"Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

kaylyne said:
I found it interesting as I was re-watching the scene with Catherine & Gil going over the phone calls while walking through the lab, if you pay attention to the background, you can get a good understanding of how the lab is laid out - which labs are where in correlation. It made me wonder: is there a floor plan or layout of the entire lab anywhere online? I might have to go searching.

On the Season 3 DVD, one of the extras is a guy taking u around the entire set, and showing u all the rooms in the police station. And Season 2 DVD I believe does the same thign with the lab, so it gives u a good idea of where everything is
i've read most of this thread and i'm very surprised at some people's hostility towards GSR. the relationship by no means interferes with or takes over the show. we get 20-30 seconds (sometimes a full minute) every two episodes and the scenes are very subtle.

maybe there are some people who support this ship and are not always kind, but it's no reason to bash the ship itself, cuz Grissom and Sara have nothing to do with them. i support GSR with all my heart and i find comments like "i'm gonna vomit" offensive (especialy when it's constantly repeated by same people). i've never said that about any other ship regardless to what i think about it.

i liked the episode a lot, it was a very intriguing case with a surprising ending. the shaving scene was great, and i melted and sqeed after Grissom said "intimately". i'm happy the beard is gone simply b/c i lead the Clean-Shaven Wagon (but i'm Bi-facial in heart, lol).
Greg getting play does not nessicarily mean sex, I thought of that too. Could be that the writers screwed up with the continuity, or that he was just trying to make Nick jealous

Of course, I just thought up yet another possible explanation, with my penchant for sarcasm...maybe Greggo was being sarcastic himself? I mean listen, he was getting "so much play" he was considering getting A HEARSE? Think about it. What goes in the back of a hearse? THE DEAD!! Just a vague possibility he was subtly hinting his love life in high school was actually, well...less than lively?

Juat another thought to throw in and complicate matters... :D
Liked the epi not enough Cath for my liking but there never is at the moment!
Im by no means bashing I am a GCR but the end scene freaked me out not because it was GSR. It could have been anyone and I still would have been freaked out by it. Dont know why it just did *shudders*
Ok I know when me and my friends refer to getting play, it rarely ever means having sex. If we were having sex, we'd come out and say it. The writers aren't screwing this one up, and I'm looking at Greg getting a hearst as his way of saying he needed more room to operate or put a matress or something back there.
Adzix said:
i've read most of this thread and i'm very surprised at some people's hostility towards GSR. the relationship by no means interferes with or takes over the show. we get 20-30 seconds (sometimes a full minute) every two episodes and the scenes are very subtle.

maybe there are some people who support this ship and are not always kind, but it's no reason to bash the ship itself, cuz Grissom and Sara have nothing to do with them. i support GSR with all my heart and i find comments like "i'm gonna vomit" offensive (especialy when it's constantly repeated by same people). i've never said that about any other ship regardless to what i think about it.

i liked the episode a lot, it was a very intriguing case with a surprising ending. the shaving scene was great, and i melted and sqeed after Grissom said "intimately". i'm happy the beard is gone simply b/c i lead the Clean-Shaven Wagon (but i'm Bi-facial in heart, lol).

just because there are very small GSR scences, doesn't mean it isn't interfering with the rest of the show. I have completely lost respect for Grissom. How could he just give into the sexual harassment and stalking, and risk the integrity of the lab and his job? He is now just an office chiche and a big hypocrite. I can't respect that...he was my favorite character. Plus there were so many episodes where they were practically joined at the hip, and they didn't work with anyone else. Plus all those dumb looks they give each other...jeeze.

That end scene was creepy, and it did make me a little sick. They look like father/daughter when they were standing next too each other...and they way sara was holding that razor creeped me out. Plus I cringed when grissom said 'intimately'...it was so bad. Also that music...doesn't belong in csi :rolleyes:
Adzix said:
i've read most of this thread and i'm very surprised at some people's hostility towards GSR. the relationship by no means interferes with or takes over the show. we get 20-30 seconds (sometimes a full minute) every two episodes and the scenes are very subtle.

maybe there are some people who support this ship and are not always kind, but it's no reason to bash the ship itself, cuz Grissom and Sara have nothing to do with them. i support GSR with all my heart and i find comments like "i'm gonna vomit" offensive (especialy when it's constantly repeated by same people). i've never said that about any other ship regardless to what i think about it.

i liked the episode a lot, it was a very intriguing case with a surprising ending. the shaving scene was great, and i melted and sqeed after Grissom said "intimately". i'm happy the beard is gone simply b/c i lead the Clean-Shaven Wagon (but i'm Bi-facial in heart, lol).

HERE-HERE, I totally agree, and to those who don't understand, its a thing called LOVE..and that takes predecent over all things.. they've been together for a long time, it's jusr finally showing the audience, and I believe that this takes the show to new heights, and Grissom, is a man with strong feelings, which finally at long last he's acting upon them, YIPEE :p and I honor and respect him for that and Sara too!!

"I'D LIKE TO KISS HER BEFORE THE SHOW ENDS" William Petersen..Galaxie Magazine
I like the Grissom-Sara stuff, and I'm a guy. It's just another interesting thing going on in the show.
just because there are very small GSR scences, doesn't mean it isn't interfering with the rest of the show. I have completely lost respect for Grissom. How could he just give into the sexual harassment and stalking, and risk the integrity of the lab and his job? He is now just an office chiche and a big hypocrite. I can't respect that...he was my favorite character. Plus there were so many episodes where they were practically joined at the hip, and they didn't work with anyone else. Plus all those dumb looks they give each other...jeeze.
i remember a question from a fan to WP in last year's TV Guide, which implied similar things that you do. i loved how he replied. here is what it said:

Question: I contacted a proffesional organization for entomologists. A gentleman replied that he was sorry the show was taking such a turn (GSR) b/c it didn't reflect the personalities of the entomologists he knew. Do you care how the professionals you portray feel about you?

WP: I've met many entomologists since the beginning of the show. I won an award at an entomology convention for upgrading the way people think of entomologists. Most, if not all, of the entomologists I've met enjoy relationships, sexual or otherwise. So this particular entomologist evidently doesn't believe entomologists should have sex. If that's the case, I feel bad for him and his bugs.

i'm not saying that you should either become a GSR shipper or stop watching the show, no. i'm not going to force you to something you don't want. but i would like you to understand there are a lot of people who have a different view than you and some of the comments may sound offensive. of course, i'm not denying you the right to express your opinion. i just think there are some limits and the whole thing is not worth arguing about. it's just a show, and it's not real.

other thing is that ALL of the ships are between the main characters of the show (except GLH). Grissom is everybody's supervisor. it would be the same "unethical" if he had a relationship with any of them then. therefore i don't see any ethical difference between GSR, GCR, YoBling or CatNip for example.
That end scene was creepy, and it did make me a little sick. They look like father/daughter when they were standing next too each other...and they way sara was holding that razor creeped me out. Plus I cringed when grissom said 'intimately'...it was so bad. Also that music...doesn't belong in csi
well, i think you already said it all like ... twice, lol.
Well, there are vocal fans in EVERY fandom. GSR isn't the only ship that gets dissed. My ship gets bashed all the time and I don't get it, either. Don't even get me started with my favorite character who I think is probably the most dissed on this board apart from Ecklie. You're a nice gentle fan doesn't mean everybody else is like you. I guess you either live with it and keep showing your support or stay away from those comments.
^^ yeah, i think you're right Erica. i usually avoid those people, but it got to me this time. i'm a GSR shipper but i don't have anything against other ships, although i don't ship them. i'm also not going to bash any of the characters either b/c i love them all.

the thing is that GSR is on a spotlight due to its "canoness" (lol) and the critique becomes more and more agressive in places where you don't expect it. so it's harder for me not to react after somebody bashes my ship over and over in neutral threads.

i guess i'll have to live with it.
So what somebody was trying to say is, if your an entomologist you pretty much avoid human contact with the opposite sex?? That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
kaylyne said:
* The Cath/Gil scene with the crabs! OMG!! That was freaking hilarious!!!! Cath getting LIndsey a chastity belt, then Gil coming back with his line pointing out the demerits of the belt. Cath's “You are so creepy sometimes” really summed it up quite well.

I know! *lol* I cracked up at that one! :) I dunno... I do think this episode could have been better, but it was really creepy at the same time. The crabs, the end scene where we she the basketball player and the teacher lying in bed... that was interesting.