"Field Mice" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Is it just me, or is Greg getting increasingly testy as the season progresses? He's been snapping at people a lot lately. I'm hoping this is going to be explored later in an episode. I don't think it can be an accident.
Such a funny ep. I enjoyed it so, so much. And I was waiting from the start for Hodges and Wendy to be found out as not CSIs but techs. But that went way better than I thought it might. Poor, poor Henry. I really feel sorry for that guy, always end up... Hurt. Or laughed at. But him threatening Hodges - man that was scary.
Nick slaping him on the back side :guffaw: Greg being puked on :guffaw: I just knew that was going to happen. Henry glued to the locker - I thought about cartoons and Buggs Bunny for some reason ;) And all the other stuf I just can't point out right now - I laughed so much in this ep.
Plenty of Nick and Greg, my favorite two guys, so much to enjoy. Responsible, not as much cynical as he can be Hodges... Catherine on his side, not Henry's... Even Ray...
You can say this ep was good or bad, but I liked it. It said a lot about the characters, in a not too obvious way. Great.
I thought the ep was great - it showed relationships more - sure hope that continues. The actors are so good and they need to be presented as real people. Keep up the good work - and the kisses!
I really loved this episode :) It had me on the floor :guffaw: I do fell sorry for the poor tox tech. He always seems to get the raw deal, but who knew Wendy could be so evil :devil: As far as the kiss goes. I thought it was great. very Wedges. I also love all the references to the past. My one complaint was that I had a hard time telling the A story from the B :confused: But other then that it was a funny eposide. :thumbsup:
Is it just me, or is Greg getting increasingly testy as the season progresses? He's been snapping at people a lot lately. I'm hoping this is going to be explored later in an episode. I don't think it can be an accident.
Who did he snap at in this episode? I mean he had every right to be talking the way he was to the woman who was responsible for basically making all the cops sick. That seemed normal for him when dealing with a suspect.

speedystokesgirl said:
However, was no one else grossed out when Metcalfe used kleenex on his nose and then proceeded to tough all the food? :wtf:
That did gross me out too. Yuck!
He was pretty mad at Henry when the GCMS wasn't working. It seemed to me like he was mad that he was working on this case (maybe cause he was secondary to Nick, as usual), but he did take it out on Henry. Who he was always really nice and patient with, and who looks up to him! That whole "you're lucky" line seemed really mean.
I'm sure Greg would have been more understanding if Henry had gotten more done. But from Greg's point of view, Henry had barely gotten the evidence run.

I would agree the Greg has been a little testy throughout the season. I'm still hoping that something happens where we get a real cathartic moment for him. He needs to have a sit-down with Cath so they can hash out exactly what Greg's grievances are.
Well in that scene he was a bit testy but I think it was done more so for Henry's benefit due to him having all the issues in the episode and trying to make him look bad.

But yeah I still think Greg does not feel he gets the respect he deserves (and so do I). I mean remember in the season opener when he told Sara he still felt like the Lab rat with the crazy hair? I think he still feels that way.
field mice is probably my favorite episode of the season with a 9.5 out of 10:), second is family affair :)

i did sorta feel sorry for henry but i kept yelling NOOO i want wedges not a hendy (or whatever the henry/wendy ship is called), i had thought hmmmm about what if it's really wendy not hodges but i decided to wait/watch, and hodges taking the fall for her awwwwww :) how chivalris of him :)

that scene between hodges and wendy, then catherine in the middle, how ackward for her, and then the wedges kiss, i was yelling for joy saying "yes go wedges" and my parents were asking what the heck is wedges, oh brother i didn't even bother trying to explain that one, they never would get it, but i wonder what will happen with wedges now???... don't tell me it's going to take another season before they really decide to be together

poor greg, maybe he was in a short mood b/c he got puked on and was probably tired of seeing/smelling it also, i know i would be

they had shown super dave's pov on how can doc make him feel, i wish we could have seen greg do something similar since he stilll feels/gets treated like a lab rat

and david also talking to the cadets about the autopsy and the girl's area, what is he going to do when he has kids and has to explain to them the birds and the bees

hodges telling the cadets about brass drinking :wtf: he had that problem a long time ago hodges, good grief i felt like slapping hodges on that one, katy meeting brass and he's like "what has this man been telling you?" :lol:

katy falling into derrick's arms = yo! bling 2.0 man i miss you warrick:(

lucas' character (i'm not going to attempt to spell it) figuring it out/confronting wendy, i had a feeling they were going to, and yeah he is a crossover between grissom and sara :) "i collect spores, molds, and fungi",:lol: a complete know it all, and i don't some of the looks he gave reminded me of sara

the use of the song mr. blue :):lol: that is totally hodges theme song, for anyone that doesn't remember it was used it the ep lab rats when hogdes was telling wendy about his lucky day :lol::lol:
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Loved the episode! I'm a big fan of the rats and hope there will be another next year. My favorite moments that I haven't seen mentioned much, if at all:

1. Wendy's hair flip when she joins Hodges in his fantasy at the crime scene--it's the same as Catherine's in the opening titles!

2. Hodges and Langston in the lab. Very funny and it looked like L.F. really enjoyed himself.

3. Pretty much everything Jon Wellner did.

4. Love the magnetic bead separation scene. Well performed by the two who wrote it. Kudos to Liz and Wally.
:lol: So, comic relief and shades of "Lab Rats". Hodges not just embellishing what really happened but straight out lying like he did in "Lab Rats" where he told everyone that Grissom wanted him to investigate the "Minature House" case, when in fact he never said anything of the kind, and Wendy busted him then and was so miffed off at him, so here we go again~

The crime kids and the fire disaster, the case that was never solved:confused:

Back at the scene with Brass drinking from a flask of boos and making threatening comments, all in Hodges twisted thinking~

Super Dave, funny, and Doc, cracking up watching kitty videos:lol: also fantasy. The boy on the case was really smart. Nick and Henry go over the disgusting contents of the puke that made many sick~

Find that at the scene the gas cap was missing~ Hodges supposedly saving Wendy from a falling whatever that was~

Greg reseting the machine that Henry screwed up~

Henry making dinner reservations for him and Wendy at the Eiffel Tower resturant~

Hodges and Ray, hilarious Hodges: What do you have for me"? Ray: "what don't I have for you" Ray was acting so giddy and silly and talking a mile a minute:lol: "I think you'll find the results amazing" [who knew he had a comedic side] Hodges: "to Ray on results "Ray:"Thrilled"? Hodges: "That's just what I was going to say" on babbling about "Star Trek" "Is there any other " and both cracking up. Brilliant delivery by Ray as always. Guess Hodges has totally warmed up to Dr. Ray..finally~

Poor Henry, his car a messed up, and didn't every one think Hodges was behind it? Cath's analysis it was done by "an amateur"?~

Hodges and Wendy take the kids back to the original crime scene. Kid nails Wendy "Why do you lie to us", she's taken aback and replies "Finding her life in a test tube" Boy says her job is important too~

Poison was for the bacteria Shagalla ex girlfreind did it for revenge from him breaking up with her, had no idea it would affect so many~

Cath, Wendy and Hodges and their flirty banter and Cath acting kinda of baffled:confused:

Henry confronts Hodges, then find his shoe glued to his locker, and puuls it off nly to get his face stuck on it. Ray comes to the rescue and makes "glue" jokes:lol: Acetone is the best way to free his face. Ray: "It's your good luck I was feeling better today and decided to come to work. More funny comments on Pranks.."were usually such a co-hesive group" 'A terrible injustice, because your the glue that holds us together":lol: "Henry: "I have a good idea who this is" Ray: "Stick it too em' Henry"~

So Wendy spills to Hodges, she's the one who was sabotaging Henry:eek: cause' she didn't really want to go out with him, and thought he had all the qualities she wanted but...Cath and Henry show up, and Cath says 'this reprimand will go in his file' He takes the blame and Wendy lets him, says she's sorry to Henry and Cath says "You got your confession, happy"? Nobody likes a snitch:(

Everybody says their sorry and then Wendy starts to leave and turns around and grabs Hodges and the big juicy kiss :eek: WHOA, I didn't expect that at all. I always knew he had the "hotts" for her, but felt she felt nothing but distain for him. She was always insulting and bashing hm, etc. Apparently I was so wrong.. Another shocker for me, but contratulations
to Wallace and Liz for the teleplay and this off the wall episode. After the gloom and doom of last week's ep. this was refreshing
I didn't expect I would like this episode. It had lots of funny scenes courtesy of Henry and Hodges. I thought the episode was a little bit confusing and odd but it turned out just fine.

The last scene where Hodges took the responsibility of Wendy's actions and the kissing scene was a little cheesy. But it was fun, thanks to Henry.

The cases were light and interesting enough. But, I was disgusted by Stacia and the suspect's kissing scene. Would he really kiss a girl with that kind of teeth? Shouldn't it smell bad? Okay he's drunk. :lol: Plus, Officer Metcalf picked something on his nose, got an apple and ate it without washing hands? Eew.

For me, "Field Mice" is the best lab rats' episode. The lab techs really shine in this episode. A little Mandy, no Bobby and Archie, though. 9/10
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I love this epi! :) I really enjoyed the fact that the lab rats are the ones being focused this time and the Wendy/Hodges kiss was perfect. :adore:

Ohhh, but Archie wasn't in it. :(
I love this epi! :) I really enjoyed the fact that the lab rats are the ones being focused this time and the Wendy/Hodges kiss was perfect. :adore:

Ohhh, but Archie wasn't in it. :(

But Archie was in it -- sort of. His face was on the cover of a surfing magazine that is briefly seen as Hodges and Wendy lead the cadets into the break room.