Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

The greatest thing about these two is that their scenes aren't too obvious unlike the D/L scenes, but it's enough to give us shippers what we want. Like the "Block party" scene in season 2 finale, and the "How many nunbers did you get" scene in the season 3 premiere. Hopefully we get more scenes like that in the recent season.

They could have more fun together since they like some of the same things as hinted in other episodes, but are still different.
They have some really cute scenes! I loved them working together in Child's Play. Them talking about Laughing Larry was just so cute! :D

One of my current wishes is to see them work on a case by themselves. They have a great working relationship going for them and this would be a perfect chance for them to develop more of a great friendship.
I think I agree with everything you guys already said. :D Yesterday I watched the beginning scene from Charge Of This Post again. And I agree, the Laughing Larry scene from Child's Play was nice. Unfortunately they don't work together that often. I'd love to see more of their friendship. Maybe next season. :)
Has anyone heard any spoilers about our FM couple yet? Since Lindsay is free at the start of this season I hope we maybe hear about some bonding between her & Flack. But of course I hope to actually see alittle on screen! Come on TPTB give us a little FM.
Hey, I was wondering if there was a Lindsay/Flack thread... I've just started shipping them... I was on ff.net and came across some FM fanfics, I thought they'd be interestign as I'd never thought about them in that way before, but I read some fics, and instantly fell in love with them. I'd really love for something to happen between them...

Oh, sorry, I seem to have forgotten my manners, I never introduced myself... Hey there, I'm Steph. :D
Steph! I agree they are cute, but I prefer seeing their playful banter with each other ;)

I want to see our tall, friendly giant of a detective being all protective of Miss Monroe. I think Flack is the perfect guy to help Lindsay get back to her fun loving self that we all loved in the second season and the first part of the fourth season. :D
Hey, I was wondering if there was a Lindsay/Flack thread... I've just started shipping them... I was on ff.net and came across some FM fanfics, I thought they'd be interestign as I'd never thought about them in that way before, but I read some fics, and instantly fell in love with them. I'd really love for something to happen between them...

Oh, sorry, I seem to have forgotten my manners, I never introduced myself... Hey there, I'm Steph. :D

Welcome aboard! Yeah some of the fanfics for FM are great. And most of them have what I think is one the best things about our couple which is their great humor.

eveninstarz14 I would just love to see them perhaps hanging at a bar, Flack trying to make Lindsay laugh and then they get a call to go to a scene. Then they can continue building up their banter at the scene with each other. Leaving everyone else to wonder if anything is going on.
Oh to see a bar scene at all would be nice. Major bonus points if it includes Flack and Lindsay. Lord knows we need to see her smiling and happy again. ;) This show seriously lacks light heartedness and humor and that is one of the main reasons I love seeing Flack and Lindsay working together. I was bummed by them not having any scenes last night.

BTW, you can call me Megan, makes things easier don't you think? ;)
Thanks for the welcome CSI_Watcher. I agree FM fanfics are awesome, we get to see their humour, like you said, which is awesome. I'd also love to see a scene between them in a bar, I'd love to hear them bantering together. Gosh, I love Don and Lindsay, I think they'd make an adorable couple. :adore: I can imagine Don being all protective of her, that would be so cute. :adore:
Oh to see a bar scene at all would be nice. Major bonus points if it includes Flack and Lindsay. Lord knows we need to see her smiling and happy again. ;) This show seriously lacks light heartedness and humor and that is one of the main reasons I love seeing Flack and Lindsay working together. I was bummed by them not having any scenes last night.

BTW, you can call me Megan, makes things easier don't you think? ;)

I will try to remember you name but I make no promises. Mine is Danielle if that helps everyone. :thumbsup:

Yeah it's always a bummer when they don't. I think they bring a unique outlook to their jobs & to the rest of the group. Especially since Lindsay is newer to the profession & Flack well is a bit of an outsider because he is the cop.

Adorable_Crazy No problem! Love having new people into the mix. I think Flack would love to protect her but I also think he would know she could take care of herself as well. :) Or she would at least try.
Thanks Danielle, and if you remember, you can call me Steph. ;)

I agree, I think Don would love to protect her, but like you said, he would also let her take care of herself. Lindsay has a stubborn side, but I think deep down, she'd like to be protected by him. :adore: I mean what woman could resist that Don Flack charm? :luvlove: I also agree with what you said about Don and Lindsay both bringing a unique outlook to their jobs. :D Oh gosh, I'm really looking forward to some great Don/Lindsay scenes this season. :adore:
Hey! *waves* Because everyone is saying there names, mine is Brina. :D

Oh, I would also love to see a bar scene, and I would be totally happy if it was with Lindsay and Flack. I love to see them together, especially when they're bantering. I hope this season we'll get a lot of scenes with them together.

Like I already said in the Lindsay thread, there's going to be episode 5x04 where they'll work together- I can't wait for that. And there's another one where they'll be teamed up, but right now I don't remember which episode that is.
Hello Brina and everyone else!

I think since Flack is so protective, I would love to see him rescue Lindsay from a situation. Although we haven't really seen Lindsay out in the field which makes me a little upset. I think with Flack protecting her she shouldn't have any problems ;)

Did you guys read about the spoiler where Flack's sister Sam mistakes for Flack and Lindsay dating? :lol: That should be really cute to see, especially since Angell is there and supposed to more flirting :rolleyes:
*Waves* Hi Brina. :D

Yay, I'm really excited about the prospect of more scenes with Flack and Lindsay working together, I hope we get lots of banter between them. :adore: Squeee, I'm so excited. :D

Oh like you said Meg, I'd love to see Don having to rescue Lindsay from a dangerous situation, that would be so cute. He'd be so protective of her, and would ignore her stubbornes... :adore:

Oh my word... *Screams* That's so exciting, I really hope that we get a scene when Sam thinks Don and Lindsay are dating, that would be soooo adorable. :adore: :adore: :adore:
:lol: I knew you would like that dear! I have to say that I am anxious to see how it will be played out! I mean what could they possibly be doing to make Sam think that??? Maybe we shall see that protective side that Don has for everyone and Sam misinterpret that? Oh, I seriously can't wait to see it!

Here is to more banter scenes between them! Seriously Lindsay seems to bring out the goofy and fun side of Flack that I love so much so it should be fun to see. It would be interesting to see a more serious side between the two. As to what, I am not sure at the moment :lol: