"Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

In the beginning, he just comes back from testifying in court, he's saying he did a great job..he's in the suit from the opening..that's when Grissom tells him he's late or something.
It could just be red paint, or it could be blood, I don't think that was part of the spoilers that came out. I'm hoping it's paint though.
Well, I don't think its just red pain. OH! i know what it is! It is paint, but its paint transfer because in the promo, you see the back window shatter, well in the spoilers I read, someone apparently hits him from the back, and its seems as though they were driving a red car..

Oh man, which would mean they blocked him in there.. there was no way for him to get out. Gah, I havn't thought about it that way yet. Kind of makes you feel sick.. :(
No way to get out, he's trapped, with all of them, yes, it does make you feel sick--oh Greg!!! Just the thought of that makes me cringe.
Yeah, they were smashed from behind and when he turned the driver's side one was too.

This episode is going to be exceptionally painful to watch.
:eek: Our Greggo gets trapped and then beaten?! :( What kinda of sick people would do that. :mad: Im mad at them now.

Im also mad at ET Tonight or whatever. Unless they are doing a special on Friday, they aren't doing a special on the episode at all. They show a preview for tomorrows episode and they said nothing about Fannysmakin. :(
Also, they don't usually advertise what shows they are going to brush up on unless its some huge segment. But in most cases, they just tell what the episodes will be about and have a short interview with one or possibly two of the cast... so.. its not enough to advertaise until they are about to show it. They seem to think we care more about Anna Nicole that Eric and CSI... they are dead wrong.. IMO at least.


Yeah, I was wondering at first about the shattering windows as well, but then it hit me what happened. I was also wondering why he didn't like pull out or something, but that was also answered.. so now my question is when is he found?
So Greg gets blocked in and trapped!! God that's just awful. I was wondering why he could not escape since it showed him trying to drive away. This is going to be so tramatic and scary...I wonder who comes to his aid,(Exp: Brass or Sophia) I don't see them just stopping and walking away, I'm sure they intend to kill him. Someone must stop them.
Yeah, thats the main thing I've been wondering about as well... You know that they would kill; they did it before, and was going to do it to Stanley but then Greg came. And then, he hits one of them.. so there has to be something that stops them. I'm thinking its Sophia becuase she testifies later so.. don't know.. but.. it won't be much longer until we find out!!! :D