Fanfic: A Grissom/Sara/Greg Triangle

*eats cookies* hey theses are prety good, *chases hollie with pitchfork* Throws shoes at Sandle fans....Ummm can I have my shoes back, I need those to go to the store??? Ahem haha
*walks in to see a war going on* :eek: what's happening in here???

*sees pitchfork* HEY!! Don't mess with my fellow Sandle shippers!! *uses a huge cookie to block CSI_Trainee's way* Ha!

Oh anyway Hestia, brilliant as always... But don't let us hanging there!!! *lure Hestia with delicious cookies so she'll write a Sandle ending* :devil: You know you want to...
*grabs cookies and runs* No you want a GSR ending *chokes on cookie while talking with mouth full* Oh darn it I got cookie on myself :D
Hey don't steal the cookies! *runs after CSI_Trainee* You get back here!! *CSI_Trainee chokes on cookies* Ha!! What have I told you? :lol:

Sorry 'bout that Hestia :p Here, more cookies! :D
*grumbles* *cries* I want cookies *runs to store in bare feet to get cookies* *pleading look* can i have my shoes back please, they won't let me on the bus without em' and can't wait for a update Hestia, *waves pitchfork menacingly*
Never! Muahahahaha!! *eats some cookies*

Hestia we need an update soon. Do you see the chaos going on here?
I have been having a blast writing this story. And watching all you guys debate about who Sara should be with. But all good things must come to an end. Especially all of the positive feedback! :D You guys are the best!

My deepest thanks to:
jenakapt, melbel, Sanders_Rules, Cordelia_GRS_Fan, Sandles21, hollie, xo_paperdoll, Sarex, Lia, bananadevil, GGgirl1, YouandMe1105, CSI_Trainee, zupa_fly, Silhouette, sissi59100, and iloveyou.
Ummm... I love you guys... girls. Yeah. :cool:

So here we go. The epilogue. A definite decision. I even have a reference to CSI: NY.

Enjoy. ;)

~The Epilogue~

It was six long months on the road. Things were rough at first, mainly because she didn’t have a car. But soon, she found a place to settle down and most of those months were spent in San Francisco. And why not? It was her home town growing up and the beaches were a beautiful part of California that she missed. They calmed her down and let her think about things. One of those things being her less-than-stellar love life.
She didn’t date, although not from lack of trying. Most of them weren’t her type, while the few who actually interested her were scared off when she mentioned her life back in Vegas. Soon she just stopped talking to men.

It took a bit longer than she expected to get her old job in the San Francisco lab, but she was thankful when they let her come back to work, especially since she emphasized that it would most likely be temporary. She enjoyed working in the lab and the field, but not as much as strolling down the sandy dunes or checking out the Golden Gate bridge for the hundredth time.

Yes, everything was going along quite well. However, on those rare occasions where she gazed out of her hotel window, seeing a beautiful ruby red sunset or catching the crystal blue waves of the far off ocean, she wished she had someone to share it all with. She stayed in contact with Nick, Catherine, and Warrick, but she was careful not to divulge any details. At first they were upset that they lost two great investigators, Greg as well Sara. However, they came around and became very supportive of her.

It was during her sixth month staying in sunny San Francisco that she grew rather home sick for Vegas, and wondered if she should go back. By some terrible unforeseen circumstances, Sara experienced something she never thought she would have to go through. Something that set things into perspective.

She was caught in an earthquake.


“Turn it up.”
“Okay, wait a sec.”
The whole graveyard shift gathered around the television in the break room watching the news coverage of the great San Francisco earthquake that trapped some and injured others. It was the end of shift and they just hung around, watching the news like they’ve been doing for the last few weeks.

"… Although no deaths have been reported yet. We now go to our correspondent who’s on the scene, in San Francisco, covering the tragedy."
"It scored a 5.0 on the Richter scale and crumbled quite a few buildings. Some of the debris may have trapped several tourists underneath it."

“Why are we watching this?”
“Sshhh. I just want to see something. I have this funny feeling…” Catherine spoke up concentrating on the television.

"I am here with one of the survivors who was trapped underneath the collapsed structure you see behind me. She was just recently freed and she is, understandably, very glad to be alive."

The female reporter, as well as the camera, turned to the ‘survivor’, eliciting a cry from the three CSIs.
“Sara!” They all jumped up.

"Now, Miss Sidle is it? You were just rescued from this terrible concrete tomb; can you tell the viewers what went through your mind as all that rubble collapsed around you?"
"When I was trapped under all those bricks and rocks, my life flashed before my eyes. And I realized something."
"Uh huh. And what are you planning to do, now."
"I’m going to Vegas to see the man I love. This whole thing just made me realize that life is too short, and I should be spending mine with the people who care about me - especially him. I need to see him and tell him I love him."
"That’s wonderful. Good luck to you. I am reporting from San Francisco live-"

Warrick clicked off the television as he let out a celebratory yell.
“She’s coming back!” Catherine grabbed Warrick and twirled him around.
Nick laughed, a few tears in his eyes.
“All this time… she was in San Fran?”
“I had an inkling,” Catherine said. The men gave her a look, wondering why she didn’t say anything.
“I did some investigative work, okay?”
Nick and Warrick just shook their heads. She was never the type who was satisfied with not knowing something.
“We have to tell Brass. And everyone else!”
They all ran off to spread the good news.


Greg was visiting Las Vegas, calling some of the lab techs and telling them about his visit. They were all surprised but they sounded like they had a secret they didn’t want to share with him. He stopped over at the lab and looked on in surprise as all of grave shift stood in the hall, sporting huge grins on their faces.
“Don’t tell me you’re happy to see little ‘ole me?”
Nick rushed over to him and grabbed him in a mock headlock.
“This is a regular reunion! Hey everyone, Greg’s back!”
Catherine and Warrick rushed over, looking a bit surprised.
“Greg, I can’t believe you’re back. How’s things in New York?”
“I met some interesting CSIs. The coroner was kind of weird, though,” Greg managed a grin. “I hope Doc Robbins doesn’t start talking to the dead bodies.”
Nick interrupted, “Where are you staying?”
“A hotel around the strip.”
“Yeah that narrows it down,” Warrick replied sarcastically.
“Greg, did you know that Sara was coming back?” Catherine finally broached the topic, somewhat baffled when he didn‘t make a big deal out of it.
“Cool. I guess my timing is good; we should all get some drinks.”
They all nodded and left the lab in search of a decent place to have a good time.

It was a rough flight.
She was too nervous and excited to sleep. At the terminal, she called Nick and he informed her that they saw her on the news. She just smiled as she was caught up on everything, Nick was very curious about the man she was referring to on national TV but she just said, “You’ll see.” and hung up. Quickly grabbing her bag, she walked outside and hailed a taxi.


She gave him the address, and stared out window making sure to appreciate all the cheesy, but still so beautiful sights. Neon and casinos. Who knew she would miss them? When she finally arrived at her destination she paid the cabbie and made her way to the door.
“This is it. I have to tell him… Please feel the same way…” she whispered to herself.

She knocked on his door, loudly and firmly. When he finally opened the door, he expressed the briefest of surprise. He looked like he was expecting her.
Making her way inside she set her bag down and turned to him.
“I don’t know if you’ve seen the news…”
“Catherine told me. San Francisco earth quake. I hope you’re alright.”
She was giddy and jittery, “I’m fine. I’m actually more than fine. I’m supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!”
He let out a soft chuckle, “Did you watch Mary Poppins on the flight over?”
“Yeah. But it still applies,” she looked into his eyes, “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting. The past few months - heck the past two years have been so crazy between us. When my life flashed before my eyes, you were the only one I saw. It took a stupid earthquake to make me realize that I love you. And I always have, no matter what. I don’t want to hurt you anymore. I just want to be with you for the rest of my life. No more doubts.”
She stared at him, feeling more anxious the longer he stood silent.
“I just hope you’ll accept me. Please?”

He finally answered, taking her into his arms, “Of course I will, Sara. I never stopped loving you either.”
She held on fiercely, her eyes shut tight, feeling his warm breath on her ear, and knowing she made the right decision. They were finally back together. He pulled away ever so slightly to address the lingering question.

“What about Grissom?”
“I thought I loved him but It was an illusion,” she sighed.
He looked a little confused.
“Never mind. I mailed my divorce papers to him. He wasn’t torn up about it, and I’m glad he’s found something else to dedicate his life to.”
“You got it,” she laughed, “So, what did you say when Catherine told you I was coming?”
He grinned, “I pretended it was no big deal. She was completely surprised. Actually, I was kind of surprised when you wanted me to meet you here. I could’ve gone to San Francisco for you.”
“I don’t want you to do anymore for me. You’ve been so wonderful these last few years, I just want to return the favor. I want to do things for you, and we have the rest of our lives to do these things together.”
He smiled at her, finally feeling like he was complete. She completed him.
“Besides, I came here because I wanted to tell everyone. We can go wherever you want. New York, San Francisco… I don’t care as long as I’m with you.”

He smiled tenderly, “I love you Sara.”
“I love you too, Greg.”

The End

Well, I purposely wrote the entire first part of this vaguely, mainly to keep everyone guessing until the end. Also, I actually wrote an alternate ending for this where the last few lines were Sara choosing Grissom instead of Greg! If anyone wants the lines, you can PM me. Actually, I already PM'd the GSR reviewers the alternate ending.
What can I say? I like to please everyone.
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D (as you can see, I'm glad... :lol:)

It was super, Hestia! Oh, btw, it was not bugs that Grissom found, it was me! :lol: (I wish...)

Big hugs, and thank you for a rockin' finale! :D

^ (that's me being speechless :lol:)

Omg Hestia... wow... WOW... I can't believe it's Greg... I kinda cheated though, I couldn't help it to read the last line first ;) :lol: Though when you write 'knocking his door' I was like, "Oh NO it's Grissom!! *crushed*" but as soon as I read 'I love you Greg' I squee :D *squeee*

And you even use earthquake! (plot bunny from Sandle thread? ;) *winkwink*) Brilliant written, as always. Keep rockin', Hestia :)

*showers you with tons of sandle cookies* :)