Flack #8 - Flack, Don Flack

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Aww, Fay posted floofy pictures. :D How adorable is he? Seriously, he was so cute, and now he's matured perfectly into a beautiful man. :lol:

ryansnuttytart said:
Never really taken much notice of the ties but I will from now on.

Nooo! Once the ties take hold of you you'll never be able to escape them. :lol: I joke of course, but once you start to notice them they are difficult to ignore, I actually think Flack definitely suits his fugly ties.
Tsk, tsk...

Don Flack don't wear fugly ties, the ties are the ones wearing him :lol:

After a while you start to look at them from a different angle of view, you stop looking at his ties and center on his eyes, after all they're always cute :D
mandy9578 said:
Thanks for the pictures Fay! I love the last one from Wasted. :) Season One Flack's hair was okay except for the sideburns. :lol: Would it be too much to ask if someone could photoshop those season one pics and remove the sideburns? :lol: :lol:

I did that once with a season 1 screencap:


1CSIMfan said:

I did that once with a season 1 screencap:



Thanks for posting 1CSIMfan! He looks so much better without the sideburns! :lol: :lol: He looks so scrumptious enough to eat! :lol: :devil:

BTW, Happy birthday Elsie! :D Definitely, I agree once you take notice of the fugly ties, you'll never escape them. :lol: It's kind of a spectator sport, looking out for Flack's fugly ties every time he appears on screen. :lol:
I love him minus the sideburns too :devil: don't miss those at all! What I do miss is the leather jacket though.
I used to love the leatehr jacket, and his longer hair, I thing it's kind of a sign of Flack getting more older and experianced that he's kind of matured now, with his trnech coats and shorter hair.
Someone help me please... bored housewife alert!

Now I usually hate fan fiction with a passion, but on here it's pretty damn good stuff. Anyway, someone posted a link to a page where it had lots of fan fiction on Flack (mainly Flack and Angell) and now for the life of me I can't find it and the husband is not getting lucky until I've had my fill of Flack (if you'll excuse the expression... as usual!!)

Please, can someone on here remember reading the link... or even posting it. I'll do your dirty washing for a week, I'll walk your dog, I'll feed your kids... I'll stop rambeling in my posts... well, we all know that's never going to happen, but I'll try.


A very desperate HAggis!
Hmm, possibly fanfiction.net, but, uh, I'll refrain from giving my general opinion of the fic over there. :lol: Or possibly LiveJournal, which has a lot of fanfiction as well. If you're looking for pairing-specific fic, I guess the thread for that particular pairing in Shipper Central would be the best place to ask about locating some. But if you're looking for NY fic in general, my recommendation would be to try here on LiveJournal (the tags in the left sidebar can help you narrow it down to a specific pairing or character) or here on ff.net (I've set it for all ratings and to include Flack as a character).

Proceed with caution. :lol:
Faylinn, I demand you marry me right now! Oh sure, I'm a straight woman who's already married to Mr Right and have a daughter and the only affair that Mr Right has consented to is with Flack (the character NOT the actor, so that's pretty much set that there's no extra lovin' for Haggis). But if you could just see past all that, then I'd marry you tomorrow... oh wait, New York season 2 repeat day tomorrow and season 4 on Saturday... then there's all the ads and interviews on Sunday. Hmmmm... How about next week sometime? No? Fair enough, but just know that you're a complete star. You always have the answers to all our quieries and can do brilliant things with the ol' photoshop. Right, I'll now remove my nose from your arse because it's starts to hurt after a while. In short... thanks for that information Faylinn. Errr...yeah, probably should have just stuck with the 'thank you' bit shouldn't I? :D Blame the doctor for giving me more opiods... and yes I so can still use that as an excuse. I used to be COMPLETELY sane. Stop laughing Top41 or I'll beat you with a baguette.

Thanks for the help Faylinn, I'll check all the pages out when I've peeled myself of the ceiling (I said PEELED not PEED Natty!)
They are the ones I was looking for. Should I have mentoned that when I was going overboard in my last post? Yeah, thought so!

Anyway, cheers again Faylinn... my special little site finder (cut me some slack on the name, it's 6am here and I'm high as a kite on morphine AGAIN!).

I'm a happy wee haggis now... as long as I avoid the porn fiction and the bad fiction and the... you know what? I'll just peruse at my leisure and give you guys a break for once. :D
Bwhahahahaha I LOVE IT. That is some first class work there lady. That has to be one of my favourite banners so far :D

Oh and I was lying about the porn... I looked and found sludgey, fluffy romantic 'let's wait my true love' BS. I'm bloody gutted, these people need to rent 'Debbie Does Dallas' or something to get ideas. I've now got to go to bed and annoy the husband and make him make up porn... and you just know that's going to be fake HUGE breasted girl/trout pout (as in Lipo) mouth girl action. *SIGH* I dispare, I truly do! :))
Ah, Flack is a man of many faces. He's so expressive. :lol:


Anyway, there has been a lack of discussion of late so, as the writer's strike is now over *yay* and back in the CSI: NY studios there are some great writers coming up with new and exciting storylines for the rest of the season, I was thinking about the season so far for Flack, and what I'd like to see in the remaining episodes.

I think Season 4 has been kind to Flack so far, he's had some development (although not necessarily the development we were hoping for) as well as great lines and fun scenes. Personally I would be interested to see some more Flack/Angell interaction, I wonder if their friendship/relationship will be developed any further this season. Also the first half of the season provided lots (and lots) of Flack in kevlar, chasing suspects and generally being kickass and the fangirl in me would not be averse to more of that either. :lol: :devil: Other more pie in the sky things I would like to see would obviously include Papa Flack. who doesn't want that background to be explored? But as I don't like to be too demanding, I'd settle for a mere mention... :lol:

So, what character development or storylines would you like to see for Flack during the rest of the season? :)
I think we're long overdue for some info on Papa Flack. We were teased with a bit of information way back in Season 1's The Fall. There appeared to be some tension between Flack Jr and Sr and I'd love to know why.

I would also like to see more Flack/Angell interaction. Danny's not the only hottie on the show. :p And of course I wouldn't complain if they gave us more Danny/Flack friendship scenes. Eddie and Carmine work so well together and if they'd give us that shirtless scene with them, it would just make my year. :D
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