Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

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^omg he looks soooo adorable in that pic. his expressions are so damn cute! i don't like the tie though, not because it doesn't match but because it's just not pretty lol.
I mean, in this following five pics looks Flack really desirable.
Here he finally times style proves. Because it doesn't look times.

Why it is so difficult for men, to find the right colors.. ??? :D

Good question, or.... ? ;)

Mmmm! Love all thse pics Miss_Undercover! :D As for style...the 3rd shirt/tie combo is probably my favorite. [5th one isn't too bad]
afrikana said:
^omg he looks soooo adorable in that pic. his expressions are so damn cute! i don't like the tie though, not because it doesn't match but because it's just not pretty lol.

I agree. It all matches but that tie is just too much. You know, I like it better when he wears a plain tie with a printed or plain shirt. I just like the plain ties better.
Miss_Undercover said:
Why it is so difficult for men, to find the right colors.. ??? :D

because a good chunk of them are color blind. it's in their genetics, and apparently, in flack's. he needs a girlfriend to make sure he matches every morning.

i volunteer. :D
Flack should totally go naked. That way, we'll no longer have to judge him on those hideous suit & tie combos that he wears. We'll be stuck judging the size of his manhood and buns and hey, I don't mind that one bit :devil:.`
Heh, I was just going to say that, in the COTP pictures, I wasn't concentrating on his tie, I was looking at his...badge. :devil:

And those 5 pics Miss Undercover posted? Definitely five of Flack's better choices--I'm not a huge fan of the pink, but when I think of some of the other combos he's had...*shudder* ;)
I've to say that I like all combination of colors in his clothing. Sometimes shocking colors give posture and refresh outfit.

But I'd like to see more casual wearing also. Now I have to WONDER how tight buttocks he has if he would wear jeans :devil: ;)
Maybe all this bad clothing will lead up to the big day when we get to see Mrs. Flack.

Flack: Hi, Ma? Yeah, it's Donnie. Listen, um... *scratches head* ...um, what? Yeah, just um...needhelpwithmyclothes.
Mom: Oh, Donnie! It's about time.
Flack: *sigh*

*pets him*
*laughs* Awww! That would be so cute! I know it would take Flack alot of courage to be able to tell him mom he needs help with his outfits. :D But I would applaude him for getting the help he needs.
But you know, the ugliness of the tie/shirt combos aside, he's a very nice dresser. ;) (In fact, I doubt you'd see a real detective in nice suits like those :lol:) But seeing him ask his mom for fashion advice would be priceless. :p "Well, Danny said his mom dresses him, and the ladies like the way he dresses, so..." And then there would be rejoicing in the streets at the idea that Flack would be wearing tank-tops and tight jeans...until it becomes obvious that his mother just wants to put him in hideous sweaters and corduroy pants. :eek: Oh, the horror!
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