Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

mrsjrewing said:
The videos are amazing. I wish I could make one, but I am totally clueless.
Give it a try, its a snap. I didn't even know I had Movie Maker on my computer until a couple of months ago. If you get stumped just ask for help, you can PM me or I know one of the other CSI places I go to they don't mind if you ask about things like that.
Thanks a lot kms, Em (I suppose I can call you that too? :lol:) and horatiosangel. I'm glad you guys liked the video. I don't watch Miami regularly, but Em and horatiosangel your vids totally got me hooked. *confesses her secret love for H/C* :D

You can call me Erica btw. :)
^ I just left you a comment on YouTube. I think it was really well done. I think you used the b&w effect in all the right places and it made the video even more beautiful. Great work! :)

And since kms mentioned Queen of My Heart, I thought I'd pimp it, again. lol. It's an old one and a lot of C/G shippers have watched it, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to post it again. :D

Queen of My Heart - Catherine/Gil
EricaSJ said:
^ I just left you a comment on YouTube. I think it was really well done. I think you used the b&w effect in all the right places and it made the video even more beautiful. Great work! :)

And since kms mentioned Queen of My Heart, I thought I'd pimp it, again. lol. It's an old one and a lot of C/G shippers have watched it, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to post it again. :D

Queen of My Heart - Catherine/Gil

That vid is seriously one of your best, Erica. I totally love it.