Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Picture Thread #5.0

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Hottie_Cath said:
I was finally able watch Erica's Marg Im Too Sexy music video and its the first time I saw some of these hot scenes/pictures of Marg she included in the video.. so I took a screencap of those pics I've never seen before.. E care to share where you found these: :D
Party Marg
It was from an image video for Zaring Cioffi Entertainment company. You can get the complete video from their homepage over here. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for HIGHLIGHT REEL.
Thinking about that...Makes me think of Ecklie.
That guy has a total crush on her. O.O
Remnember Nesting Dolls, his arm on her chair. Ugh.
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