Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

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Marg makes great drama, though, or TPTB wouldn't give her so many personal storylines. Plus we've got the straw. Mmmmmm...

I said this somewhere else... Marg ROCKED the place but ... the rest of the episode was just way to much for me
hhunter said:
I liked season 5 too. Great storylines and Cath looked hot as always.
It's been said earlier, I'm not a great fan of THIS season either.

Buttons! We got the buttons!

But seriously, I understand. I've liked this season, but I wouldn't rank it as the best as the producers and writers have been saying in interviews.

So, we have the buttons. And the straw. Surely that makes Season 7 worth it. ;) :devil: There are other moments, are there not?

The last scene in Living Legend was dynamite. Oh oh, and the giggles in Loco Motives! Roy is turning into a puddle of mush just thinking about that.
Haha. Erica loves the straw. And the buttons.

And I just LOVE when Adam says "Ask the redhead". It's just so perfect. :D
Ok, I'll give you guys the straw.. and the giggles in Loco Motives

and I have no idea who that mystery man is blogan
Tee hee. I assume that's Robert. I remember Marg said she was with Robert when her little plane scare happened and I remember seeing photos of her and this guy about the same time. He does seem quite close to the Rosenbergs. He's been to a lot of occasions with Marg, sometimes plus Alan.
EricaSJ said:
Marg makes great drama, though, or TPTB wouldn't give her so many personal storylines. Plus we've got the straw. Mmmmmm...

Awww, I wish I was that straw <3 BTW, gotta love that giggly scene from 7x11. Wait a min, was that 7x11?
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