Please please please does anyone have any clips of Eddie when he was Tag Jones in friends, like when they get together (I have seen the clips of before they get together).
I think if you go to Youtube, they have pretty much got the gammit of Tag clips, if not, check the Eddie Cahill thread...
Kay, did anyone else catch the cuteness of Flack and Angell :devil: in the preview for next week's epi??? It makes me all tingly inside - as he's strapping on his Kevlar vest (yay! to the return of the kevlar!!!:drool he turns to Angell, who's strappin on her own kevlar vest, and says "You make that look good"....*giggle :devil:* Of course she does...she could make a paper bag look good...duh...Flack is gettin all sly with her now, tee hee...they've totally done it...:guffaw: