part and The Fall are really good season one episodes Flack/Stella-wise. We got the title of this thread from the former episode. Also, you'll see Flack and Stella butt heads a bit in it. ;) As for The Fall, Flack goes to Stella for help regarding a friend and mentor.

I agree with you Kiane, Rain was pretty intense. And yes, they do need to get wet again! :guffaw::devil:
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Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

Thanks for the welcoming!! :)

I think I have to rewatch 'Rain', I haven't seen it for such a long time. And I think I also have to rewatch the other two season 1 episodes you mentioned. Yesterday I watched 'Bad Beat'. I really liked the scene where Stella said she's playing poker sometimes and Flack says she's not able to keep a straight face. :lol: That was an adorable scene!
Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

You're welcome Brina! ;)

Hahaha, I love that scene from Bad Beat. As you've mentioned, that particular scene was so adorable. Flack's observation and quip about Stella having no poker face whatsover is so spot on. Stella's so passionate that she has a hard time reining in her feelings and emotions. Flack is similar as well. He can be such a hot-head when dealing with suspects. They seem to be cut from the same mold. That's why there were some clashes between them in season one. After that, well, we still have to see them clash again. :lol:
Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

I like how similar they are. I always love to see them in a scene together.

'Bad Beat' was a really great episode. I also liked the scene later, when they wanted to find out the name of their suspect and Flack broke the cigars. :lol: Great scene! And of course I loved the interaction between them in 'All Access'. Poor Stella. And Flack was there for her. Really sweet!

Which other scenes would you recomment?
Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

Yeah, they pretty much have the same traits. They're both passionate, hot-blooded people. :lol:

Yeah, I love that cigar scene. It's like they know what the other is thinking. I love how they work so seamlessly together. :lol:

As for episodes to recommend, I'd have to get back to you since I've got to get my episode names straight! :lol: But All Access comes to mind.
Re: Flack/Stella #2 - "When You Drive, We Don't Eat."

I would also recommend "Three Generations Are Enough" and "Till Death Do We Part."

Till Death Do We Part - Flack and Stella, with Aiden, were investigating a death in the Staten Island Monastery. There was a fun moment where they called Flack "chicken", as they entered a haunted building.

Three Generations Are Enough - Flack assisted Stella investigating the death of a counselor at a church.