Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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I'm not reading this thread till after sunday...because A) I don't want to find out too much and B) I don't want to find out too much, interpret it wrong, and be disappointed ... so Until after sunday... Have a good week and CANNOT WAIT for us to FINALLY get a GOOD dose of NATALIA (hopefully)

Oh God...I wish I had that willpower but I know I haven't! Off to see the promos...
Man...AAAAAAAAAH! I shouldn't have watched it, but what the heck. Yay! This is going to be super epic!!! Luckily for me, I have two fantastic job offers for the upcoming winter to think about so I will pass the time to monday morning somehow ;).

Poor Natalia! 9.06 is going to be so weird for her. Imagine having to go back to work after you've fired a gun at your boss, hahahahaha - so awkward.
Man...AAAAAAAAAH! I shouldn't have watched it, but what the heck. Yay! This is going to be super epic!!! Luckily for me, I have two fantastic job offers for the upcoming winter to think about so I will pass the time to monday morning somehow ;).

Poor Natalia! 9.06 is going to be so weird for her. Imagine having to go back to work after you've fired a gun at your boss, hahahahaha - so awkward.

Unfortunatly the episodes swapped air dates, so chances are we won't see any kind of aftermath in episode 6 'Reality Kills' since it was filmed before 'Sleepless'. That should be wierd seeing her walk about as if nothing has happened.

I wonder...
if Natalia will even remember what happened...seeing Ghost!Nick & shooting at Ryan & Horatio. I hope she does, but from what I've read on this type of drug - they wake up unaware of where they've been & what they've done.

Anyway, I was watching that promo again *is slightly addicted* & pausing when Horatio is aiming his gun you can see Natalia in the background walk out from the left frame aiming at someone in front of her....H sneaks in on the right of her. I'll assume she's aiming at Ryan & then spots Horatio to the side & shoots at him as well......poor thing! Imagine seeing "TWO Nicks" at the same time! I think I'd freak out too, lol.
You're probably right, mjszud. I forgot that little detail about the swapping! ;) Yes, it is going to feel weird though, hopefully they'll throw something in at least, either in that episode or at the end of this... hehe.

My "research" seems pretty consistent with yours ;), so I think amnesia is to be expected...but I guess she'll find out what happened one way or another anyway!

I've hard to let go of the promo too, haha!
Why are H & Ryan aiming their guns at Natalia too? Do they realise she is tripped out or do they realise it is actually her? If they do, doesn't it means they are ready to take her down (shot at her) if the need arises? But why? Or is it just because of action sake? I don't like to have guns aiming at Natalia when she is so distress already. :( Everything seems to go wrong for Natalia in the episode.
Really looking forward to seeing Eva in action!
I think we all are! It's been quite a while since Eva's had a storyline to really sink her acting chops into... I expect nothing but AWESOMEness from her in this one!

I'm not reading this thread till after sunday...because A) I don't want to find out too much and B) I don't want to find out too much, interpret it wrong, and be disappointed ... so Until after sunday... Have a good week and CANNOT WAIT for us to FINALLY get a GOOD dose of NATALIA (hopefully)
Holy moley, I admire your strength! I am never able to stay away from spoilers, especially Natalia-based ones!

ETA: So the psychic really targeted Natalia? I am not too sure if it is Natalia screaming there.
In the promo, it certainly does sound like her screaming, doesn't it? I was thinking that audio belongs to the same scene that the promo picture (her on the ground with Horatio and Ryan) belongs to. Maybe she's screaming and freaking out because she sees TWO of Nick standing over her while she's on the ground?

Why are H & Ryan aiming their guns at Natalia too? Do they realise she is tripped out or do they realise it is actually her? If they do, doesn't it means they are ready to take her down (shot at her) if the need arises? But why? Or is it just because of action sake? I don't like to have guns aiming at Natalia when she is so distress already. :( Everything seems to go wrong for Natalia in the episode.
They're probably aiming their guns at Natalia because she's aiming her gun at them! By that point, I'm sure they know that she's hallucinating them being Nick and - with a loaded weapon - that she won't hesitate to shoot to kill them. So basically, they're protecting themselves. If it comes down to it, I'm sure they decided to maybe shoot her in the leg or something to disable her but not kill her so that they could get the gun out of her hand. That, or maybe Horatio will shoot the gun out of her hand.

Four days! :hugegrin:
Why are H & Ryan aiming their guns at Natalia too? Do they realise she is tripped out or do they realise it is actually her? If they do, doesn't it means they are ready to take her down (shot at her) if the need arises? But why? Or is it just because of action sake? I don't like to have guns aiming at Natalia when she is so distress already. :( Everything seems to go wrong for Natalia in the episode.

I don't like it either - my first reaction is "for god's sakes don't kill her, she's FAMILY!" - but if you really think about it it's a terrible position to be in for Horatio & Ryan too. They're knowing Natalia isn't herself (at least I'm thinking they'll already know she's drugged) & they have to protect themselves & each other, plus attempt to "save" Natalia. Especially for Horatio....I wonder if it runs through his mind whether or not he might have to shoot Natalia to save her from shooting/killing Ryan. I doubt we'll see Horatio having to make that choice, but it's an interesting thought to ponder.

In the end, though, I don't think there will be any hard feelings at all. I'm curious to find out if they realize what's triggered her fear & that it's Nick who she was seeing.

And Rissa, I agree - I think all that screaming 'no' we hear is from the scene in the pictures.
I'm so incredibly excited to see how this all plays out, & even more I really can't wait to see what happens to her AFTER she's found - does she instantly snap out of it (not exactly realistic), or is a sedative in order here? Wonder how they'll pull this one off in a realistic manner.
Wow oh wow! That extra long promo was amazing! Cleared a few things up for me about the episode.

It looks like we had it guessed right before, Nat seems to be hallucinating shes in the lab whens shes really at the werehouse.

And damn, she really looked scared when H and Ryan appeared, I defiantly think the screaming was her.

And the fish was defiantly with the guy in the bathroom, which by the way was really freaky! The actor really showed the confusion and wonder of the drug well in that scene me thinks :)

But it looks like he was having some after effects, was that him with his hands turning to ash on a street? If so, I wonder if Nat will have some too. :eek:

PS: Who else has watched the promo 20 times in a row or is it just me? (off to watch it 20 more!)

MelxxWhoLuvsYa can I go with you on that time machine you're making ?

Of course Pink bunny, I'll try squeeze everybody on the thread in :thumbsup:

IS IT MONDAY YET! I'm dying for this eppie!

Oh, and heres a funny vid of the whole team I found on youtube, try to Not laugh when watching!

^You are def not the only one though I don't think I watch that much but very close. :lol:

Did you guys heard another gun shot after Natalia's gun shot? :eek: Or was it just some sound effect?
This episode looks intense!! At the end of the promo, when you see Eric and Calleigh's faces, doesn't it seem like their at a hospital? and it's got me thinking that the person (when you see Calleigh you can see a chin and some hair on the right) in the bed is Natalia.....? hmmmm.....:confused:
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Hehe, yeah, I wouldn't worry about that if I were you.

I also heard it. It does sound ver wierd. Hmmm. Like someone shooting in a pillow or something? ;)

I hope they don't shoot her, that would be horrible, even though I guess it can come down to it... woah.
This episode looks intense!! At the end of the promo, when you see Eric and Calleigh's faces, doesn't it seem like their at a hospital? and it's got me thinking that the person (when you see Calleigh you can see a chin and some hair on the right) in the bed is Natalia.....? hmmmm.....:confused:

It does look like her chin. I don't know if she would be in the hospital because of H or Ryan shooting her or maybe she has some sort of reaction to the drug and thats why she's in the hospital. She could also be in the hospital due to her hearing. Maybe the reason why she's laying on the ground has to do with her hearing or something. I doubt thats the reason why but there's so many things could be the reason why she's in the hospital. I wish she was in the hospital but knowing TPTB its not her and it's someone else. I'm really loving the talk about this episode though! I'm getting really excited for Sunday!! I keep counting down the days. I kinda get freaked out by seeing her eyes open in the promo. The first time I watched it I jumped. Hopefully this episode will be what we are all hoping and been asking for!!!
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Yeah, I hear several gunshots after Natalia's. But I don't think it's H & Ryan firing back 'cause they both dodge out of the way -- probably either sound effect or she fires more than once....which is a big possiblity considering she's seeing double of Nick.
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