Favorite CSI Actors

Um will have to go for a tie between Eric Szmanda cos he is so funny as Greg and Marg Helgenberger cos she plays Catherine really well with lots of attitude and shes good in her other films too. Have to say even though i dont like the character very much David Caruso does play Horatio very well.
*bump* This is an interesting topic to discuss, so I'm bringing the thread back. :lol: You can vote on your favorite character in another thread, so let us know here which actor(s)/actress(es) are your favorite.

For example, although Mac isn't my favorite character on NY, Gary Sinise is definitely one of my all-time favorite actors. :lol: He was the reason I loved CSI:NY before it even premiered. :p
I'm not sure about this... most of the actors I haven't seen in anything else. The only exceptions are Emily Proctor (I'm a West Wing fan) and Rory Cochrane :)devil:). I think they're both excellent actors. Emily was amazing in WW. Rory, well, he's Rory. What else do I need to say? :lol:

Now, though I haven't seen him in anything else, I have to credit George Eads. With all the... er... crap that Nick goes through (guns, stalkers, burried alive, you know), he just pulls it off so well. I always thought GE handled the 'gun in the face' scene very well. It seemed like such a natural reaction. And at the end of Stalker, when he was left alone watching Nigel Crane, I thought he portrayed the emotions perfectly. But it was Grave Danger that sealed it for me. He was absolutely superb. To show that kind of emotion... it must have been incredibly difficult. He is simply amazing.

The only other person I want to mention is Eva La Rue from Miami. I really dislike Natalia, and find her rather usless, but ELR does a great job with what she is given. The writing for this character, as far as I am concerned, has been... poor, and sloppy, but Eva takes what she's given, and does the best she can with it. Kudos to her.
- Jorja and Marg. Jorja has a really hard name to pronounce. Don't know how many versions I tried had of her name until I actually heard how her name was pronounced on the Ellen Degeneres show. First time I've actually heard that name also. It's such a nice name.

Marg has the coolest lastname ever! Helgenberger... haha, I love that name.

CSI Miami
- The blond girl and the CSI team boss... Horatio or something. Those are the only characters I like on that show.
nice thread. :D

I think I like both the actors and their characters!!
Gary Sinise ,Pettersen and David Caruso are my favorites so is Mac Grissom and Horatio!!

Melina Kanakaredes,Emily Proctor and Marg H. for actresses!!

But everyone in all 3 csi's are really good and have a part as to why I love CSI's! :D
favorite actors are (in no particular order) Gary Sinise (loved him ever since "The Stand"), Eric Szmanda (my Greggo), and Jonathan Togo (my Ryan).

BTW YouAndMe1105, love your icon, that's soooo cuuuute! :)
My favorite actors are: Eddie Cahill (of course), Anna Belknap, Jorja Fox, George Eads and David Caruso (with his sunglasses).^^"
Wow, hard to answer but... my favorites are... :D

NY: Gary Sinise, Eddie Cahill, Melina Kanakaredes.
Miami: Rex Linn, Emily Procter, Khandi Alexander.
LV: William Petersen, Eric Szmanda, Gary Dourdan.

I can't choose only one.
I posted in here on the second page, but I have to add to my list. I love Jonathan Togo now. He's SO funny. Every interview he has makes me laugh so much. He's adorable. :D
CSI LV: William Petersen. I love him in everything he has done. But as someone has said Grissom will be his defining moment in terms of acting. Sometimes I don't like his character and sometimes I LOVE HIM!
Jorja Fox: I feel the same with Sara. I don't like their relationship and when I first started this site I was OBSESSED with Sara. I like and sometime I don't like her but I think Jorja has really nailed Sara's character
Alex Carter: I miss Vartann! I think he did a great job as the 'smart ass' detective but I don't think he was on the show long enough for us to truely appreciate his personality.
Marg Helgenburger: She IS Catherine Willows and I can relate to her becasue I am alot like Catherine and I too saw her on China Beach

CSI:NY Gary Sinse, he is LOVE! Fantastic actor. Up there with WP and he brings the show together
Eddie Cahill: He is the total 'smart ass' detective. He does a great job of being a smart ass and a good detective that's why he's fun to watch.

I don't watch Miami, every time I have tried I fall asleep
:eek: so I'll take everyone's word about the actors
Gary Sinise, he's just one of today's best actors, period.

And for the others shows, I haven't watch 'em enough to judge. Funny that William Petersen is, like, totally unknown where i come from :confused:.
^^^ i guess that's why he went to Paris for this summer break ;) and he generally goes to Europe for vacation, to just spend it in peace.
My favorite CSI actors are of course Gary Dourdan and Adam Rodriguez.