Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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^^ Last night we saw 'Reality Kills'. Next week is 'On the Hook'....don't know where/when 'Blood Sugar' is going. :confused:

Moving on...
Thanks Michya for the caps! :p Seems our Natalia is going to sport the fitted white top/jacket combo for this season. I think I like it....she can wear anything (or nothing for that matter) & still look good.
Random: Did you all notice they aren't color coordinating the CSI's this season?

Episode was so-so. Good moments here & there, but nothing to write home about. Since I knew there'd be no aftermath from 'Sleepless', I looked for a little foreshadowing instead.....didn't get much though, lol. However...and I'm probably reaching here ;), but she sure seemed to know her facts when Walter asked her about the pregnant woman being killed by her own husband didn't she? I can't remember exactly what she said, but nonetheless it made me go 'hmmm'.
Hopefully we'll start seeing some aftermath soon...I'm dying to know how she's doing after that crazy nightmare in 'Sleepless'.
...but they didn't air Blood sugar in Canada either? This is so confusing, lol!

I think she's smoking hot this season! Not that she wasn't before ;), but I like that laidback kind of thing they have been going with for the latest couple of episodes... I really like it at least!

I thought the episode was alright, couldn't stand that girl but otherwise it still feels like it has happened good things since last season, plus Natalia had a few decent scenes, too. Would love to have Walter as a tour guide, lol!

Thanks for the caps!
However.....and I'm probably reaching here ;), but she sure seemed to know her facts when Walter asked her about the pregnant woman being killed by her own husband didn't she? I can't remember exactly what she said, but nonetheless it made me go 'hmmm'.

I believe she say something about the most common deaths amongst pregnant women is murder. I wonder if this is really true. Maybe I am seeing things but she looks a little grim when they were at the lab discussing about the pregnant victim. Ha, sorry my mind probably just wants to think what it wants. :p

As long as we get a new episode, it is fine with me since there is nothing on Natalia. Just hope to see her being in the promo though.
the episode would've been better if there was back-story.... I hate that this show never has enough of that...I guess it's necessary for the show to remain detached since they never show them in order though...

...btw I think Natalia is due a promotion... how long is she a 'level 1' CSI?.. The show never really explains the rankings of the CSIs so how does one know anyways??

...and...back to my over thinking Natalia's storylines.... maybe her ear/accident happened during the time that Nick was back in Nat's life (when Estes played him) and NOT in the life of Natalia before she was on CSI... Just a thought..
I looked for a little foreshadowing instead.....didn't get much though, lol. However...and I'm probably reaching here ;), but she sure seemed to know her facts when Walter asked her about the pregnant woman being killed by her own husband didn't she? I can't remember exactly what she said, but nonetheless it made me go 'hmmm'.

Hopefully we'll start seeing some aftermath soon...I'm dying to know how she's doing after that crazy nightmare in 'Sleepless'.

Have we ever thought about the possibility that Natalia miscarried as a result of Nick beating her?
It looked like to me that the previews they showed were the ones for Sugar Rush to me. I could be wrong though. I wasn't really paying attention cause I was working on a project. Over all Reality Kills wasn't my favorite episode. I didn't pay attention that much. When Natalia came on I watched it but I had it figured out who killed the girl before half of the episode was even played. I have to say my favorite scene was when Walter, Calleigh, and Natalia was in the part of the lab looking at past criminals and it was a picture of a girl but it looked like a guy and Walter said well that guy and Calleigh corrected him by saying that's a girl and he did that face and then Natalia started laughing. That was funny to me. I love, love, love Natalias look this season! They aren't trying to overdue her colors and stuff! Keeping her very natural and classy looking! I mean she can pull off anything but I like the all white look. It suits her lifestyle to me. Anyway can't wait for the next episode. Maybe well find out a lil more of her "secret" life. I really want to still lean Towards she miscarried a baby cause I think she could pull the acting off so well! I can just
see her now confessing it to everyone while she's crying or something. I think
it would be so moving. And they haven't ever had an episode like that with
any of the characters before so it would be something new and something for
someone that has been married before to do. Especially if they were in a
abusive relationship. I guess well just have to wait and see. *keeps fingers
crossed* almost forgot! Talking about her being pregnant, I had a dream the other night, I guess since I had just watched an episode from season 5 that had her and Nick in it, that he came back to haunt her in a dream and then that's when everything spilled about her having a baby. That he came back and she had told him that she was 5 months pregnant and that's when he beat her and pushed her to the ground and she lost the baby. Kinda weird that I dreamt that!
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The miscarriage theory makes alot of sense to me - I'm anxious to see if we're right about this.

And they haven't ever had an episode like that with
any of the characters before so it would be something new
I'd like to see it too. All the characters have been shot at or hospitalized at one time or another, but only Natalia has had the unfortunate opportunity to be on the other side of the crime scene as the victim (with the exception of Horatio possibly). That alone makes it all very interesting to me....and refreshing.
Id like to see something happen to her that relates back to her past/abuse & then watch the team react & maybe even gain some new perspective from it...after all they are a team...would it hurt for them to have something hit so close to home? I think not.

New Eva mag cover & article. Enjoy :p
^A lovely read! Thanks!

Maybe I am the only one, another thing that has always been on my mind is wanting to know her condition of her hearing loss as of now. I just like to know, basically the last time we know was the first time and the doctor said her condition was 'too soon to tell'. I know Eva doesn't wear it on the show but well if they could care about many other details, you know, just that it bothers me sometimes. Even the last reference had me confused.
:censored: Ok I am PISSED OFF right now. What did I read in the 9.07 thread?

NO NATALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTF is going on!!!! :scream::rolleyes::scream::rolleyes::scream:

Why is this happening again?!!!!!

I thought this is not going to happen at all this season, esp when there is only 22 episodes!!! :brickwall:

Esp when everything is looking good so far for Natalia and then bam this shit happens!!!

Spoil the week ahead for me. What rubbish! Not supporting the show anymore. :censored:

Just finished watching 2nites epi.... :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: ... why do they do this? and esp. why without any warning or explanation? ARGH!
I hope the lack of Natalia was because this episode was filmed while Eva was on her honeymoon. Otherwise, its inexcusable (unless Eva had something else she had to do, then I understand). But I wish the writers could write a little line in there like "Natalia's out today with the flu" or something to that effect. Yeesh!
I hope the lack of Natalia was because this episode was filmed while Eva was on her honeymoon.

I sure hope you're not serious. :shifty: I am tired of saying this again, same thing as last season.

Nothing can change the fact that she was MIA and yeah we can now guess when she will go MIA more than guess when her storyline will get picked up again.

It is the same pattern all over again. All hopes gone.

If this is acceptable to you guys then it is what will continue to happen until the show or Natalia is gone.

Oh and the next episode is 'Happy Birthday', why don't I feel happy at all and why don't I even look forward to it.
There could be a completely rational reason why Natalia was absent. As GNRF said Eva could have been on her honeymoon, or there is another theory being passed around; this episode was supposed to air right after
Sleepless in Miami, so for all we know Nat was supposed to be at home resting after her ordeal, but due to the episode switch around the scene had to be cut since it'd make no sense.

The same thing (for different, more valid reasons) has happened to the Vegas girls as well, disappearing for whole eps without explanation. My natural mood is pessimistic, but even so I wouldn't start boycotting the show if my favourite characters went missing for a couple of eps (and when your favourite characters are mostly in the recurring cast that happens a lot :p)

-resumes her lurking-
'Rationale'? and why do I see people trying to come up with reasons with no basis why she is MIA - happens every single time. So should I be less pissed off?

And since when she became a recurring character now?

Sorry, I am not in a good mood.
I know for a fact it has nothing to do with her wedding/honeymoon -- her & Joe actually went on thier honeymoon before the wedding because of Eva's work schedule (this was stated in the magazine featuring her honeymoon).

There are no excuses, this is the same thing that happened last season only this time it isn't a 4-episode rotation, it's 8 I'm guessing (this episode was the 8th filmed, technically)....so if this is the case then I imagine she'll miss another one around epi 16.
At this point I can only assume it's in her contract that she miss a certain amount of episodes per season, and since this season is only 22 instead of 24, then it would make sense that she's on an 8-episode rotation & will miss 2 episodes. This is just my guess.

Now that that is out of the way...I HATE THIS! Contracts or whatever it is, why is it HER?! :scream: I like Walter/Omar and all, but if someone has to take a few episodes off for budget reasons then why not him?!!
Good lord, am I missing something? Did Eva not come cheap or something, am I supposed to believe they're saving that much money by shortening her episodes!! F*CK!

Thank god for those who see the episodes early because once I learned she didn't make any appearance I watched something else instead...I won't sit through an episode with no Natalia/Eva.

Unsatisfied customer right here. :evil:
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