"Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

I'm actually ok with him having a girl. I do think it would change the character a little, but I don't think it would be too bad. And besides, as long as they didn't get married or she doesn't like, almost die or anything, they wouldn't have to mention her much. But if he just had a girl, it would be nice to know, but we wouldn't have to deal with her.
I think I'm in the wrong thread...isn't this the FannySmackin thread? Not the is Greg gay thread....

Well anyway to hopfully bring us back on topic. I got a cute get well card for Greg today, has a Lab puppy on the cover.(Eric has a lab named Dax) and it says "Sorry to hear your tail is drooping"

So FannySmackin...Do you think Greg will have psychlogical problems like panic attacks as a result of his attack?
Aw! That is so cute. Dax is adorable and I'm a sucker for dogs. Lol, I bet Eric is going to flip. Or laugh. He could be used to it.. but I have a feeling he doesn't usually get "Get-well-soon" cards for his characters. Haha very nice. :devil:

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I don't think they will do anything too big; at least not now. The next biggest thing after the inquiry that they may do is the return of the brother. But I think there will be a few times in the next episodes where you see him alone and looking tired and hurt, and then someone comes around the corner and then he pulls it together. Or, a certian look when heading back into the feild. And I'm hoping some of the team members will be checking on him here and there. And maybe we will hear more about how he is having bad dreams and can't sleep or something. Definitely little, but important things.

And then of course, at some point (I'm guessing next week) we will start seeing the return of the mom, and maybe some reporters getting on Greg's case about it because we all know whats coming so they have to build to that episode. So, those are my guesses. But a panic attack would be hot.. I mean sad...
That's funny about the card. I think that he'll be messed up mentally. Nightmares and maybe being jumpy and stuff. Like in the episode after "play with fire" how his hands were shaking and he looked all scared. He also tried to hide it from Grissom but Grissom calmed him down and told him he would be there if he needed him, I thought that was sweet, I think that's how everyone will act towards him this time too.
Yeah, thats definitely the main thing I want to see; the team being there for him and helping him. I mean, Greg is strong. Like, if he had only been beat up, I don't think there would have been too much of a problem. Don't get me wrong, what he went through was horrible and would no doubt have some lasting effects, but I think that Greg would have hadled that quite well. This however is totally different, and anyone would be scarred and have issues if they killed someone by mistake, and then this is Greg.. so.. they just need to be there for him.
That's one of the things i was wondering when I asked about if there would be any long term effects of this that we maybe don't see but are lingering underneath the surface..or that will show later on in the season..something is definitely going to be up with him, other than the fact that he isn't sleeping, he's too sensitive not to be effected in some way.
Yeah, I think he'll take it hard, he'll probably blame himself, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the CSI's will probably tell him he did what he had to do. Don't mean to sound mean saying this, but I would've hit the kid too. He came at me with a rock like that and I still don't understand how Greg killed the kid, I mean the kid was running at the car and Greg was stopped. He floored the gas, but if you notice he wasn't that far from the kid how on earth did he kill the kid??? He was probably only going some where between 5-10 miles per hour lol. Sure, I can understand possibly having broken legs, or a sprained back and some broken ribs but I seriously don't think that would've killed him. Sorry, that's just something that annoyed me. I thought the look on Gfeg's face was funny after he hit the kid, he looked like "Uh! Did I just hit something?" sorry, I have a wicked since of humor lol.
reyrey said:
Hey, sorry to go back on the topic mentioned a few posts above, but do you think there is a possibility that Demetrius' brother is going to kill Greg? (you know... just in case he doesn't sign a new contract for next season?)
I dread the idea...
Do we have any spoilers as to Greg's future this season? I know what happens as far as Post Mortem... then nothing...

I am really worried about what might happern at the trial. The brother really scares me!!!
I'm more worried about how the mother would react to him. I think she'll be very rude to him and try to have him sent to jail.
Oh yeah. She's gunna raise some hell. Poor thing. I still can't get over him being called racist. That's the most ridiculous claim. I mean, it's not Greg's fault that the guy running at him with a freakin rock was black. Ugh, anything to win a case.

Note: I'm not racist, I just hate how people will do anything, even if it's dumb, to win.
Sillie said:
Toots said:
Back to the "overprotective mother" discussion, I might get "fannysmacked" for sharing this, but I had a totally different take on that whole conversation between Greg and Grissom--maybe I'm just reading too much into it. I was wondering (please don't fannysmack me, I love Greg just as much as the rest of you), considering the lack of athletic participation, overprotective mother, and seemingly lack of success in the dating field (though I can't understand why) could be indications that maybe Greggy is in the closet? Not that I necessarily want it to happen, just wondering if anyone else had thought it or if it was just me. I'll go run and hide now.

No need to run and hide, but there is absolutely no way and no reason to think that Greg is "in the closet". He's pure hetero, and has been shown to crush on girls and only girls!

Greg has dated before. He once talked to Nick about how he was checking out a date's DNA, not to mention he wanted that hooker's phone number, the one Nick helped in the first season. He's been shown to flirt with girls in the lab, not to mention that he's always had a crush on Sara. Probably still does.

I wonder why people get so diffensive when someone suggests a character could be gay/ bi. Appart from the fact that it'll probably never happen, 'cause CBS is to chickenshit to go that way... *is sad*

Anyway, some might disagree with me, but I think Greg has been over his crush on Sara for a long time, at least since end season 4. Sure, he likes to flirt with her a little, but he flirts with pretty much everything that breathes. They're just really good friends, almost brother/sister like.

Also? You don't want to know how many gay men are married in this time and age just to hide who they are, so saying that Greg is purely hetro just because he says he's been dating girls... well, it doesn't really fly. I'm not saying that Greg is gay, because really? I don't know, but I don't see him as purely hetero either.

Remember in Big Middle, how he told Grissom he likes to think he's pretty open minded?

And then there's something Catherine said in Fannysmackin' that can mean nothing or anything... After Greg told her he went to diner after his court apperance? She asked if the person he went to diner with was female. That amused me to no end, but then again, I have a strange sense of humor. :p

Great post, Sillie!!. I just had to say it. And I totally agree; those little clues into Greg's background are very...interesting ;)

*going back to talk about Fannysmackin'*
Yup!! He still has bruises. And did you see his face when Catherine asked if he was okay?? Poor guy... That's so sad,it makes you just want to hug him. Okay! Back to the show.
He definitely needs a hug, he's brewing underneath it all, putting on that brave face face, that sense of humor to cover it..kind of like always, being funny to cover almost his insecurities.

p.s., I love that this thread is still going on..and it's only about 8 pages away from the spoiler page for the whole season so far. :)

He was fine when he brought out the boots that led them to nailing the suspect, but he does have an edge to him now..and it's still making me think that like they said in the description of Fannysmackin' it's going to effect him mentally, emotionally and spiritually for the rest of his life.

And more on Greg's sexuality, I totally can see both sides of the discussion, but CBS, not sure they'd go there, but if they did, it would be interesting to see how they work it in or divuldge it.