Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

I will look around and see if I have any because Flack and Lindsay had some really adorable scenes together in that episode. Quite a shame that I can't enjoy the actual episode. :( It was all around too depressing of an episode. NY really needs to lighten up, maybe do a musical episode? FM singing a Broadway tune? :guffaw:

:lol: I totally love that idea. A musical episode! That would be funny to watch. I would love to see them sing.

I hope you find some nice screencaps. :D I don't really remember much from the Laughing Larry case. I also think it didn't really fit into this episode. One case was so sad, the other was almost funny. But we got some nice FM moments. They're funny together. Nice to know they're connected by the Laughing Larry. I can't wait for the pics. ;)
I will look around and see if I have any because Flack and Lindsay had some really adorable scenes together in that episode. Quite a shame that I can't enjoy the actual episode. :( It was all around too depressing of an episode. NY really needs to lighten up, maybe do a musical episode? FM singing a Broadway tune? :guffaw:
Oh my word, a musical ep would be so awesome, although I doubt that TPTB would have the guts to do anything that drastic incase it failed miserably, it's mean to be a *semi* serious show... But now that would be funny. :lol: Oh, I remember now, thanks for the little recap of Child's Play, I hope you find some caps, I need some more cute FM pics. I loved them together in Stealing Home, you're right Brina, it's so cute, how he's so much taller than her. :adore:
Like I already said somewhere else (or in here?) I love them and their interrogations scenes. They're a great team! Like in Cool Hunter and Stealing Home. Those are the two episodes where I know they did them together, and they were cool. :lol: Tiny Lindsay and tall Flack, both determined to make the suspect talk. Are there any other episodes where they interrogated a suspect together? I don't remember any other at the moment. Oh, and screencaps would be nice as well. ;) I think I still can't post pictures yet.
So you guys asked for screencaps of FM from Child's Play? I have found a bunch for you and I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. Flack...:drool:


And this is from Snow Day, I loved this little scene of them both being concerned for someone they love:
Aww, thank you, Meg! You're the best! Now a few quotes would be nice as well. ;) Just kidding. :lol:

They look really good in that screencaps. And wow, Lindsay's hair is very short!! I think I have to watch that episode, because I want to see the scenes from the Laughinmg Larry case.

And I agree with you, Meg. I love the screencap from Snow Day- both are looking so concerned. No surprise. Snow Day really had great moments for everyone.
Aww, they are so cute, thanks so much Meg, you're awesome *hugs*, I especially love the last one, they both look great in those vests. The second one is also adorable. :adore: I'm excited about them working together in the next ep, I hope we get lots of cute caps. :adore:
I can't wait for this weeks episode! It sounds like we will be having a great time! Maybe my wish for a light episode (well as light as a crime drama can be) might come true. Plus seeing Lindsay outside of the lab will be a nice change of scenery! :D Anna was probably dying to get outside and do something :lol:

And this is one of my all time favorite FM picture, it actually is the scene behind the name of this thread:
Meg, have I told you already that you're awesome? Well even if I have, I feel the need to reignstate it!! :D Thanks so much, that pic is so cute. It looks to me like she is staring at his butt... ;) But I mean can you blame her? :lol: I'm also hoping for some more light scenes, so I can't wait for this ep. :D
OK, so most of the golden FM moments come from season two. ;) Here we have the season two finale:

Fare Game anyone? I like how Hawkes is glaring at Flack! :lol:

Here we have Cool Hunter and Lindsay is amusing Flack with her touristy ways :lol:

and Flack's reaction :adore:

I love his tie in this picture! :guffaw:
*Tackles Meg again* Thank you, thank you, thank you my dear. Lindsay looks so pretty is the first one, it's no wonder that Don's staring at her. :adore: Haha the second one is so cute, looks like Hawkes is a little jealous of Don. ;) Aww, I love their banter, the third one is so cute, and his expression - rawrrr!! :devil: :lol: But as for the tie, it's fugly. :p
But what would Flack be without his fugly ties? *runs from Kristine's evil glare* :lol: I think Lindsay should be a good friend *cough* and help Flack pick out his ties because seriously....:guffaw:

Here is fourth season, Buzzkill actually :D

and look at that Flack is giving her candy! BFF forever for sure!
:lol: I love the screencaps!! Thanks for posting them, Meg! I agree with you. They should go shopping and she should help him with finding good looking ties. ;) :lol:

Thanks for the Buzzkill picture. The episode will air here tonight. I don't really remember what happened in it, but I'm looking forward to some funny, nice FM moments.

Is the second picture from Buzzkill as well? Flack's expression in that one is really adorable. :lol:
Yup Brina, they are both from Buzzkill, I love that ep, they had some great moments working together. :D They always look so cute together, and their banter is always fun to watch. :D I love their expressions in the first one. :adore: So cute. Thanks Meg deary. *Hugs*

As for Lindsay taking him out shopping, oh my word, that would be so cute, I'd love to see her make him model all of the clothes, I bet she'd have a lot of fun, and he'd be so bored. :lol: It would be so cute though. :adore: I'm sure she'd be able to make it up to him though. :devil:
Glad you guys enjoyed the pictures, hopefully we shall get more of them as the season progresses :D

:( Well sad news of showing Flack and Angell making eyes on each other. I think Lindsay as his friend at least would strongly advise against Flack making a move on Angell. There is something about this relationship that doesn't sit well with me. I think this is the same episode where Sam mistakes Flack and Lindsay dating. :shifty: Are the writers trying to make Flack into the new manwhore? :brickwall: I hope the writers learned to avoid this mistake!
Glad you guys enjoyed the pictures, hopefully we shall get more of them as the season progresses :D

It was funny him pretending to "pick-up" the doll. Made Lindsay smile. Wow them joking about being married was great! Then him ending with saying he would get her back. Oh the ways he could!!!
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