Flack & Aiden #2 - Benzosothyazolonal Lovin'

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If it doesn't let you edit, it's easy. Just resize the pictures, save them with the same name as the big ones, delete the big ones off Photoshop, and upload the small ones. Since they'll have the same name, we'll get the little ones.
See? He lives! And Pedro and multiplied. With his girlfriend; Tina.


And they've had little babies.

Left to Right: LaFawnda, Summer, Kip, Rico.


:lol: LaFawnda, Summer, Kip and Rico? :lol: Where's Napoleon? :D

Ah. I wonder where Aiden has the room to keep them all.
Napoleon is in the top picture, with the other babies, but he fell into the water wheel thingy, and couldn't get out for a while.

Mommy Tina had to rescue him.
He is. Pedro has super sperm.

Flack is pissed. Now he has Little Don, Pedro, Tina, and baby ducks.


But he knows he can't seperate true love! Tina and Pedro, minus the kids.


Pedro to the rescue, figuring out how to get Napoleon out of the water wheel.
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