Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

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If she was on another talk show, we'd have known about that and you'd see me begging people to record the show for me. lol. I think she was there for personal reasons, but it really isn't my business. ;)

I'm in such a mood for Marg/Alan pics. :D

thanks guys for those pics of Marg, they're really lovely!

Jue, I am kinda new here, so I've never seen that pic before, Marg looked really cute then! And I liked your caption! :D

blogan, thanks for those NY pics, she sure looked hot in those shades!

EricaSJ, thank you for your Marg/Alan pics, though I have to say I felt jealous, very very jealous of Alan... :rolleyes:
I'm So lovin the Biker Boots and the Diane Ketton sunglasses she's got....

I love her in the red hair!! I've gotten bad... I've gotten my hair cut like her and now I have the strawberry blond hair like hers!!

I think her best color has to be when she was in China Beach!!! Love the KC Hair!
Margs KC Hair!
KC Red :D

Beautiful pictures everyone.

That one of KC is just stunning :D And Erica, I love the one of Marg and Alan together. They're so in love with each other.
ineverysunflower said:
Thanks for the paprazzi pics blogan- its nice to see her out and about

*squeee* Marg and Alan love! look at his hand :devil: :lol:

I love how he does that. He does it in a lot of pictures. It's so cute!
I don't think I've ever really seen pics of Marg as KC, or maybe I have and didn't know that's what I was looking at. Too busy just oogling and not caring where the pic came from. :devil:

Still, gotta love the red hair. :D
Well never is such a strong word...I...well. Yeah, never is accurate.

Aside from the one above, I really wouldn't know what to look for. I've heard of China Beach and all, just never actually saw it. *sheepishly hides* Like I said, I've probably seen them, just didn't realize that's where they were from. But by all means, go find more! :D

Roy needs to be educated in the art of viewing KC pics.
o_O ooooOOOoooOOOO, purty. Wow, I'm def starting to like the red hair more and more. *treks over to aam*

I was blind, but now I see! Thank you, kaylyne for pointing me in the right direction. The hotness is almost overwhelming. Btw, Drumchik, is China Beach what your avatar is from?
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