
That about sums up my feelings on this episode.
Absolutely hilarious. I loved everything about this episode. Nobody is better at making fun of CSI then...well, CSI. Everything they did here was a tongue-in-cheek stab at itself.
I could go on forever about what I liked about this episode, so I'll just pick out the stand outs.
Loved how Hodges and Wendy basically swapped roles with Ray and Cath. Ray in trace 'playing' Hodges - brilliant! Would have liked Cath in DNA but Wendy taking on Catherine's hairstyle was just as good.
Loved how Hodges portrayed Brass. He really carries some strange theories about detectives.
SuperDave's version of Doc Robbins was beyond brilliant!:guffaw:
Archie's cameo was great. And Mandy is still the kick-ass tech. Love her!
Poor poor Henry. Never saw anything between him and Wendy, so that was a surprise. And Wendy is evil. Me likey :devil:
I enjoyed the B case as well. Metcalf has got to be the worst officer on the force. Every episode he's in only digs his hole deeper. Two favorite Greg moments occurred here as well: Being puked on and confronting the bad guy. Great moments (kinda) for Greggo.
I liked everything. All the characters got a moments to shine. I even liked Ray here. It looked like the whole cast had fun with this one.
The only stuff I didn't like was the Wedges stuff. Was never big on that ship and it made me squirm. Hodges, even when funny, still irritates me.
A+ Possibly my new favorite of the season. It was corny and absolutely ridiculous, but the humor was really great.