Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

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When I first saw the letter as published, I thought it screamed "STALKER" in big neon letters. Then I thought it screamed "LOSER".

I'm feeling better now. Thanks for the support.
If I lived there and saw that plate on my way, I'd so stalk you and steal the plate when you're not watching, Walter. :devil:
EricaSJ said:
If I lived there and saw that plate on my way, I'd so stalk you and steal the plate when you're not watching, Walter. :devil:

Made me look out the window to make sure it was still there.

That reminds me. Do they make locking license plate bolts? I need to replace my rusting bolts. Can't let anything make Marg look bad. :D
Is it allowed to have your plate framed in the US? Because it's not allowed here, but a lot of people do that anyway. I think it's a good way to protect your plate. :D
I believe it is legal in the US. I have seen a few ads for plate covers that are used to defeat radar speed guns. "If those are legal, the anti-Erica locking covers should be legal" he says while looking out the window at the back of his car...
You should check with your local BMV (Bureau of Motor Vehicals) to be sure, but here is a site regarding plates by state. NCSL
That's right put covers on it, you shouldn't let dust settle onto your Marg plate.. and screw the frames tight so that no one by the name of lady e could steal it :D
Heyyyya Walter, dude I think your letter inspired a lot of people. I read on the CBS messageboard that a CSI/William Petersen fan is planning to buy a Grissom/CSI plate. lol.

And do you gals know when did they air this Regis & Kelly interview? Thanks.
I remember that one - but can't remember how long ago it was, and I can't seem to find it in the video files on my computer, so I must only have it on vhs.

Isn't this the one where she mentioned Alan was running for SAG president and ballots were due that day. She asked Regis if he voted. I think that's the intervew. I can't remember what else she was promoting.

Darn it, Hottie. It's 2:25am, and I won't be able to sleep until I've found that blasted interview.

ETA: Checking the dates on the imdb site - Marg's been on R&K three times. So, by powers of deduction: it wasn't the Jan 14, 2005 one, because she was promoting IGC (and I have that one); it wasn't the Oct 2006 one, because she was promoting the premiere of Season 7 (also have that one); so it has to be the September 2005 one (the one I can't find). Right?

ETA (again): Well, That was easy to find (the first vhs tape I picked up). It was the Sept 2005 show, because they were talking about the season 6 premiere of CSI (showed a clip of Cath playing hardball with the stripper "coach"). Marg also talks about her elopement with Alan as she & Kelly compare notes as both couples eloped.
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