Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

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*runs into room, slips and slides, falls on a$$* Hey everyone!!

havent been in here in a while, just wanted to make a quick post before class... i'll catch up on everything later, but, I come bearing presents... :) This is by far one (if not THE one) of my fav pictures of Eddie... :) enjoy!


Credit to Rutta at CSI:NY Online.
^Awwww, I love that pic of Eddie!!!! :D

penguinpie said:
I just have to throw my two cents in here. Please don't shoot!

CoTP is a bit borderline, but "People with money" only just showed this week in Australia and,yeh, Flack was not very happy with Lindsay's "teasing". There was a definite edge in his voice. And that little not-quite-smile after he said "Three" was not friendly.

You could interpret it that he thought she was being a bit personal and hadn't earned it (as Stella has). Or that he just doesn't like her. :)

Yeah, I thought she pushed too hard in that scene and he didn't seem to appreciate that. Whereas had it been Stella or Danny, I think he would have laughed and teased back.
detdonflackjr said:
He was just mad cuz it wasnt his secrect little crush Stella :p

Yeah... i'm so pleased i'm not the only one that thinks that. Well obviously i'm not the only one as they have a whole thread dedicated to them :rolleyes:.

She is just as bad though... :D Looks like Danno might be in a cat fight one day... hmmm... i'd wonder who'd win?
I'm so mad at myself! I missed the Eddie Cahill Chat (or at least I'm under the impression I did) *headdesk* Damn computers! *cries* I totally adore the picture of Eddie though, it brightened my day. Well, it's nearly midnight and I have school. So I'll be back later! <3 y'all!
**drags eyes away from pic** Ahem. Yes, um.

Sammy11 said:
She is just as bad though... :D Looks like Danno might be in a cat fight one day... hmmm... i'd wonder who'd win?

Stella vs Danny? Over Flack? Would jello be involved? My money would be on Stella. She'd fight very dirty. :lol:
He really does look quite please with himself. The look suits him. :D And in a fight between Danny and Stella over Flack, Stella would probably win. She's one tough girl! Stella and Danny scrapping...quite an image! :D
Top41 said:
^Awwww, I love that pic of Eddie!!!! :D

penguinpie said:
I just have to throw my two cents in here. Please don't shoot!

CoTP is a bit borderline, but "People with money" only just showed this week in Australia and,yeh, Flack was not very happy with Lindsay's "teasing". There was a definite edge in his voice. And that little not-quite-smile after he said "Three" was not friendly.

You could interpret it that he thought she was being a bit personal and hadn't earned it (as Stella has). Or that he just doesn't like her. :)

Yeah, I thought she pushed too hard in that scene and he didn't seem to appreciate that. Whereas had it been Stella or Danny, I think he would have laughed and teased back.

I didn't read it that way at all - I read it that Lindsay was just gently teasing Flack in a friendly way (hence the half smile when she asked, just to make it plain she was just taking the mickey) and Flack was just giving it back. I didn't think there was any edginess in his voice at all when he said he didn't like where she was going with it when she asked how many phone numbers he'd got - if anything I think he realised he was just being teased and was just playing up to it. He knew she would ask the question agian if he didn't answer and sure enough, she asked again which gave him the chance to boast he'd got three numbers. Neither did I think the look he gave her when he said "Three" could be interpreted as unfriendly - I read it as a "Aren't-I-a-lucky-boy?" smirk. I think I've read another post that says people read things differently -this is my take on that scene. :rolleyes: Stellas reaction to the exchange certainly gave no indication it was anything but friendly banter amongst colleagues, no matter how little he and Lindsay have worked together previously.
Yep, everybody does read scenes differently. It's all very post-modern! :)

I just thought the exchange was rather awkward and stilted, especially compared to Flack's easy-going back and forth with Stella and Danny. He usually has a bit of a smirk going on and is pretty buoyant. Perhaps he just wasn't used to "playing" with Lindsay and didn't really feel up to starting on his first day back.

The smile thing came from my own experience. I use the same expression when I'm not too happy with someone, but am being too polite to actually to them to sod off. But that's just me and I'm an hornery old bat. :D
penguinpie said:
Yep, everybody does read scenes differently. It's all very post-modern! :)

I just thought the exchange was rather awkward and stilted, especially compared to Flack's easy-going back and forth with Stella and Danny. He usually has a bit of a smirk going on and is pretty buoyant. Perhaps he just wasn't used to "playing" with Lindsay and didn't really feel up to starting on his first day back.

The smile thing came from my own experience. I use the same expression when I'm not too happy with someone, but am being too polite to actually to them to sod off. But that's just me and I'm an hornery old bat. :D

:lol: You're not alone. I have been known to give that tight, unamused smile sometimes. Like Flack's, it usually reflects barely concealed impatience.

I think if he had wanted to banter with her, he would have told her the number right off. The fact that she had to ask twice suggested to me that he didn't want to answer the question. And didn't he say, "Back off, Monroe" or something like that? I don't think he was amused, but as has been said before, we all see things differently--the beauty of a discussion board.

I do wonder if we'll see Flack's reaction to Danny going to Montana. Given Eddie's comments in the chat, I wonder if Flack is concerned for his friend. After all, Lindsay hasn't treated Danny well, and as Eddie mentioned, Flack wouldn't have been so patient. I wonder if Flack is concerned Danny will get hurt, more than he already has. I think Flack is pretty protective of his friends, Danny especially, and I don't see him being thrilled at the possibility.
Top41 said:
I do wonder if we'll see Flack's reaction to Danny going to Montana. Given Eddie's comments in the chat, I wonder if Flack is concerned for his friend. After all, Lindsay hasn't treated Danny well, and as Eddie mentioned, Flack wouldn't have been so patient. I wonder if Flack is concerned Danny will get hurt, more than he already has. I think Flack is pretty protective of his friends, Danny especially, and I don't see him being thrilled at the possibility.

Alas, as much as I would love to see Flack's view of the whole Danny/Lindsay thing, we are at the mercy of the writers (curse those handsome devils!). Sorry, Simpson's moment.

It would be a nice bit of character continuity to see Flack sit Danny down for The Talk. A damned good shaking might not go astray either. We can but hope.
^I'd love to see that, because I honestly think Flack would be concerned. We've seen him try to help Danny out before when Danny has perhaps wanted to do something Flack didn't think was good for him (On the Job, RSRD). We are at the mercy of the writers, but I think it would be a fantastic scene.
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