Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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....but a miscarriage I could see because it's possible she & other parties were convinced/brainwashed into thinking it was an accident....especially if Natalia couldn't remember all the details of the initial attack, & if there wasn't any proof.

It could also be Natalia didn't realise she was pregnant at that time, so Nick might make it seem as if it was her fault. Natalia also has this weakness when it comes to Nick, like she let him take control of her.

Anyway - the "bloody crime scene" might not have meant anything at all. I like speculating, but with tptb....well, they may have just used that for the "creepy eww" factor, so I'm not quite convinced yet that it was hers. I think it COULD BE, & I hope it was the "revelatory glimpse" O'brien was talking about...but, ya just never know with tptb. They like making us crazy trying to figure this stuff out on our own. :brickwall:

The blood in her dream could also be 'exaggerated' to appear there was more blood than actual, there was even that huge pool of blood Nick was mopping (disgusting!). Strangely, when Natalia stepped onto the bloody footprint, it fits her foot perfectly.

Anyway, I can assume there's plenty of people around Miami who knows Natalia's story...some attorneys, the FBI agents she worked with - plus HELLO!! - surely there's a box with her name on it somewhere in that lab holding all kinds of evidence & a big fat case file of photos & statements from the incident! Damn...if only I could sneak in there & look myself. :shifty:

I don't think Natalia is particulary hiding what happened to her & Nick. I was surprised she told Eric about her trial with Nick and then she let them wire her conversation with the psychic, she even told them she saw Nick, though it seems there are things she remembered but she didn't tell. It is more that her feelings and emotions that she is withholding and of course hopefully that "revelatory glimpse"or secret imo.

PS. MJ, if you need help sneaking in, I am all up for it ya! :lol:
At first I was thinking the blood in the lab could be a nod to Jesse, and how his death, not to mention it being in the lab, was traumatic for Natalia...

but after reading some of your thoughts I have been reflecting on Natalia's nightmare and have come to this theory of the lab, and the blood as this:

Nick's first appearance on CSI miami is when he finds a way to needle his way back into Natalia's life, by literally showing up at her place of work: the lab! His (brief) existence in the part of Natalia's life that we actually saw (s4&5) , is the last few months of Natalia and Nick's relationship (meaning any kind of relationship...not just sexual...). When we first meet Natalia, it's persumably at a point in her life where she is making a fresh start. She is healing and learning to be a strong and independent woman. Then bam! In the instant that Nick reappears in her life (literally showing up at THE LAB), Natalia's emotions/memories are brought back to the surface. Nick has found a way to needle his way back into Natalia's life...and into her NEW life at that...he has intruded on the one place that Natalia had that was hers, that was a post-Nick zone, that was not a part of her old life. -- He manages to get a job related to Natalia's and shows up at crime scenes and even orders a restraining order on her, not allowing her to do her job...taking away from her , or 'killing' her spirit and salvation.

I think Natalia showing up (in her nightmare) at the lab covered in blood is symbolic of everything that Nick has 'killed' in her... a victim of abuse can recover to a degree...they can learn from their experience, mature..etc... but they never trulely return to the person they once were. So in that sense, the blood combined with the presence of an alive Nick, also represents a sort of death of Natalia...Additionally, this is Natalia's Hell...Nick being the person that he was would certainly be rotting in hell and thus in Natalia's mind, for her to be seeing Nick (who she knows as dead) as 'alive' then Natalia must be dead...she's in hell with Nick...
^Interesting and I did thought of that but I didn't think much of it like you did.

Anyways, here's a report on Natalia in 9.06. She didn't appear until the 20th minute or so but thereafter she was on a good amount. :) Natalia seems to be working quite a lot with Walter.

No mention about her experienced in 9.05 Sleepless in Miami as predicted, as if nothing had happened.

This episode did mention about the death of a pregnant woman and I didn't not see Natalia having any obvious reaction. So well our theory... ;)

I like that finally we get to see them finding evidence and working in the lab. I love a good mix of lab work & field work for Natalia. I admit I sort of miss her doing her DNA. Damn! But not being stuck in the lab!

One peeve, stop the chasing. :shifty:
I agree with you Michya. I like her and Walter more togheter, he was always with Jesse and Ryan last season and I totally love all the small team moments we've been treated with, great! I thought this episode actually were really good even in comparison with last week (even if 9.05 were better, naturally) so I'm turning into a believer - this season is going to be a good one! :D

Interesting thoughts, CSI_Natalia, I didn't think of it in any deeper meaning than what I said before despite re-watching the episode a couple (or more like five....:guffaw:) of times. Hmmmmm.

Forgot to mention that Natalia had a scene together with Calleigh this episode - again!!!!! Wow. I almost died of the shock but I've recovered now ;)!

Oh, and can you actually get a fingerprint from an iceblock? Hahaha.
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Some very good guesses about Nat's dream/hallucination in Sleepless. But I still hope it's brought up again soon. I think Nat (and us) needs some closure on this and although Sleepless did salvage my thrist for some Nat plots it didnt extinguish that burning feeling I got that this isn't going to be the end of the Nick story.

I imagined this scene after Sleepless and I hope the writers did too. Remember when Eric was first shot, then had a flashback in the middle of a shootout? I say that could be a way Nat remembers shooting at Ryan and H, seeing them instead of a suspect or something;)

Anyways, any more Nat news? I hear Ryan's getting an episode that involves one of his ex-girlfriends, could be a chance for some RaiN to start drizzling :drool:
Me, too. Flashback would be good for us but possibly bad for her, I guess =/, esp. in the wrong situation! Oh yeah, I still can't understand that they actually gave us that much Natalia in one episode, haha, but needless to say, it was a good experience. Hope they are going to continue with everyone's storylines...

I have to admit I feel pretty much over Nick by now and that there isn't very much interesting to know about it anymore, even though I'm not that much against it either. Fair enough that it is a life changing experience on all levels and affects the rest of your life. It's fine by me that they bring it up when relevant like last week, but I hope that we get to know some other stuff about her that it's not connected to Nick.
Thank God they swapped 'Sleepless' & 'Reality Kills', otherwise I'd be boiling mad right now!
I don't feel like I missed much considering the swap I knew there couldn't have been any continuity anyway. Good to hear that she had some scenes with Walter though :p

I have to admit I feel pretty much over Nick by now and that there isn't very much interesting to know about it anymore, even though I'm not that much against it either. Fair enough that it is a life changing experience on all levels and affects the rest of your life. It's fine by me that they bring it up when relevant like last week, but I hope that we get to know some other stuff about her that it's not connected to Nick.
Mmmm...I somewhat agree. Like someone mentioned before, I personally want the closure too. Once/if we learn what happened then I'll be fine with them moving her on & away from Nick -- there is more that I want to see with her character other than all this heartache/stress. Natalia can be a fun character - she was quite sassy & fired up in season 4 :adore: - so while I love all the dark drama sometimes, I do want to see her come out of this in the end & have that spark she had before Nick returned in season 5.
For now, I need answers - and I need to see her have some kind of breakdown/closure to finally rid his ass from her life. ;)
Good point, I haven't really thought about it that way. I wouldn't mind some closure either but it feels like it has been stretched out over so long time that I've grown tired of it. (Is "grown" even a word? ;) )

I actually recently watched season 4 and 5 in all, I had a break for a while so I had only seen sporadious episodes here and there from them earlier and I did notice the difference. Huh. Season five wasn't that great actually, four was better :).
But I still hope it's brought up again soon. I think Nat (and us) needs some closure on this and although Sleepless did salvage my thrist for some Nat plots it didnt extinguish that burning feeling I got that this isn't going to be the end of the Nick story.

I agree, I don't think this episode was any indication of Natalia finally being able to move on from Nick, it fact to me it was the other way round, it brought back Nick. First time in years, since the explosion she admitted Nick is still causing her distress. Also because her teammates were hiding what they saw of her (not just the shooting) just tells me that this may just be a platform for something more.

Good point, I haven't really thought about it that way. I wouldn't mind some closure either but it feels like it has been stretched out over so long time that I've grown tired of it. (Is "grown" even a word? ;) )

I don't think this was stretch at all because there was practically no Natalia storyline whatsoever ever since Nick died, her storyline died together (even along with her appearance), other than it took her one year to get her gun licence. Her fans definitely deserve anything more and only now then they are getting back what is a decent amount of screen time for Natalia. So it was nice they brought this back. I am not tired but loving it, I am tired of not seeing her and her always being excluded and chain to the DNA lab.

Bottom line though, we all want to see her move on for sure. Her storyline doesn't have to always involve Nick, there are so much more but I am afraid there will be limitations due to the show's lifespan.
I don't think this episode was any indication of Natalia finally being able to move on from Nick, it fact to me it was the other way round, it brought back Nick. First time in years, since the explosion she admitted Nick is still causing her distress. Also because her teammates were hiding what they saw of her (not just the shooting) just tells me that this may just be a platform for something more.
I agree. But ya know....O'Brien said we'd see "revelatory glimpses" into Natalia's past & into who she truly is. Please tell me that "Crazy!Natalia" wasn't who she truly is. I swear I'll punch someone if she winds up rooming with Julia Winston by the end of the season. :wtf:
Surely not...?
Anyway, I definitly feel this isn't over...we seem to be right there in the middle - she's soon to hit a breaking point, imo.

I don't think this was stretch at all because there was practically no Natalia storyline whatsoever ever since Nick died, her storyline died together (even along with her appearance)

Agree again. It's like tptb are picking up where mid-season 5 left off & I think it's definitly needed to complete the storyline.
I don't think it's very likely she'll end up in the psych ward ;) but I do have a feeling that there is more to come.

Well, I'm happy for everything she gets so if that means that we have to go over Nick all over again, be it :cool:.

So, my inspiration took a surprising turn and I'm currently finding myself working on a video project (!) at the moment. It's fun, actually, could think of doing it more! Do anyone remember which episode the glass table blows up on her after Eric failed on it? I can't find it and I have a huge clog of snot in my head instead of a brain right now so I can't think either :confused:.
Please tell me that "Crazy!Natalia" wasn't who she truly is.
:lol: Nope, our Natalia won't be crazy. Who dares make her crazy! :devil:

Come to think about it, I def think she actually 'saw' more than two Nicks, she was like trying to aim in all directions. I wished they showed us more of her speaking and screaming to no one though. :p

Do anyone remember which episode the glass table blows up on her after Eric failed on it? I can't find it and I have a huge clog of snot in my head instead of a brain right now so I can't think either :confused:.
That will be 5.05 Curse of the Coffin. Poor girl got her hair messed up and and end up a pin cushion. ;)

Some news/spoiler from Eva on an upcoming episode with the guest director:

Donna: Anything on CSI Miami?
Eva La Rue gave us the goods on the episode David Arquette is directing: "The episode is about mistaken identity and people meeting each other on the internet and a woman posing as a young girl trying to catch child predators, but then there's a real twist on that story as well and it ends up being a mistaken identity. We're really looking forward to having David on set!"
Some news/spoiler from Eva on an upcoming episode with the guest director:

Eva La Rue gave us the goods on the episode David Arquette is directing: "The episode is about mistaken identity and people meeting each other on the internet and a woman posing as a young girl trying to catch child predators, but then there's a real twist on that story as well and it ends up being a mistaken identity. We're really looking forward to having David on set!"​

Thank you for this!!!! I know one thing without her, who knows how much we would be in the loop!!! It seems like she does more interviews for the show and the episode than she gets camera time. Hopefully thats changing this season though! ;) I'm really upset that we didn't get to see Reality Kills. It's so aggravating. I think moving to Sundays was a huge mistake. So now does it push ever episode back since they're airing it on Sunday this week? Watch it not get played again. If that happens I'll be pissed. :shifty: I have to say, they're keeping all the pictures from episodes and the names to the episodes quiet this year. I think last year we knew half of what the season was called before it even started. I don't know if I like that or not. I hope we have another Natalia centric episode soon!! I guess I should probably pray and keep my fingers crossed on that one. :p
That will be 5.05 Curse of the Coffin. Poor girl got her hair messed up and and end up a pin cushion. ;)

I would never have guessed that! But coming to think of it, it makes sense ;). Thank you so much for your help! I made the video anyway since I pretty soon after posting here realized I had more ideas than place, so it'll be in the next one. :cool:

More spoilers, yay! Haven't read it yet though so maybe too soon to jump up and down? ;)
Well, I was able to watch 30 minutes of Reality Kills online and so you all know, Nat gets a descent amount of scenes :)

Though it was a second long, I found Nat's questioning "Guns" cool, it left me no doubt it would lead on to her interveiwing him with Calleigh.

Speaking of which I loved Calleigh's comment "Your with two women who know alot about guns" :lol:That cracked me up!:lol:

And I'm liking her and Walter's teaming up at scenes, since their both Level 1 CSIs theres no claim for dominance or superiority and just some fun bickering. The statue of liberty talk was another funny bit and I found myself wearing a grin long after ;)

I still haven't watched it all but so far, the Nat's scenes were great, I can't wait for the next episode cause hopefully theres a reference to Sleepless :cool:
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