Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread #4.0

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Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

GE's dogs really my dog, I just didn't want to tell you :lol:

Marg's house is nice, though.... {coughstillprefersCarmines}
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

Your dog is so cute, Lynn. ;) He was great in the season 2 episode Burked. :D

Who lives in Canada?

Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

Oh please tell me SOMEBODY has that TV Guide article and can scan it?!
Marg #1? Never doubted it for a second!
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

{runs off to annoy Lauren into sending that to me} Never doubted it either, Kay :p

Thanks E. He was such a good dog, don't ya think? :D {waves} Hi E.
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

GE's dogs really my dog, I just didn't want to tell you
Really now? So you always pet GE's dog?

OOhhh the new TV Guide-Canada.. Marg was voted the favorite female star and we didn't know about it and we were not able to vote. sigh.. Yeah we need somebody from Canada who will buy a TV Guide and give us a scan of the article. :lol: Lynny, who's Lauren? you think you can bug her? lol!
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

i love the colors in her house too. so relaxing. and that pool rocks. and eric's house so totally fits another mood and is just as awesome.

as for the polls, uh, remember the tv guide poll about hottest actress and the valentines poll? that's what those are.

eta: is that the cushion she laminated?
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

as for the polls, uh, remember the tv guide poll about hottest actress and the valentines poll? that's what those are.
OIC. I remember it now. :D Yeah we voted on that one. I thought it was for TV Guide and not TV Guide Canada though. :confused: And I thought the question on that one was "Who would you spend a romantic evening with?" and not "Who's your favorite female star" Anyway in my attempt to look for the article that goes with that fab cover of Marg, I found out that Kate and Sawyer beat Jack and Kate in the poll. lol.

eta: is that the cushion she laminated?
Oh where?
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

I asked ziggystarduzt to scan the article, and she will tomorrow! It's all settled. Now all we have to do is wait :D
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

^^^Thank you sooo much Lizzy! :D And for that Im going to give you all something on the Marg/Catherine discussion thread. :D *runs to the other thread*
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

^ Hehe I think I know what that is. :D *waits for Hottie to post*

We're so going to get some major! Marg love. :lol:
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

I wish yall would've told me I didn't have to ask Lauren, before I already did it. :lol: .. I need to drag Lauren onto these sides, but...poohead won't. grr
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

The payment's in the mail ziggy - oh wait, I'm currently broke. Guess an IOU is needed for this. Many, many thanks!!

I loved their comment:
"So why are we so surprised? I suppose we're just wondering when Marg's winning streak will come to an end."

HA! Like that's going to happen anytime soon!!!!!
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