madgeorge said:
Fawlty Towers!!!
If you haven't seen "Fawlty Towers" I DEMAND that you run, not walk, immediatly to the nearest video store and rent the complete set on DVD(they only ever made 12 episodes,

) because NOBODY should have to live without Fawlty Towers' amazing humour.
Omg.... I love Fawlty Towers. I own the Series on DVD X3. Ah, the nazi one...
Fraiser: You know.. know one quite knows when death's cold hand is going to come knocking at your door.
[Knocking on his door]
Frasier: Niles, will you get that?
Niles: I will certaintly NOT!
Clone High:
Tom Green: So some of you may have been mean to a kid with ADD. That's not cool. Coffee? Anyone for - coffee anyone? All right, sorry. I like cotton candy. Check out my muscle. Potato chips. It's a Ferris wheel. So I guess what I'm trying to say is - plastic bag. Plastic bag. Plastic bag. Plastic bag. Plastic bag. Plastic bag.
Van Gogh: Am I on speaker-phone?
Gandhi: Hey, everyone, would Gandhi put someone on speaker-phone?
Partygoers: NOOOOOOOO.
Van Gogh: Gandhi, how could you?
Gandhi: Hey, Gandhi's anti-violence, not anti-comedy
Mr. Butlertron: I'm sorry, Wesley, you have ADD.
Gandhi: Am I... dying?
Mr. Butlertron: No, you have ADD - Attention deficit disorder, also you have ADHD, its hyperactive cousin.
Mr. Butlertron: Shouldn't you be saving some of this money instead of having me gold-plated and lowered?
Scudworth: Stop getting all up in my business, Mr. B. I saw the first two-thirds of the MC Hammer Behind the Music, and if there's one thing I learned about money, it's that it never runs out.