Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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Yes, I remember Danny sans glasses. LOL. I always thought he looked kinda weird without them in the eppy. :p

Or if they already had the character, they didn't had the actor yet.
If that was so, THANK GOD they held out until they found Eddie. :D I don't think any other actor would've done a better job playing Flack. HEE!
I think in the episode from MIA there wasn't any detective, just CSI. If you think about it, they were introducing new characters, and the base should be Horatio, who came into NY, so if you put too many people new maybe it gets confusing.

For Flack it was better to be left for the first episode in the series, it was the big introducing because we already knew the other characters before. :)
Lorelai said:
LOLZ Remember this :

These include Detective Don Flack, from the NYPD's Homicide Division. Born in the Bronx, he's big, beefy and doesn't mince his words.

Thank God they decided for Don instead of Joe.

Mar 17 2004

Born in Bronx, raised in Queens? :lol:

Hahaha! NY Yankees (The Bronx) meeting the NY Mets (Queens)? that is suicide! :lol: Whatever happened to Flack growing up in Yonkers? :lol: Big, beefy and minced? Food, Flack? :lol: I can't think of Flack as big and beefy. Maybe a quarter pounder, but Flack? Uh-uh :D :lol:

Yeah, I remember that Miami episode. Danny looked so much different without glasses. I like him better with them on.
The episode was MIA/NYC - NonStop from Miami's second season, where the NY characters are first introduced, well, except for Flack, who probably didn't even exist yet in the minds of TPTB at that point.
I'm really disappointed TPTB didn't capitalize on Snarky!Flack and ScaredyCat!Flack in tonight's episode, "Boo." What a waste of a perfect opportunity. :(
Lessien_Tinuviel said:
Or if they already had the character, they didn't had the actor yet.
If that was so, THANK GOD they held out until they found Eddie. :D I don't think any other actor would've done a better job playing Flack. HEE!

I can't vouch for the validity of this, but according to Eddie's Trivia page on tv.com
On the show CSI:NY, another man was cast for Flack, but when Eddie Cahill came in and auditioned, he impressed the directors so much, they called the other actor to let him know they changed their minds.

A good decision by TPTB :lol:
^Definitely they made the right decision there. The season one cast was perfect--I cannot imagine anyone else playing Flack!!!!!
On the show CSI:NY, another man was cast for Flack, but when Eddie Cahill came in and auditioned, he impressed the directors so much, they called the other actor to let him know they changed their minds.

On the Season 1 DVD's, during one of the episode commentaries - possibly for ep 1 - it's mentioned that they'd practically cast one guy for Flack and then Eddie showed up for his audition and "just blew them away"
^ I knew I'd heard that snippet somewhere else. Thanks Ceindreadh for finding the source. I'm sooo glad they went with Eddie, although I can't help feeling a little bit sorry for the other guy. Look at all the fangirl love he's missed out on :)
Then again, if they had went with the other guy, he might not have done as well as Eddie of playing Flack. ;) He might have sucked, hehe. But you gotta wonder, who was the guy? :lol:
The poor guy, but seriously, who else could be Flack but Eddie? He owns that character, and his mannerisms, expressions and ad-libbing have really made Flack so unique and so entirely Eddie's own.
I feel sorry for that man, after all, he had a job that could have make him go up in the scene, but here comes Eddie Cahill with his personality and his prefesionality (and charm) and they decide to change the actor. Bad for him, better for us.

I don't really see any other man playing Flack. He's the one who imprints his character what is needed to get into the people. He's different than Brass and Tripp, and that's because of Eddie Cahill playing him.
I'm really disappointed TPTB didn't capitalize on Snarky!Flack and ScaredyCat!Flack in tonight's episode, "Boo." What a waste of a perfect opportunity.

Don't know what were they thinking! :(

^Definitely they made the right decision there. The season one cast was perfect--I cannot imagine anyone else playing Flack!!!!!

Same here!

Look at all the fangirl love he's missed out on

Not so sure about that. If Flack is today as amazing as he is, it's at least half of it, thanks to Eddie. So, Flack might be a great character, but I might not love him as much as I do if he were a different Flack.

He owns that character, and his mannerisms, expressions and ad-libbing have really made Flack so unique and so entirely Eddie's own.

Exactly! Eddie left his fingerprints all over Flack and brought him to life. Made him real, human and 100% love. ;)A character is like a song. It's who sings it who makes all the difference. "We Belong Together" is still "We Belong Together", but it's not the same if it's Mariah who sings it, or Britney. ;)

Exactly! Eddie left his fingerprints all over Flack and brought him to life.
I agree completely. Besides, I don't think anyone else other than Eddie would've been able to make bad ties look good. :D

"We Belong Together" is still "We Belong Together", but it's not the same if it's Mariah who sings it, or Britney.
Speaking of, did you know that the Rihanna hit song "Umbrella" was supposed to have been recorded by Britney? I'm not sure how true it was though. :p
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