Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

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I'm with you on that.
I've actually got to admit that I made a CSI manip for Halloween and added wrinkles around her eyes, a hat onto her head, and I recolored her eyes, but hey, that was Halloween and the others looked creepy, too (Nick was the little devil, Sara and Cath were the witches :devil:). I didn't manipulate the pic to make fun of them, but because it fitted Halloween. :)

*shutzup* Let's continue the Marg/Catherine discussion <3
:lol: That's a great manip jue. I think Marg can pull off the Judi Dench look but I still prefer her w/ her long flowing strawberry blonde locks.
I don't know if anyone's interested or not, but the guy in picture number 2 is Dr. Gary Telgenhoff. He's the night shift coroner in Las Vegas and there was a reference to him in Evaluation Day. Doc Robbins mentions Dr. T's song, "I'll Speak For You." Also, the song was used at the end credits.

Now, back OT, those are gorgeous pics of her. I wish I could get away with those kind of pants.
Gorgeous piccies everywhere :D

I'm weighing in on the hair debate - The Red Rocks.

Also, I'm lucky because my hair is this same color. *giggle*

I agree with Lady E that her hair in Frame by Frame was gorgeous. Such a vivid red.

I think the only times I've never really liked her hair was in Perfect Murder (and Marg didn't like it either LOL), "Bad Boys" and the first Species movie.
Actually Anne, you're hair is about 2 shades lighter than Marg's natural color. Or I should say the color she had it during her Ryan's Hope days. I'm pretty sure it was her natural color.

I'm glad I could help you with that information E. I've e-mailed (talked) to Dr. T a couple of times. He's a really cool guy!
Fascinating. Well, I think mine's more CB color.

Actually, a little known fact about red hair for those who don't know:

As you get older, it can actually lighten in color. And redheads don't go grey. They go white ;)
Thanks for the pics blogan! :)
Erica, awesome caption! :lol: Does anyone have the ones where she's adjusting her pants/jeans? Those are paparazzi photos as well. I remember someone had posted them here, but I lost them :/
ah, the stalkerazzi out in full force again. Sometimes I just wish they'd leave her alone - even if it means we don't get those pics. And "Marg in NY this week"? Looks like the first one says "welcome to Los Angeles". ;)
Gotta love those boots...and the jeans...and the glasses...and the...rest of the package. :devil:
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