Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

You're welcome, Steph! :D Screencaps would be nice, because I can't post pics for some reason. :( I always love Lindsay and Flack staying next to each other, when you can see how much taller Flack is. :lol: That always looks adorable. My favourite of those screencaps is the one from Stealing Home in the interrogation room. I'm sure Meg has a screencap of that. ;)

:lol: Oh, now I can see so many funny scenes happening when Lindsay is pregnant. And we'll get the funny scenes from 5x04 and the scene with Flack's sister. Yay!
Well I know they have worked in Stealing Home together and Fare Game I think it was? Both are in season two. I can't think of any from season three right now. Season four there is the infamous Child's Play where they both were complaining about Laughing Larry and Stella was giving them funny looks :lol:

Well it turns out Anna Belknap is pregnant and they are going to write it into the season. :p I don't know how Flack is going to respond to a pregnant Lindsay. He probably would be so afraid how to handle her :lol:

Wow pregnant again! Of course I hope it's Flack's but if not I hope it isn't anyone on the team. It might take away from the CSI aspect of it. And I hope it isn't a terrible experience for her character.

I think A Daze Of Wine And Roaches had Lindsay, Flack & Danny. It's where we learn that both Lindsay & Flack like wine.

CSI Screencaps is a great place for screencaps!
Thanks for the tips Danielle. :D I'm going to have a little poke about and find some cute caps, and then make some cute F/M icons. :adore: I'll keep you all posted on the outcome. ;) Oh, I really am looking forward to some cute new F/M scenes this season. They really need more scenes together, and this season is looking good for that. :D
With learning that the baby is going to be Danny's (there is a article on the front page that says so) do you think Flack could raise another man's baby especially if it's his friends'? I think Flack would find Lindsay a very sexy single mom.
With learning that the baby is going to be Danny's (there is a article on the front page that says so) do you think Flack could raise another man's baby especially if it's his friends'? I think Flack would find Lindsay a very sexy single mom.

I don't think so to be honest. He is Danny's best friend and I see him being a friend to both Danny and Lindsay right now. I don't think it would be the best interest to make a love triangle going on between the three. Flack has loyalty to both of them and he probably wouldn't want to mess with it. I do agree that Lindsay is going to be one sexy mama :lol:

Oh Steph, I can't remember if I told you this but Buzzkill from season four has great scenes between the two. And like Danielle stated CSI-Caps is a great website to go off on. ;)
Time to bring this thread back. :D

Thanks for all of the advice on good FM scenes, I'm currently having FM withdrawls, so I'll keep these in mind when I'm planning my viewing. :D I'm really looking forward to them having some scenes together, especially ones which give people the wrong idea about their relationship. :adore: That is going to be an awesome scene, can't wait to see it. Neither Don nor Lindsay have had very much screentime this season, so it'll be nice to see them on screen together again. :D
Well we are bound to have more scenes with them together! Remember we have had only three episodes and so far the episodes have been all Mac centric :shifty: *cough*

They just need to work together period end of story. The banter between these two or so easy and fun to watch and lets hope the writers get that figured out. I need for the show to be more light hearted and Don and Lindsay do just that!
I agree Meg, Don and Lindsay do bring fun to the show, I always love to see their scenes, the banter between them is always alot of fun to watch, I think they should have lots more scenes together. Not that I'm biased or anything. :lol:
So I heard that there is going to be a good prank that Lindsay does on Flack. From what I heard it has something to do with the dolls on the case. Seriously what can Lindsay do to Detective Flack??? :lol: I haven't seen conniving Lindsay since the beginning of the last season so I am anxious to see what it is!

I also want to know what the heck they are doing in the future episode where Sam thinks they are dating...

Steph biased? :lol: Oh sure you aren't! My dream is too see FM working with Adam to solve a case. I need a light episode at the moment and I know Flack and Monroe can deliver for us!
Oh, I would love to see Flack, Lindsay and Adam working together! That would be totally awesome!

I just realised that next week 'Buzzkill' will air here!! I can't really remember what it was about, but I'm happy to see Flack and Lindsay sharing some scenes in it.

I also loved 'A Daze Of Wine And Roaches' and the wine conversation.

The scene where Lindsay pranks Flack is in episode 5x04, right? Means next episode! Yay! I'm excited to see that scene!! And I'm excited to see Flack's reaction when he finds out Lindsay is pregnant.
Give me a recap when you watch it because I can't remember anything from that episode at all! :eek: As much as this pains me to say this but so far the best interaction between Flack and Lindsay came from Child's Play I thought. I still think the way the episode was filmed and edited was a little messed up but still glad that I was able to enjoy some good Flack and Monroe moments. ;)

Oh boy I bet Flack is going to be scared of hormonal Lindsay in the future. But I think that when Lindsay comes to tell him about it, I see the protective Flack that I love so much :adore: He will be such a caring and considerate gentleman to Lindsay
To be honest, I can't remember the FM scenes in Child's Play, would someone be willing to help me refresh my memory?

I agree Meg, I think Don will be scared of a pregnant and hormonal Lindsay to begin with, but after a while he'll get used to it. I also can imagine him being a perfect gentleman, he'll be totally protective of her, I think all of the men in the lab will be, I bet it will drive her crazy, but it'll make some cute viewing.

Brina, yup, it's the next ep in which Don and Lindsay will be working together, I read something about them finding out that Sam gets fired from her job, then they meet her somewhere, I hope the storyline about Sam thinking they are together still stands, that would be so cute. :adore:
It had to do with Laughing Larry, the guy who had all these AMAZING gadgets only to fool the customer with a lame product. Both Lindsay and Flack had been conned by Laughing Larry in their childhood. It was rather depressing actually because of what ended up happening which I can't really seem to explain well here.

And because I thought that this thread deserves a picture, I thought I would post one of my personal favorites, Brina, you'll recognize it ;)
:lol: Meg, why did I know you'd say that? :lol: I love Stealing Home!!!!!!!It looks so funny when they're standing next to each other. Flack is so tall and Lindsay is so short. Totally adorable!!

Actually I'm not sure I want to watch Child's Play when it airs here, it is so incredibly heartbreaking and sad. I know I would cry. But anyway I'd like to see the scenes from the Laughing Larry case. Meg, do you have screencaps from this episode as well?
I will look around and see if I have any because Flack and Lindsay had some really adorable scenes together in that episode. Quite a shame that I can't enjoy the actual episode. :( It was all around too depressing of an episode. NY really needs to lighten up, maybe do a musical episode? FM singing a Broadway tune? :guffaw: