Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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Kinda less to look forward to for this upcoming episode knowing that originally it was set to air BEFORE 'Sleepless in Miami' and therefore there will be no mention of anything that happened to Natalia... BLAH! I hate when they do that...which seems to be more often than not...at least we know about it this time rather than the usual irregular flow of events...

I still don't think that the comment about Natalia being a girl with a secret, was meant to be so literal... I really just think it was meant as 'Natalia keeps her cards close to her chest'
Kinda less to look forward to for this upcoming episode knowing that originally it was set to air BEFORE 'Sleepless in Miami' and therefore there will be no mention of anything that happened to Natalia... BLAH! I hate when they do that...which seems to be more often than not...at least we know about it this time rather than the usual irregular flow of events...

They could do an insert scene but I doubt this will happen.
I still don't think that the comment about Natalia being a girl with a secret, was meant to be so literal... I really just think it was meant as 'Natalia keeps her cards close to her chest'
"Secrets" ... "cards close to the chest"....it's pretty much the same (from a viewer's standpoint), as it's still something hidden from the viewers/team -- regardless of how it's worded, there's a story to tell & I think that's what O'Brien was getting at.

I usually try to take it all with a grain of salt, but when a producer/writer says they "think" a character has a secret, then most of the time it's because they do. And like I posted before, I'm not too sure it's some heavy-duty shocking secret, but more or less that she's just not being open about what happened between her & Nick. Already she's hid more than what she/tptb originally told -- first it was a broken arm, then added head trauma...and now it's clear to me by her reaction to Horatio grabbing her face that it was much more than that.

I have to admit tptb have pleasantly surprised me -- before 'Die by the Sword', I was pretty convinced that Nick was out of her life - dead, gone, couldn't cause her any more pain. I never expected the explosion ('Count Me Out') to lead to all this.....can't wait to see where it goes from here.
We have yet to see one case where it is really close to what had happened to her and therefore it really affects her. Correct me if I am wrong, the last time was back in Season 4 but then she wasn't involve in the case. The other time was last season with Jesse's friend but I don't know if that's counted. I really like to see how she actually helps these people, esp against those culprits & their slimy defense attorneys. Maybe one of the culprit will offend her or something.
Not to much buzz about the upcoming episode. I guess people are still trying to recover from last weeks. ;) I think it will be a hard one to top though. I wish they would do an episode where she's out in the field or even at the lab and certain things make her start remembering what happened. It would be interesting to see how she would work with these flashbacks. I also wish they would do an episode on just her life, that shows us what happened with Nick. But they could also incorporate a crime scene too. I wish they would do something like have another girl come on and she had dated Nick for awhile and then Natalia finds out about it. I just really want to see what happened between her and Nick so bad. Like everyone else. I found a song that I think fits her life with Nick. It talks about how you get stronger even after something happens. So I'm gonna post it on here. :)

Woke up late today
And I still feel the sting of the pain
But I brush my teeth anyway
Got dressed through the mess
And put a smile on my face
I got a little bit stronger
Riding in the car to work
And I'm trying to ignore the hurt
So I turn on the radio
Stupid song made me think of you
I listened to it for a minute
But then I changed it
I'm getting a little bit stronger
Just a little bit stronger

And I'm done hoping
We can work it out
I'm done with how it feels
Spinning my wheels
Letting you drag my heart around
And oh, I'm done thinking
You could ever change
I know my heart will never be the same
But I'm telling myself I'll be ok
Even on my weakest days
I get a little bit stronger

It doesn't happen overnight
But ya turn around and a months gone by
And you realized you haven't cried
Not giving you an hour
Or a second
Or another minute longer
I'm busy getting stronger

And I'm done hoping
We can work it out
I'm done with how it feels
Spinning my wheels
Letting you drag my heart around
And oh, I'm done thinking
You could ever change
I know my heart will never be the same
But I'm telling myself I'll be ok
Even on my weakest days
I get a little bit stronger

I'm getting along without you baby
I'm better off without you baby
How does it feel without me baby
I'm getting stonger without you baby

And I'm done hoping
We can work it out
I'm done with how it feels
Spinning my wheels
Letting you drag my heart around
And oh, I'm done thinking
You could ever change
I know my heart will never be the same
But I'm telling myself I'll be ok
Even on my weakest days
I get a little bit stronger

I get a little bit stronger
Just a little bit stronger
A little bit, A little bit
A little bit stronger

Song is by Sara Evans and it's called A Little Bit Stronger. :)
Anyone still on a high from "Sleepless in Miami" or is it just me? Such a great episode! I have a very strong feeling that the next one won't compare in the slightest!

Song is by Sara Evans and it's called A Little Bit Stronger. :)
I LOVE IT! Great find, beautifuldisaster! If I had some video clips, that would absolutely be the audio for my next Natalia fanvid!

Help, all! In order to proceed with the fanfiction piece I'm working on, I need a listing of every episode Nick or something related to Nick is mentioned in. So far, I have : 4x10 - Shattered, 4x17 - Collision, 5x01 - Rio, 5x02 - Going Under, 5x04 - If Looks Could Kill, 5x05 - Death Eminent, 5x08 - Darkroom, 5x10 - Come As You Are, 5x12 - Internal Affairs, 8x13 - Die By The Sword, 9x05 - Sleepless in Miami. As you can see, I think I have all the ones in seasons four and five, as well as the two most recently obvious ones. I've chosen to block seasons six, seven, and eight from my memory, so I'm worried I may be forgetting a few episodes. If anyone here can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it!
@Rissa -- I don't recall anything in season 6 or 7 at all, so no worries there. In 'LA' (8.16 I think) she did say something related to Nick though (scene with Anna)....I can't remember the exact dialogue....something about covering for the man you love & still paying for it.

ETA: Not sure if you want to count the scene with Natalia & Michael Lipton ('Burned'; Lipton grabs her arm - Eric later asks her if she's ok, she sighs but says "yeah"), but that seemed to be another nod that direction.
@Rissa -- I don't recall anything in season 6 or 7 at all, so no worries there. In 'LA' (8.16 I think) she did say something related to Nick though (scene with Anna)....I can't remember the exact dialogue....something about covering for the man you love & still paying for it.

ETA: Not sure if you want to count the scene with Natalia & Michael Lipton ('Burned'; Lipton grabs her arm - Eric later asks her if she's ok, she sighs but says "yeah"), but that seemed to be another nod that direction.
Thank you so much! I knew you'd be able to help me out.

LOVE the icon! :)
Those episodes you've listed sure come in handy for myself too, Rissa! Can't wait to read your fanfiction. I believe after the episode where Nick died, there was practically no mention of him at all until the explosion. (An enormous gap there. :shifty:)

And great fitting song there BD!
Great, I think that list can come in handy for me, too. I've had a break during season 4 and 5 (but I've seen them now, once) so I still feel like I have som catching up to do.

Yeah, writing...I've totally neglected my fics for a while now but I feel the ideas are starting to come back, so I should probably get going.

I'm going to go skiing for the first time this season tomorrow, woohoo! Kind of makes the wait for Monday feel a bit shorter.... ;)
Anyone still on a high from "Sleepless in Miami" or is it just me? Such a great episode! I have a very strong feeling that the next one won't compare in the slightest!

I feel the same! I've watched the episode everyday since Thursday muiltiple times! Loved it to bits! Eva was amazing as always, I can't even think of compliements worthy of her preformance!

I agree with what some have said about the bloody foot prints and handprint, that had to be from Nat's crime scene.

My only question is, was she working with the FBI when it happened? Cause if so, remember that sleezy FBI guy (his name escapes me) that Nat sort of blackmailed to get info on a case for H? The one who didn't help his undercover girl cause he thought she was pregnant with his kid.

I remember him saying "Does what I know on you thrump what you got on me?" to Nat, or something along those lines.

Maybe that will be shown or something, I'm still hoping for a Nat flashback. My hopes for it happening while she was in hospital were crushed :( But I have some faith TPTB will throw us that bone soon :drool:
So many ideas I have for fics off Sleepless, I am gonna be kept very busy!
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I agree with what some have said about the bloody foot prints and handprint, that had to be from Nat's crime scene.

If it was her crime scene, then I'm definitly wanting to know why there was that much blood. Personally I don't think she was ever stabbed or shot from Nick (they leave visible scars & Eric has seen her naked so I wouldn't buy it if she suddenly sported a scar on her body), and even hitting her repeatedly wouldn't cause that much bleeding...so, sadly, my gut is saying that IF this is what her crime scene looked like... then she had a miscarriage. It's really the only thing I can think of that would explain the puddle of blood, & her hands & feet being bloodied as well.

But you never know....the bloody crime scene could've been someone else's (Nick struck me as the type to kill anyone) & maybe Natalia walked in on it.....?

My only question is, was she working with the FBI when it happened?
My guess would be - yes. She was with the FBI back in 1997, so I'm one who believes that all of it went down while she worked there. That's why I've always wondered if the situation with Nick is what lead the FBI to make her an informant.

Cause if so, remember that sleezy FBI guy (his name escapes me) that Nat sort of blackmailed to get info on a case for H? The one who didn't help his undercover girl cause he thought she was pregnant with his kid.

I remember him saying "Does what I know on you thrump what you got on me?" to Nat, or something along those lines.
Agent Mike Farallon! I've always wanted him to make a return.
I do remember that scene, but I can't recall the exact dialogue & if he said he had something on her. I thought that was her line & that she said something about him having dirt on Scott LeBrock. It's been a long time since I've seen that one...

Anyway, I can assume there's plenty of people around Miami who knows Natalia's story...some attorneys, the FBI agents she worked with - plus HELLO!! - surely there's a box with her name on it somewhere in that lab holding all kinds of evidence & a big fat case file of photos & statements from the incident! Damn...if only I could sneak in there & look myself. :shifty:
If it was her crime scene, then I'm definitly wanting to know why there was that much blood. Personally I don't think she was ever stabbed or shot from Nick (they leave visible scars & Eric has seen her naked so I wouldn't buy it if she suddenly sported a scar on her body), and even hitting her repeatedly wouldn't cause that much bleeding...so, sadly, my gut is saying that IF this is what her crime scene looked like... then she had a miscarriage. It's really the only thing I can think of that would explain the puddle of blood, & her hands & feet being bloodied as well.

But you never know....the bloody crime scene could've been someone else's (Nick struck me as the type to kill anyone) & maybe Natalia walked in on it.....?

Wow! MJ! This brings me back to the kid theory! I've said it before, if there was a kid there, then maybe Nick's anger wasn't always directed at Nat. If she found her child on the floor with a blood pool, she'd obviously run over to try help. Thats where the blood could have gotten on her hands and feet.

And...I'm just gonna run with this here...but say Nat went to call an ambulance and Nick stopped her, cause his fingerprints and DNA would be all over the body, he'd need to make it look like an accident. Then the two argued (broken arm scene) and cops were called (maybe a neighbour heard or something)

A dead child would require a crime scene....and it wouldn't be Miami's first. Remember Mommie Deadest, TPTB had no problem shouwing us a dead child as a result of an abusive parent.

Anyway, I can assume there's plenty of people around Miami who knows Natalia's story...some attorneys, the FBI agents she worked with - plus HELLO!! - surely there's a box with her name on it somewhere in that lab holding all kinds of evidence & a big fat case file of photos & statements from the incident! Damn...if only I could sneak in there & look myself. :shifty:

I'm with you there MJ! I only wish someone would bring back Kurt Rossi and his rooms of CDs of information and dirt on people. Perhaps someone could steal them and start using the team's darkest secrets against them!!!

*Sigh* CBS! ARE YOU LISTENING?! I'll work for fricking free!
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^^ Well, we have to remember that Natalia still (somewhat) loved Nick, & even slept with him again - so I think whatever happened between them left Natalia confused & maybe even unsure of what actually DID happen.
When she found out about the cohlear concussion, she said "wouldn't I have known if I had a concussion" -- that leads me to believe that she wasn't aware of it herself.

I'm gonna have to rule out the idea of Nick killing a living breathing child in front of her because it doesn't match up with any of the events in season 5 (there's no way she'd have slept with him, nor would he have been released from jail so soon if he'd killed thier child) -- but a miscarriage I could see because it's possible she & other parties were convinced/brainwashed into thinking it was an accident....especially if Natalia couldn't remember all the details of the initial attack, & if there wasn't any proof.

When I said maybe the blood was someone else's, I was thinking more along the lines of some random person and that maybe Natalia accused Nick of killing him/her, he denied it (he just "found" them there), they fought, she was left unconsious....and then who knows what happened after that. Upon thinking more on that one though...I don't really think it's the case. I guess it could be, but with that theory they'd really have to go into it alot more because there'd be a body to find & another case to open...so I don't think tptb would go there -- it steps the storyline away from Nick abusing Natalia, which seems to be the focal point, imo.

Anyway - the "bloody crime scene" might not have meant anything at all. I like speculating, but with tptb....well, they may have just used that for the "creepy eww" factor, so I'm not quite convinced yet that it was hers. I think it COULD BE, & I hope it was the "revelatory glimpse" O'brien was talking about...but, ya just never know with tptb. They like making us crazy trying to figure this stuff out on our own. :brickwall:
^^ Well, we have to remember that Natalia still (somewhat) loved Nick, & even slept with him again - so I think whatever happened between them left Natalia confused & maybe even unsure of what actually DID happen.
When she found out about the cohlear concussion, she said "wouldn't I have known if I had a concussion" -- that leads me to believe that she wasn't aware of it herself.

I'm gonna have to rule out the idea of Nick killing a living breathing child in front of her because it doesn't match up with any of the events in season 5 (there's no way she'd have slept with him, nor would he have been released from jail so soon if he'd killed thier child) -- but a miscarriage I could see because it's possible she & other parties were convinced/brainwashed into thinking it was an accident....especially if Natalia couldn't remember all the details of the initial attack, & if there wasn't any proof.

When I said maybe the blood was someone else's, I was thinking more along the lines of some random person and that maybe Natalia accused Nick of killing him/her, he denied it (he just "found" them there), they fought, she was left unconsious....and then who knows what happened after that. Upon thinking more on that one though...I don't really think it's the case. I guess it could be, but with that theory they'd really have to go into it alot more because there'd be a body to find & another case to open...so I don't think tptb would go there -- it steps the storyline away from Nick abusing Natalia, which seems to be the focal point, imo.

Anyway - the "bloody crime scene" might not have meant anything at all. I like speculating, but with tptb....well, they may have just used that for the "creepy eww" factor, so I'm not quite convinced yet that it was hers. I think it COULD BE, & I hope it was the "revelatory glimpse" O'brien was talking about...but, ya just never know with tptb. They like making us crazy trying to figure this stuff out on our own. :brickwall:

Now that I think bout it, I think your theory's much more realistic for TPTB to use.

Please MJ, go work for CBS! Or at least clone yourself and send a copy to Ireland! (lol, you can use my dismantled time-machine...I broke it up since it was prefected AFTER Sleepless aired :scream::scream:)

Either way, TPTB better give an answer soon. Specially since they said this season was a Ryan and Natalia season since the two were so neglected in season 8. I hope the "revelation" will be soon cause if it doesn't happen before Emily's pregnancy, then I doubt it will happen soon (Apparently, when she's back, theres gonna be a huge EC episode:(:shifty::scream::cardie:)
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