Flack/Angell #1 - This Is How Sexy Looks

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I just wish that F/A won't end up like D/L. D/L is just too rushed.
They talk something forensic like sodium hypochlorite and the next moment they wake up together on a pool table.
Just want F/A to take it slow too.
Can't wait for 5x13 and 5x19. x33

Flack's speaking Gaelic and Angell's speaking French. ;D
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Flack's speaking Gaelic and Angell's speaking French. ;D
Ooh, I love multilingual couples! And Don speaking Gaelic is one of the great parts of his Irish heritage. Jess speaking French may give us a clue about her nationality though... I know that Emmanuelle is French-Canadian so maybe that's being paralleled to Jess. But seriously, I really want to see them speak to each other in Gaelic and French. Do you think they'd teach each other a few words?
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Flack's speaking Gaelic and Angell's speaking French. ;D
Ooh, I love multilingual couples! And Don speaking Gaelic is one of the great parts of his Irish heritage. Jess speaking French may give us a clue about her nationality though... I know that Emmanuelle is French-Canadian so maybe that's being paralleled to Jess. But seriously, I really want to see them speak to each other in Gaelic and French. Do you think they'd teach each other a few words?
That would be cool. I think Flack would really like Angell speaking French to him. I know EV speaks French in real life. I wonder if EC speaks Gaelic in real life or did he have to lean it for the eppie.
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Hm... well, you'd think that TPTB would have him speak it if he knew it. Although, there's a possibility that they wanted a language he could speak if they wanted Emmanuelle to speak French.

Although this opens a ton of doors of fun to consider. For example, Angell saying something to him in French and walking away, leaving poor Flack confused. Him countering in Gaelic would be hilarious, because neither would know what the other was talking about. *laughs*
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Angell saying something to him in French and walking away, leaving poor Flack confused. Him countering in Gaelic would be hilarious, because neither would know what the other was talking about.
That would be pretty cute and funny! :thumbsup: But I don't think they'll do that...considering the cheese it would generate. Don't get me wrong, I like F/A cheese but not in ginormous doses. After all, they are tough detectives and seeing mushy cheese...:shifty:
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Although this opens a ton of doors of fun to consider. For example, Angell saying something to him in French and walking away, leaving poor Flack confused. Him countering in Gaelic would be hilarious, because neither would know what the other was talking about. *laughs*

That would be awesome. ;D
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Although this opens a ton of doors of fun to consider. For example, Angell saying something to him in French and walking away, leaving poor Flack confused. Him countering in Gaelic would be hilarious, because neither would know what the other was talking about. *laughs*
cute. i wish they will do something like this. but not cheesy like. probably something like the 'you look good in a vest' flirting scene. makes me grin like a fool everytime i watch it. :lol:
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Cheesy scenes suck, I know. The hilarity of different languages is only good in a passing scene. Like, they're talking about something related to the case and when she walks away she mutters something. *laughs*

That scene with the vests cracks me up every time. It's just awesome because she can tell that he's looking at her and then just grins when he says it.

Although if they get interrupted so they can't continue one more time, I will be very unhappy...
I was laughing at the "You look good in a vest." scene because Flack somehow inserted the "But I bet you look better in a lot less" implication across. xD
I was laughing at the "You look good in a vest." scene because Flack somehow inserted the "But I bet you look better in a lot less" implication across. xD
it kinda rhymes too! :lol: i think that was the last light flirting scene they had. the stuff that happened in dead inside *ehem teh kiss ehem* is obviously not just "light flirting". i hope to see some in rush to judgement, before all the iab drama happens. :)
Well, some people think that French is a very sexy language, so I could see that even if Flack had no clue what Angell was saying, he would be very turned on just hearing her speak.
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Okay, just when I thought Angell couldn't be any more awesome:
-Did you see the look on her face when the guy knocked the cop over? It was so, I don't know, boredom that it was hilarious.
-"Hey, that's my desk!" :lol:

Oh, and was it just me hoping, or was there a slightly worried tone in her voice when she said, "Don... he's dead."

OH! OH! GUESS WHO WAS RIGHT! *laughs* You have no idea how loudly I went "OH!" when IA guy said that. I love that my parents didn't even ask.
Although I don't like the possibility of this causing problems between them. I'm sure Angell understands that he's stressed... or else the writers will have a very unhappy fan. *glares*

"High school wrestling team?"
"Four older brothers."
Hee, Angell's getting the good lines tonight.

By the way, guys, let's try to remember to have at least three lines on the topic, and to put spoilers on all future episodes in spoiler boxes. (The language stuff is, technically, a spoiler... I forgot too, but I'm going to try to remember in the future.)

Oh, and if the spoilers seem randomly dispersed, every new "paragraph" is an edit that I post as I watch.
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By the way, guys, let's try to remember to have at least three lines on the topic, and to put spoilers on all future episodes in spoiler boxes. (The language stuff is, technically, a spoiler... I forgot too, but I'm going to try to remember in the future.)
Thank you. I was just going to post about this. ANYTHING that will be in future episodes is considered spoilers and MUST be in the spoiler boxes..ANYTHING. If it hasn't aired in the US yet, it's a spoiler. ;) I'm going to go back and add the boxes in case any spoiler free posters come in here.

ETA: Also, discussion about tonight's episode must remain in spoiler boxes until it has aired in the ENTIRE US. That would be until 2am EST (GMT - 8).

Flack and Angell are on a scene and Angell speaks French to this guy. Flack walks by her and tells her that was the hottest thing he's ever heard and keeps moving to question a witness.
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^^ sorry 1CSIMfan! will do!

orginally posted by Sam-Maddy
I hope this thing with IAB doesn't drive a wedge between Don and Jess. This would be the perfect time for them to grow closer as she offers Don support and he turns to her to have someone to talk to. I'm gonna be pissed if the incident pushes them further apart.
umm, did this just happen right now? :shifty:

i am so glad that flack and angell had loads of screen time individually and together, and that finally tptb did "confirm" that they were "seeing each other". but that iab gossip scene was kinda filled with tension. but i'm not too worried. *glimpses 519 spoilers* :lol:
The funniest thing is that practically every thing that we were joking would happen... did happen. I was watching it and was, like, "Are you serious? IAB guy asked if they were seeing each other, and Angell said exactly what we thought she would." *laughs* I think we've been watching this show too long... we're getting things right that we probably shouldn't be so accurate about.
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