Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Picture Thread #5.0

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What she did was hardly stripping. If Cath hadn't been a stripper before people probably wouldn't have made that reference.

I was too busy staring at the screen to worry about whether what she was doing was right or wrong. :D

A couple more pics of Cath:

Rissa the clip was from a show that I taped from five US. It was a kind of behind the scenes thing for the 3 CSI shows. :)
Love the shades and the cap. :)
Oic Thank you. I think I know that vid, I remember the WPAP webmaster alerted us of that clip I forgot to watch it. :D
I don't want to comment on all this hysteria anout Catherine's damned buttons. I mean, that is just so stupid. But again, as someone said, as lons as it's Catherine Willows any critical expression is good for them.
I haven't seen the ep, but HELL I can't look forward to it. And you know what? Once again, it is thanx to that scene that I keep loving her. It just shows she's strong, not like other people (no references intended here) and she knows what she wants.
She isn't afraid to use what she has, and with that I mean her body, sure, but also her brain.
If someone's got problem with that, than I'm sorry for him/her. It just shows they have a little mind.
And again, no references, here.
OMG I thought with After The Show we had stopped talking about this...And here we are again.

I repeat: thanx God for that scene. :D
I've got a question about the buttons.

Last season Sofia did it and I didn't see anyone blowing a gasket. What's all the fuss about Cath doing it? I don't see the difference. Its okay for Sofia, but not Cath? Geez
Syd, it's Catherine we're talking about. Does she ever do something right? Sure as hell she doesn't, for them. :D
Well, if Catherine doesn't do anything, she's damned. If Catherine does something, she's damned, too. She's damned as long as she's on the screen no matter what she does or doesn't do. [/sarcasm]

I do love one thing about this, though. She gets attention and raises topics. TPTB want that and apparently they know who does it the best. ;)
Yeah, you've got a point. I just don't get the fact that there is a difference. There really isn't except that its Catherine.

Yup, that's it. Its Catherine so therefore its wrong. I don't get that logic at all.
I have this personal theory.
Catherine fans are the best, Meaning that they've really got it all: we're intelligent, cool, acute, funny and HOT ( everyone in her/his own way). Just like Cath.
Therefore, if you don't have this features, you can not like Cath.
Too bad for them.
Oh I did read a lot of negative (and positive) feedback about Sofia's buttons too. ;) Although I noticed Catherine's buttons are kind of more popular, because she's the alpha female of the show.
And yeah, without the buttons I don't think the epi would be as controversial as it is. There won't be anything to talk about because Grissom's departure and the case in the ep was quite a letdown.
Edit: Lmao, I like your theory Fra.. you gotta brace yourself for the next epis (Sweet Jane and Redrum) and think of more theories.
Oh, hello Tom and Bob! Love ya guys :D
This episode cracked me up. The 'boys', the chewing gum... ZOMGZ. I'd so post that pic of the boys :D
Well, instead, here is a pic of our Margi and Alan ^_^
I haven't seen the ep (oh well, few clips...) but I must say, even from the caps, that the chemistry between Alan and Marg is undeniable.
I so SHIP these two, if it's possible to ship for two real person. *_*
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