Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

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Mmmm Marg.

I'm so glad other people thought Ellen Pompeo's hair (and dress) looked more than a litle odd.

And Rachel ruined her hair with pink streaks? *bashes her on the head* RACHEL! You don't need them!

Gorgeous Marg...MMmmmmmmmarg
Yeah, what is up with all of the hideous dresses at tonight's awards? I think compared to most, Marg's was among the top ones, even though I wasn't overly impressed with it. I've got a video link up. It's got the E! clip at the beginning too.
damn! you guys are fast! i just saw her on the red carpet- it was just a short clip on E! and you guys already have AMAZING pics! *dies and goes to marg heaven* thanks to everyone who posted pics- cant wait for icons :D
It wasn't only the pink streaks, Rachel's dress isn't flattering either. The more you look at the other's gowns, the more you'll love Marg's dress, lol. Reese Witherspoon is the only one who got everything right. Mariska's dress is reminiscent of The Purple Dress, only that it is in charcoal.

Thanks kaylyne for the E!Clip! *runs to your place*
I saw a glimpse of Reese's dress. She looked gorgeous. Also saw a glimpse of Mariska's who also looked gorgeous.

I noticed a lot of women were wearing red!
Gulianna and Bobbi just commented Marg and they said how gorgeous she is and they love the hair and they are fans of CSI :D and Marg turned around a little bit and the back of the dress is gorgeous too- anyone have a pic?
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