Flack & Aiden #2 - Benzosothyazolonal Lovin'

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Ok seriously. Where is everyone? :lol:

You guys don't want to sink this ship do you?

I demand fanfic. I will not add my smut one until I see other authors pieces of work.
Hey I wrote one but it's mostly Danny/OC. There's some Flack/Aiden in it. It's in the fanfic forum called "Action Speaks Louder Than Words 6: The Wedding".
I think I read that. Somewhere along the road I think I did. I can't remember anymore. x_x

But I just purchased a new CD today and I'm reading the lyrics right now so I may have something coming up soon.
I swear I'm going to shoot myself in the head if anyone makes me watch another cheerleader movie. x_x

But yeah, my friend and I were still throwing plot bunnies at each other at lunch, so pray that first day of class doesn't kill them all. ;D
I have to deal with Cheerleaders every Friday Night. :lol:

If the first day kills those plot bunnies, there is gonna be some serious butt kickin'. AU fics. :lol: I was tempted to write one about something like Day After Tomorrow meets War of the Worlds.

I wrote it. Never typed it.
I'm still working on one about Aiden's downfall, I started writing it when I was mad, so it's pretty depressing. Makes me want Prozac. I'm basically killing her off in my own way. :lol:

:sigh: I miss this ship. Very much. The bikes. The hair. The Flack.
Yeah. I miss it alot. We used to have so much fun. :sigh: I hate it when character leave/get killed off.

It's tearing this ship apart! It's depressing! LOL
So you guys want me to write a Flack/Aiden fic? Sure... ideas, anyone?

Flack and Aiden sleepover, where they are close friends but their attraction is bubbling underneath the surface. They cover it through bantering and teasing. Aiden spends the night over or Flack does.
A sleepover. That'd be hilarous.

They can rent a scarey movie and of course Flack would be the scared one. :lol:

That would be ghost stories according to Flack. :D
Flack, don't worry Aiden will be there to protect you.
Jen - you have to type that story up! I know where you go to classes!

Eh, I just know where your campus is. :lol:

Flack and Aiden sleepover? How fun! They should watch The Ring, and Flack wouldn't dare to watch television for the following week. :lol:
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