Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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Can anyone tell me where I can find caps for the season premiere? I have looked everywhere I know to,and still can't seem to find any.
Flack is definitely tougher & stronger than before. He seams so confident and secure! Did he got a promotion after SD? He was never shy or insecure, but now he’s more bold than ever.

I'll quote myself from the grade topic :

And the best, saved for the end! First he gets a little defensive ( are you saying we got the wrong guy? ) when Mac says the guy didn’t kill anyone else but Maria. Does that count as continuity from Consequences? Later he leaves, obviously not a happy man, but comes back 3 secs later to turn on the light on the case! The guy with the key, people!

He is a bit different, and I love this Flack!

And I made some caps... I made many actually, but I won't upload all at once, cause are big and heavy and I'm lazy.. :p

I'm making the same question, did he get a promotion after the drug bust in Snow day? He should, maybe that's why he's more secure from himself, aybe he has to act as a second grade detective now.

I'm loving this Flack too, because even after the changes in he attitude, he's still the same funny detective as before, just remember his first words he said to Mac.
I think if he'd gotten a promotion we'd have at least heard about it, but I do agree he should have one! Is there anything Flack can't do???
Is there anything Flack can't do???
Can he leap tall buildings in a single bound? :p

*sudden mental image of Super Flack and X-Factor (Adam) arguing over who is the sidekick* :lol:
Top41 said:
Is there anything Flack can't do???
Why suddenly I have the mental image of Flack encased in a miniskirt and top and wearing high heels while moving a handbag as he asks himself how he got involved with anti-vice? :lol: :lol:
It was great to see Flack get a little more screen time in the premier, not a lot more, but we can work up to it hopefully. And yay! his tie matched his shirt! He's definitly maturing as a character, hopefully there will be lots of good Flack sceens this season, with back story and possibly his family. ^_^ one can only hope!
Have I told you how much I love you lately, Lorelai? Very nice to wake up to things like this :)

Am I getting nuts or actually the tie wasn't that bad? Maybe the warehause and the AK-47 made him rethink about how his tie should match his shirt... :lol:
That could be a reason for it. And mucho thanks lorelai! Random Flack aside: last night I was watching CSI:Miami and Rick comes in wearing I don't even know what to call his combo of shirt and tie and I go, "finally someone else on a CSI has an even fuglier shirt and tie combo than Flack". My S/O goes "Flack has fugly ties?" I died. :lol:
Rick and Flack should have a fugly tie-off. They could walk down the catwalk and midnight could judge while Horatio and Danny respectively cheer them on in the audience. :lol:

As for your S/O, NOLAGRRL...maybe you should be the one picking out the ties for him from now on! :lol:
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