Flack/Angell #1 - This Is How Sexy Looks

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^^i know! hahaha!

Tciddaisc posted:
IAB: So, tell me, Detective Angell, are you defending Detective Flack because the two of you are in a relationship?
ANGELL: :wtf: Wait, what? Repeat that, please?
IAB: Are you and Detective Flack seeing each other?
ANGELL: Uh... What makes you ask? :shifty:
IAB: Somebody saw the two of you together, outside of work. So I'm asking.
ANGELL: ...Right... I missed when you told me why my relationship with Detective Flack, personal or professional, is of any concern of yours.

wow. you mostly got it right! :lol:
The funniest thing is that practically every thing that we were joking would happen... did happen. I was watching it and was, like, "Are you serious? IAB guy asked if they were seeing each other, and Angell said exactly what we thought she would." *laughs* I think we've been watching this show too long... we're getting things right that we probably shouldn't be so accurate about.

I'm so proud. :guffaw:
By the way, guys, let's try to remember to have at least three lines on the topic
I'm serious, guys, I don't want to get our thread blocked.

Comments I made while rewatching, about F/A:
-Definitely!Canon (Squee)
-How much do I love Angell basically backtalking to IA?
-Aw, Flack/Angell scene that isn't really flirty/snarky. I'm strangely fascinated.
-Angell has a point. Whether it's important at that moment or not, the fact that they're seeing each other affects for how much credit IA takes her statements about Flack.
-The review pointed out what I too found interesting: Angell confronts Flack (in a not-too-accusing tone), and he points out that he has more pressing things on his mind. And- take note, DL- Angell doesn't get offended or defensive. She just gives him a slight smile, nods, and leaves. Because he does have other things to worry about, and I believe that she accepts that. I don't think it'll cause problems between them.

-Interesting future thought- Flack and Angell are together, so if something does happen to her with the Diakos thing... I so want to see that episode.

Angell smiling slightly at Flack (See Point #5):

Angell not demanding that her problems are more important than Flack's (Also Point #5):

(Some days, I swear I'm asking for it... :lol:)

Flack and Angell are on a scene and Angell speaks French to this guy. Flack walks by her and tells her that was the hottest thing he's ever heard and keeps moving to question a witness.
For some reason as I'm reading this all I keep picturing is Flack walking past, saying that, Angell giving him a look, and some poor French guy standing there being confused. :guffaw:
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Thanks for posting the pics!!!
-Angell has a point. Whether it's important at that moment or not, the fact that they're seeing each other affects for how much credit IA takes her statements about Flack.
That's my take on the situation too. I thought Angell was more worried if they would believe what she said about Flack. She just wanted to make sure that Flack didn't get in any trouble.
I don't feel like re-typing what I wrote on the episode board, so I'm just copying it:

On one hand, SQUEE! On the other hand, was she a bit too worried about their relationship instead of Flack's predicament. Personally, if I separate myself from the shipper in me, I have to say that it didn't really strike me as uncaring. I would've liked a comment from her to him about it, but from my perspective at that point in time she was more stressed about the fact that anything she said in defense of him in the interview was pretty much negated by the fact that IAB knows they're together. That's how the scene read from my POV- it wasn't necessarily that she was placing the knowledge of their relationship over Flack being removed from active duty, it was a bit more of a "no matter what I said in that interview, they aren't going to believe it because it's possible that I lied because we're seeing each other".
Some say that Angell should've been more worried for him, but I kind of thought that in a way her frustration at IAB pretty much throwing all of her comments out the window was worry. I mean, of course she's worried. He's (apparently) her boyfriend, and if IAB says he did kill that kid, he'd be in major trouble.

Okay, so some of it was probably "Omg, who the heck did you tell about us?", but that seems to be an appropriate reaction. :lol: Like what the review said:
Angell is taken aback when, during her own questioning by IAB, she's asked about their relationship. Like anyone who discovers personal info is public knowledge, she turns to the person whom she shares the secret with and asks him if he knows how people found out.

By the way, Sam-Maddy, I hope I don't sound stalkerish when I ask this, but may I ask whether you like in north, south, or central Jersey?
By the way, Sam-Maddy, I hope I don't sound stalkerish when I ask this, but may I ask whether you like in north, south, or central Jersey?
I live in South Jersey.

I have a feeling that some people are going to think that Jess was thinking of herself and her career when she made that comment, but I don't think she is. I do think she's a little pissed though about the IAB guy commenting about her relationship w/Flack. That's none of their business and she doesn't want them to tell her she can't date Flack.
I live in South Jersey.
It'd be funny if we lived near each other, as I do too. *laughs*

That's none of their business and she doesn't want them to tell her she can't date Flack.
I always love when they do that on TV. How the hell are they going to know if they still date outside of work? Idiots.

Maybe I'm just convincing myself, but I really do think that, while a part of it might have been a tiny bit of a selfish comment, when it comes to a relationship with someone you work with, things are going to be a tiny bit selfish when somebody's basically accusing you of lying because you're with someone. It was a bit of a low blow from IA to basically imply that she's covering for him.

By the way, did Flack seem a bit thrown off to any of you? It's almost like he didn't say anything, either, which brings in a new dynamic: who the heck told?
Hey guys, I was reading the review for last night's episode and I came across this...

Flack is dismissive, reminding her he has bigger things on his plate at the moment, and rather than getting huffy or offended, Angell backs down. There are indeed bigger issues at stake than who gave away the fact that they're dating. After watching Danny and Lindsay do their immature dance for years on end and seeing Lindsay harp on Danny while he was grieving for the death of a child, it's a refreshing change of pace to see a young couple who actually feel like partners in the truest sense of the word. Cahill and Emmanuelle Vaugier certainly have chemistry together, and it's nice to see their relationship unfolding in a natural, realistic way.

*rubs hands* This is very promising... I like how TPTB is letting them progress. And I like that Jess is still getting her own scenes like the one where she does a Dukes of Hazzard on the roof of a car and topples the suspect. Not to mention the fact that they went canon. Finally! One of my ships is still sailing... *does happy dance* Now I'm curious to see what'll happen next.
finally they went canon. i saw some reviews before i checked out the ep and people were like "oh so it is confirmed flack and angell are together" etcetc. i thought iab mentioned it in the interrogation, which turned out to be right anyways lol. so when i did see the ep i was floored that besides iab, don and jess themselves acknowledged that they indeed are seeing each other. squeeee. lol. so happy that tptb didn't leave the kiss hanging and that it wasn't some kind of "i feel so bad i need some comfort" kinda thing.

well we haven't seen any flirting scenes since forever, and hopefully we'll get some soon. i know we will at some point ;) but hopefully we'll get some in the eps before that :lol:
I wasn't really expecting confirmation, either, csimania19. It's kind of like Dead Inside. For some reason I swore Flack was going to, like, hug her or something when I saw the promo pics. It was "or something", since he kissed her.

Oddly enough, we can't prove that the kiss wasn't "i feel so bad i need some comfort", and they just went from there. *pokes TPTB* Okay, you gave us a scene, now we need to know which side of the fandom was right. Angell looked too unsurprised, IMO, for it to be a sudden kiss, but other people say they weren't together. Tell me! Please!
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It looks as though tptb are learning from their mistakes with D/L. I mean they had D/L kiss and sleep together, but never had either character or anyone else officially say that they are together until she got pregnant. I'm glad the writers acknowledged that Flack and Angell have a romantic relationship. It was very nice to hear that. I loved that Angell didn't get upset when Flack said he had other problems at the moment.
Exactly, GNRFan. There have been many comparisons made by fans between F/A and D/L, mostly along the lines that F/A was going to end up being exactly like D/L (except for that chemistry thing). What's kind of funny, IMO, is that D/L has been doing the dance since she came in during season two. Commuted Sentences, the unofficial "start" of F/A was last season. So, technically, F/A moved faster than D/L, but it feels slower because TPTB seems to be plotting their relationship more carefully.

I loved that Angell didn't get upset when Flack said he had other problems at the moment.
Heck yes.
so happy that tptb didn't leave the kiss hanging and that it wasn't some kind of "i feel so bad i need some comfort" kinda thing.

Looks like TPTB are avoiding the D/L path... *pats TPTB instead of poking them this time* Bravo... now let's hope they keep it up. By the way, in addition to more bantering, let there be more action scenes. Those two kick ass better than almost anyone and they're great for action and comedy. They're a pretty versatile couple...
I recorded the F/A kiss on my phone to make it my background... I'm waiting for my cousin to steal my phone and give me a weird look.

I was rereading the thread (yes, I was bored. shut up), and I got to the point during our reactions to the kiss, and I realized that I never mentioned that at first I didn't realize that they kissed. *laughs* It took me a few seconds, so that I actually didn't really see the kiss until I rewatched the episode the next day. I knew they kissed, and I saw her basic reaction, but I think the shock turned my brain off. :lol:

Oh, and when IA guy pretty much said that Flack and Angell were together? I literally fell over sideways. Not kidding. I was laughing for about ten minutes after that.

By the way, for anyone who's interested, I read a good fic a little while ago and found it again. It's actually what motivated me to write a CSI:NY fanfic, so I thought someone might be interested. You might have read it before, but I figured that it's good to share:

Another by the way: I finally updated "Ten Double Zero". Flack and Angell are actually absent in this chapter, but I'm going to make up for it. With... some... stuff that'll call back on "Undercover" a bit... (For some reason I like putting my characters through hell. It's worse for the one character in my werewolf book- he's gotten shot, beaten, shot again, knocked out by a shotgun, imprisoned, and attacked by his werewolf girlfriend's werewolf brother. *looks away innocently* Well, at least he got healed, I'm not that mean...)
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I knew they kissed, and I saw her basic reaction, but I think the shock turned my brain off. :lol:
same here! i actually thought their kiss kinda sucked cuz flack pulled away so suddenly then kissed her again. i thought, "whaaat?" but i rewatched it and it was better than d/l on the pool table :lol:

Oh, and when IA guy pretty much said that Flack and Angell were together? I literally fell over sideways. Not kidding. I was laughing for about ten minutes after that.
haha. it was so cool how angell just snapped back at the iab dude. lol. but like i said, i was way more shocked when don and jess themselves "confirmed" that they were together.

Those two kick ass better than almost anyone and they're great for action and comedy.
totally! i wanna see an interrogation with the two of them in it! it would be soooo awesooome! :lol: as in, in the precinct room thing, not like the trips they take and ask stuff.
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