Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

Hey ya'll!!! :D

I finally finished that DuCaine/EDeN vid requested by mjszud...
Long Trip Alone

This is my first time taking a vid request...hope ya'll like it. :) FB is always appreciated... ;)

And if anyone else has a vid request, let me know and I'll give it a try ... I like the challenge. :D
EricaSj , I adore that video you made ... *watching it over and over* one of the best . And one of my favorites on youtube !
And Kat so lovely !
"LONG TRIP ALONE" aaahhh god, that was so perfect! Uh, i loved it; Im feeling all giddy, fluffy & sappy right now. *MMWWAA* *big hugs* Thank ya, thank ya. You didn't have to put my name up there but it is much appreciated, thanks again, ya did a great job!! I just watched it like 5 times. Im gonna go have a giggle fit again.. :p
ericloca said:
EricaSj , I adore that video you made ... *watching it over and over* one of the best . And one of my favorites on youtube !
lol thanks a lot for the nice words. Hopefully I'll get another one done soon. :) Your videos are cute and I really like them!
Leela: Your E/C ones are lovely!
Erica: Mwahaha, love your Queen of My Heart G/C one too!
EmeraldEyes: Amazing, DuCaine videos!

Great thread, everyone!
That "Cherry Pie" vid was just awesomme, EricaSJ!!! Fantastic Job!!! :) Loved it. :D

And well done as always, Em!!! :D:devil:

And csiemily, great job on your vid. Can't wait to see more from you!!! :)