Favorite Cathrine Quotes

from S3's Last Laugh:

Catherine: I don't have to run any tests. You cannot absorb enough cocaine through your penis to OD.

Grissom: Cite your source.

Catherine: I don't have a source.

... after several scenes ...

Grissom: Consumables from the club that matched Dougie's stomach contents. We know that he had naratriptamine in his system, and we also know that the poison was ingested.

Catherine: (picks up the jar with the chunk of spam) Because Spam can't be absorbed through the penis, and if you ask me to cite my source ...

(Grissom holds out his hand for her to stop.)

Grissom: I'll take your word for it.

from S3's Last Laugh:

Catherine: I don't have to run any tests. You cannot absorb enough cocaine through your penis to OD.

Grissom: Cite your source.

Catherine: I don't have a source.

... after several scenes ...

Grissom: Consumables from the club that matched Dougie's stomach contents. We know that he had naratriptamine in his system, and we also know that the poison was ingested.

Catherine: (picks up the jar with the chunk of spam) Because Spam can't be absorbed through the penis, and if you ask me to cite my source ...

(Grissom holds out his hand for her to stop.)

Grissom: I'll take your word for it.


Oh my! Those scenes were funny. :lol:
from S3's Last Laugh:

Catherine: I don't have to run any tests. You cannot absorb enough cocaine through your penis to OD.

Grissom: Cite your source.

Catherine: I don't have a source.

... after several scenes ...

Grissom: Consumables from the club that matched Dougie's stomach contents. We know that he had naratriptamine in his system, and we also know that the poison was ingested.

Catherine: (picks up the jar with the chunk of spam) Because Spam can't be absorbed through the penis, and if you ask me to cite my source ...

(Grissom holds out his hand for her to stop.)

Grissom: I'll take your word for it.


i love that scene, when i saw that on dvd, i had to rewind and watched it over because it's too funny
"Eleven Angry Jurors" was on last night, and I always loved this exchange:

MS.DAVIS: Girl to girl. I'm a dancer. I came off the pole. I teased him a
little bit.

CATHERINE: Woman to woman? The pole is there for a reason. It's what you hang on to so the creeps don't pull you out of there. Smarten up.
from S3's Last Laugh:

Catherine: I don't have to run any tests. You cannot absorb enough cocaine through your penis to OD.

Grissom: Cite your source.

Catherine: I don't have a source.

... after several scenes ...

Grissom: Consumables from the club that matched Dougie's stomach contents. We know that he had naratriptamine in his system, and we also know that the poison was ingested.

Catherine: (picks up the jar with the chunk of spam) Because Spam can't be absorbed through the penis, and if you ask me to cite my source ...

(Grissom holds out his hand for her to stop.)

Grissom: I'll take your word for it.

Can sombody explain this to me i'm a bit confused why she says about the spam and why she won't cite her source??? Please can somebody explain it?
"What position? Never doubt, never look back, that's how I live my life"
Catherine definitely gets some good lines...these are a few of my faves:

"Revenge is best served cold."

"When you want evidence, you can’t find it. When you don’t want it it’s as big as Dallas."

(to Grissom) "Well, if I get a promotion, I want it to be on merit…not because you’re politically tone-deaf."

(to Dr. Robbins) "Well have you ever tried shaking your ass in four-inch heals. (beat) Don’t answer that."

"A man with nothing to prove. Now that would be a first."

"So the acid was no doubt supplied by the same sweet thing who gave him breast milk from that…boobs-ahoy dress."

"The white sweaters, which you all look so adorable in, are the same fabric as the bloody one."

"Never underestimate the fragility of the male ego."

And then there's:

So this is what – your new leaf? - Catherine
(embarrassed yet serious) You keep on busting on me, you won’t see any kind of leaf. - Warrick

What did you find out? - Nick
Heavy on B.S., zippo on truth. - Catherine

That’s my case for the next twelve hours. Ask the Sheriff. - Catherine
I would never doubt your word. - Greg
Smart man. - Catherine

Definitely a crime of passion. - Catherine
You think a female could do this? - Grissom
I could have. - Catherine
(sing-song-ish) Scared of you. - Grissom

Hey, guys, I got a work card hit off of that maple syrup print. - Warrick
Let me guess. Mrs. Butterworth? - Catherine

Aborigines say they dance naked to make the gods happy. - Grissom
The gods would be happy in Vegas. - Catherine
from the season 2 ep with the hockey players and the lounge singer:

(CATHERINE clears throat.)

CATHERINE: It's never a good sign when the number of women a guy sleeps with is
more than the number of chairs he owns.

GRISSOM: So, what's the ratio here?

CATHERINE: Well, uh, ballparking it, I'd say ... four women to every one piece
of furniture he owns including the TV.

and my all time favorite line of cath's also from that ep:

CATHERINE: So... I guess our guy is about three things - pucks, bucks, and ...
this is from season 4's "getting off"

DET. CAVALIERE snaps a picture. The flash startles SARA and she turns to look
at him.)

DET. CAVALIERE: Don't get territorial. It's for my own personal collection.

CATHERINE: Whatever blows your skirt up. Burn me a copy.
CATHERINE: We restore peace of mind. And when you're a victim, that's everything. Stick with it out. At least until you solve your first. And after that, if you don't feel like King Kong on cocaine, then you can quit. But if you stay, with my right hand to God, you will never regret it.

CATHERINE: So, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
GRISSOM: How amazing the universe is. Everything made from the same carbon, stars to trees, trucks to human bones.
CATHERINE: Uh, no, I was thinking that we have about 100 bone fragments. We could ID this body before the end of the shift. :lol: