Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

I thought it was a one-night stand look. Flack looks like he wants more and he needs to know what Lindsay feels, what she wants, because this waiting is killing him. Lindsay looks like she's thinking about something, sort of judging her feelings for Flack.

God, I love them both so much. *squee*

Edit: Also, I finished the fanmix. I'll post it tomorrow because it's basically one in the morning here and I don't want to right now.
SP you post whenever you want. We can wait, I mean look at our couple. If they can wait so can we.

Sometimes I think the look more like Flack is saying you know we would be good together and we would have fun. I wouldn't push you. And she is thinking about it. He is a good man. Someone you can count on. ;)
I posted the fanmix here at my fanfiction journal on LJ. I made it friends only because LiveJournal is a bitch about downloading music. If you're not a member of LJ, I guess I could email the fanmix to you.
Thanks SP!

Well tomorrow is the last night for awhile that we might get any real interaction but has anyone thought of some inbetween stuff.
I have a great idea for a goodbye fic. I'm going to write it tonight because it practically writes itself. Title: "Let It Lie."

I was very disappointed that Lindsay didn't say goodbye to Flack on the show. They may not have had oodles of screentime, but they were friends. Colleagues at the very least. It makes me sad.
I'm really excited for your ficcie. :D

As much as I wanted my scene of Mac telling her he already knew, I agree. I wanted to see Flackie wish her well tell her good luck, he'll see her later, or he'll call her or something.. but nooo. It would've been nice though.

Wheres the screencaps CW8?? :D
Okay. Fic has been posted at my LJ: flyicarus. Since most of you already know where that is, I'm not going to post the link. If you don't you can PM me because I don't know but sometimes posting links to fics and fanvids is against the rules.

What I really wanted Flack to do was be all, Lindsay don't go I love you please come into my bed. But that is fantasy, ladies and gentlemen. So maybe just a goodbye Monroe, good luck on that court thing and I know you'll do great, you're braver than you give yourself credit for. I'll see you when you get back.

But no. TPTB ignore any interaction between the two of them. Even Messer got a card. *pouts* Whatever. I'll just write more fic.

Random Question: How would you have had Lindsay say goodbye to Flack, or vice versa?
Patience, CathStokes have a little patience woman.

In TV reality I really could have seen her talking to him while he was driving up to CT. In my reality I was thinking along the line of him going to the airport with her. A small talk with a hug and a promise of more of everything. ;)
Waiting for the screencap site to update so I can post some new pics. So is anyone writing anything new? I did read a nice little fic the yesterday at LJ.
I'm writing a nice one, written between 3.02 and 3.03. It's geared toward the prompt of "repression" and I've decided that it's going to be on Lindsay's side. Remember Flack's fanclub at the beginning of 3.01, and how Lindsay teased him about getting phonenumbers from some of the fangirls? Well, I've decided that she's really into him and that she ended up really upset that he does go on a date with one of them. :|

It will sound a lot better when it's in fic form, I promise you.

Random Question: If one of the pair had to like Harry Potter, which one do you think would totally fangirl those books: Flack or Lindsay?
Flack, hands down. Flackie will pwn the books :D

I'm counting on that whole, "It'll sound better in fic form" cause you confuse me.. which is kinda but not really hard to do.

I have no patience.. I think I lost it last year, got pics yet, CW8?? :D
I was thinking Flack as well. I can totally see him (in crack!fic form) being all, "omgz july 21st, i can't wait!!1! new book and new movie and where's my gryffindor scarf?!?!"

You know that he has a crush on Hermione (which he keeps secret because she is, after all, seventeen) because she's beautiful and smart and everything he could want in a woman. She kind of reminds him of Lindsay. Or vice versa.

OMG. Flack/Lindsay bonding fic, set in the summer of HP-geekery. Flack is so going to a HP release party. Date much?
Don't worry SP you didn't lose me in the whole explaining thing you did. Sorry CathStokes no pics yet :(

where's my gryffindor scarf?!?!
Well that made me believe he was all fangirl about HP in a big way.