Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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Also why can't Delko tell the rest? I am not too sure if Horatio really knows either.
Why would he lie though? Natalia could easily mention his investigation to H thinking he knows & then Eric would be outted.....would he risk that?

I wonder what you're thinking there?
I'm not really sure what I'm thinking. :lol:
I'm just wondering why tptb wanted Natalia to know about the investigation. I mean, it could easily have been "announced" to us (the viewers) by Horatio, or just by what Eric was doing....so why are they bringing her into this? Why does she need to know about it (in tptb's eyes)? And what could/will result in her knowing?
It just leaves me questioning tptb's angle here; kinda worries me some.
It's not that I think she's guilty of anything, but what if her knowing this will somehow effect her in a not-so-good way in a later episode.
Again, many questions, & I just have yet to understand the point in having her know this information....does it feel like a set-up to anyone else here?
Feel free to tell me I'm thinking way too much about it, I won't bite. Hard. ;)
Why would he lie though? Natalia could easily mention his investigation to H thinking he knows & then Eric would be outted.....would he risk that?

I get what you mean but its probably me. He seems to be taking this easy and Natalia might be a little too worried, which can be seen as a good thing or a not so good thing.

I do wonder how Natalia is going to work around Eric now? Him with his device, he can't possibly switch it off around her and it would be too painful for her to be around him.

Maybe this episode was to lead the general audience to think that Natalia might be the one who betrays the lab and stole the diamonds!? I have seen some people who thought so!! :eek: Or maybe to show it is all right for him to do this investigation and he will be back on their team asap. Other than this, I can't think of anything else why tptb wanted her to know about this 'secret'.
Greetings good folks and fellow Nat fans! Been a while since I have made any kind of posting here in the last few weeks.
I was incredibly pleased with what I saw in the last epi, lots of Natalia and a role in the episode that was more than she just doing the "DNA stufff". It was refreshing to see.

It was pretty clever how the writers were able to fit Nat's hearing aid into the story. The signal interference that gets picked up on her hearing aid which allows her to find the signal jammer AND discover that Delko is wearing a wire. Pretty clever, even I must admit.

This puts Natalia in a strange position. Delko would not have known that the signal from his wire could be detected by Nat's hearing aid. Nat is no dummy, it only took her a second or two to figure out that it was coming from Eric and that he was wearing a wire. What could Eric possibly do? He was caught. At that point it was just better to admit to Nat that he was investigating the lab and why he was doing it.

This could also mean that Nat gets caught up in the investigation. Not as a suspect but as an indirect informant. What is she was to hear someone else say something that she new to be a lie? Would she tell Eric? It's possible. At this point, the less Nat knows the better.

I sincerely doubt that it will be Nat who betrays the lab. I already have my suspicions who it may be I just don't know why. Yet, at least.

Anyway, it was a good epi for Nat this week. I think we all agree.
Maybe this episode was to lead the general audience to think that Natalia might be the one who betrays the lab and stole the diamonds!? I have seen some people who thought so!! :eek: Or maybe to show it is all right for him to do this investigation and he will be back on their team asap. Other than this, I can't think of anything else why tptb wanted her to know about this 'secret'.

I did consider the idea that tptb wanted Natalia to look like the thief -- just to throw us off. But, I still think they could've done that a different way & wouldn't have needed to have her learn Eric's investigation.
My worst fear is that someone (the betrayer, Calleigh, someone on the team) will find out what Eric is doing - then the question will be - who told them, how'd they find out? Heads (namely Eric & possibly Horatio) will turn towards Natalia because she's the only other person who knew. I don't want that on her!

What is she was to hear someone else say something that she new to be a lie? Would she tell Eric? It's possible. At this point, the less Nat knows the better.
I agree. This really puts her in a bad position. Not only if she finds something suspicious & questions whether she should inform Eric or not, she also is stuck with the possibility of having one of the CSI's non-challantly ask her about the lab being investigated -- does she lie to her co-workers/friends, or ratt out Eric? Poor thing is now stuck in the same position as she was when she was an informant, & you know that has to kill her.

BTW, nice to have you back Doublehelix. I've missed ya, Bud. :p

ETA: Did anyone notice that Walter called Natalia 'BV' in the ending scene ("It was your idea, BV!") That's what Agent Mike used to call her, correct?
Looks like TPTB have come to enjoy this little nickname.
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This could also mean that Nat gets caught up in the investigation. Not as a suspect but as an indirect informant. What is she was to hear someone else say something that she new to be a lie? Would she tell Eric? It's possible. At this point, the less Nat knows the better.
Good point which was why Natalia bailed out imo, she doesn't want to go through it again. Very unfortunate, hopefully she doesn't get entangled in the mess which results in people turning on her because she knew and kept it secret.

Did anyone notice that Walter called Natalia 'BV' in the ending scene ("It was your idea, BV!") That's what Agent Mike used to call her, correct?
Looks like TPTB have come to enjoy this little nickname.
Hey, I didn't notice it! Thanks for pointing it out. It sorta rhymes and its nice too, I am liking it. :D

ETA: Funny, I just had a thought when you mentioned Agent Mike. Nat was keeping a secret for Mike and now for Eric.
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^^ Agent Mikey's secret was a naughty one though :lol: As far as Natalia knows, Eric's secret investigation has been ok'd by Horatio -- I think she feels it's fine as long as H is aware.

The more I think about this whole thing, the more I'm not liking that she's involved. I'd really hate to see it end badly for her just because she's "in the know".
Hey Eva fans -- our girl was nominated Best Actress at the HCFF for her role in the music video 'Armed' (video in the link)


Unfortunatly she didn't take home the "award", but Congratulations to Eva for getting the nod & recognition on the role .....outstanding performance! :luvlove:


On the Natalia front: I'm wondering something .....because of the interference with her aid & Eric's wire, suppose this will give her an excuse to take out her hearing aid at some point? Maybe then we'll learn if her hearing is getting worse or better? I'd like to see something more on the issue itself -- what are they gonna do, have her be the CSI with a MiracleEar for the remainder of the series?!
Hey Eva fans -- our girl was nominated Best Actress at the HCFF for her role in the music video 'Armed' (video in the link)


Unfortunatly she didn't take home the "award", but Congratulations to Eva for getting the nod & recognition on the role .....outstanding performance! :luvlove:


On the Natalia front: I'm wondering something .....because of the interference with her aid & Eric's wire, suppose this will give her an excuse to take out her hearing aid at some point? Maybe then we'll learn if her hearing is getting worse or better? I'd like to see something more on the issue itself -- what are they gonna do, have her be the CSI with a MiracleEar for the remainder of the series?!

Congrats to Eva! :)

I think it's likely that the issue of her hearing will be dropped next season.
As we are all a bit nervous as to who will remain in the series next season, I think that Eva will stay. She seems to be getting more screentime at the end of the season. And I was watching today that video about the backstage of 'Backfire' and Eva said that when Adam will come back full time next season 'they will give him a hard time' :) and I had an impression that she will be one of them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW4MBNVcXMI
Hey Eva fans -- our girl was nominated Best Actress at the HCFF for her role in the music video 'Armed' (video in the link)


Unfortunatly she didn't take home the "award", but Congratulations to Eva for getting the nod & recognition on the role .....outstanding performance! :luvlove:
Aww, a big CONGRATULATIONS to Eva for her nomination! I watched the music video when it first came out and I have a very vivid memory of her performance just blowing me away. At least someone out there knows how to utilize her talent! (Take a hint, TPTB! :scream:)

Also, Kaya should've gotten some kind of "Most Amazingly Precious Child Actress" award, no?

ETA: Hey kids! Ever wanted to be Eva's personal fashion consultant? Now you can!
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Hey Eva fans -- our girl was nominated Best Actress at the HCFF for her role in the music video 'Armed' (video in the link)


Unfortunatly she didn't take home the "award", but Congratulations to Eva for getting the nod & recognition on the role .....outstanding performance! :luvlove:

When I saw the video, how I wish we can see more of Eva's work. She is simply amazing. Congratulations to our girl!! Great job to Eva & Kaya!! :thumbsup:

On the Natalia front: I'm wondering something .....because of the interference with her aid & Eric's wire, suppose this will give her an excuse to take out her hearing aid at some point? Maybe then we'll learn if her hearing is getting worse or better? I'd like to see something more on the issue itself -- what are they gonna do, have her be the CSI with a MiracleEar for the remainder of the series?!
I totally welcome if she has her hearing aid for the rest of the series. Hearing problems just don't go away completely and I love a more realistic approach to this, at least there is something for her to do and for us to discuss about. I def would like to know how is her condition right now, hopefully we will learn it at least by the end of this season.

I am thinking there isn't anything much about Natalia being 'in the know', maybe it was just to let the audience know this is where Delko's 'investigation' work begins. Hopefully this 'investigation' thing gets over and done with before the finale.
Hmmm, so I believe the writer, Krystal Houghton for the next episode 8.22 is the one who never wrote for Natalia at all this season. :shifty: So she might not know the character of Natalia at all. I wonder how Nat would be written, I definitely hope they don't make her do something stupid or OOC. Very apprehensive about this, esp when Natalia can be considered being involved in this investigation. Somehow I want Nat to stay away from this....I don't know.
Hmmm, so I believe the writer, Krystal Houghton for the next episode 8.22 is the one who never wrote for Natalia at all this season. :shifty: So she might not know the character of Natalia at all. I wonder how Nat would be written, I definitely hope they don't make her do something stupid or OOC. Very apprehensive about this, esp when Natalia can be considered being involved in this investigation. Somehow I want Nat to stay away from this....I don't know.

You're right, Michya. I don't know whether she just doesn't like Natalia the character or if she just doesn't write women very well. I've never been impressed with the way she writes Calleigh either. She appears to be a huge E/C supporter since that nomance usually plays a big part in her episodes whenever possible. And, IMO, that's evidence she's not very good at writing romances.

In fact, I'm sorry, but I really can't think of a lot of episodes she's written that I've been impressed with. She is one that I think really needs to go back and watch the earlier seasons and find out who these really are characters BEFORE she tries to write for them.

She's never been very kind to Ryan either. So again, does she no like the character or does she just no know how to write for him? Tonight's episode makes me nervous in a number of ways. :shifty:

EDIT: The thought occurs to me that I should qualify my statement regarding Krystal Houghton's ability to right a romance that doesn't want to make one hurl. The entire writing staff of CSI Miami is challenged in that area. She is certainly not alone in that.
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Personally, I don't blame any individual writers for lack of Natalia, OOC moments, or any other issue -- I've not been impressed with the episodes Houghton has written, but the stories aren't left up to her alone. I've seen many other episodes with rare Natalia appearances, OOC Ryan moments, & other gag-worthy scenes that she has not written.

As for tonight's epi, there seems to be alot going on & alot of recurring characters, so I won't hold my breath for decent Nat time.

The finale will be written by 2 of, what I consider, better writers - Marc Dube & Barry O'Brien. They both write very well for our Natalia. :p

I totally welcome if she has her hearing aid for the rest of the series. Hearing problems just don't go away completely and I love a more realistic approach to this

I could go with that, as long as her & the issue are utilized, to a certain degree. I'd at least like to know how dependant she is on the hearing aid -- even her saying that she'll always have to wear one, or that it's getting better. My concern is that they'll leave it at 'Yeah, Natalia wears a hearing aid' & then that's it; down the continuity hole.

While I liked how they used the issue in 'Meltdown', I don't want her medical issue constantly being used to shed light on other members of the team or a case -- I want to see something that will affect her personally.

I am thinking there isn't anything much about Natalia being 'in the know', maybe it was just to let the audience know this is where Delko's 'investigation' work begins.
That's definitly possible -- I just have a bad feeling about it because.....

The betrayer does find out about Eric & Rebecca's investigation, I believe it is said in 'Time Bomb' (according to spoilers) & that's why the betrayer bombs Rebecca's car. I do know who the betrayer is & it's not Natalia (though I tend to think there's more than one) -- but I'd hate to see it come out that she's blamed for leaking out the info.
That said, I personally would think that the betrayer catches on because of Eric's sudden interest in returning to the lab -- but I could see tptb making it look like Natalia let the cat out of the bag because she's the only other person who knew - I just don't want that on her again, even if she's blamed for just a brief moment.:rolleyes:
When it comes to Natalia, & Ryan as well, I want FOR ONCE to hear a member of the team say "NO, she/he wouldn't do that!" Stick up for each other for heaven's sake, this is supposed to be a team!
Personally, I don't blame any individual writers for lack of Natalia, OOC moments, or any other issue -- I've not been impressed with the episodes Houghton has written, but the stories aren't left up to her alone. I've seen many other episodes with rare Natalia appearances, OOC Ryan moments, & other gag-worthy scenes that she has not written.

As for tonight's epi, there seems to be alot going on & alot of recurring characters, so I won't hold my breath for decent Nat time.

The finale will be written by 2 of, what I consider, better writers - Marc Dube & Barry O'Brien. They both write very well for our Natalia. :p

You're right, MJ. Over the last couple of seasons Natalia, Ryan, Frank, heck even Horatio to an extent, have been treated pretty badly by the writers - all of them. I don't particularly care for Houghton's episodes in general, but she is certainly not alone.

I just wish the writers were a little more even in their approach to these characters. It might diminish the anger and resentment that has built up over the last 4 seasons just a little bit. :(

And I KNOW that CSI Miami fans are not alone in feeling this way. After a talk with my daughter, Smallville fans are just as frustrated for other reasons.

It's interesting that some feel that this is the worst season ever, while others felt that this season showed signs of hope.

I've read people who feel that season 4 was a disaster. The motivation behind the feeling is due to the fact the Natalia and Eric were involved during that season.

My point is no one group is any better than any other when it comes to their preferences and neither are shy in stating how they feel when they are frustrated with what they are seeing. It just depends on what is currently in favor with TPTB.

For some reason Natalia has NOT been a choosen one in the last couple of seasons and it's getting old. She and Frank have been horribly ignored, while Ryan has had the crap kicked out of him. And what about Rick? He has fans.

It's time that all characters get treated equally and fairly. I'm constantly amazed at the lack of understanding when a favorite character is front and center for a long period of time for those whose character has suffered for it.
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Natalia is being in an uncomfortable and awkward position now that she knows his secret. She is forced to keep mum about this and it would just be like being the mole all over again for her. On one hand she promised Eric not to tell and on the other she sees the rest being unknown to this. This is why she begged out of the group hanging out together. She doesn't know how to act or pretend that nothing is going on to the rest of the team in front of Eric and she probably doesn't want to betray any one of them. Her look was also apologetic which says pretty much.

I felt sad that she didn't join them and was alone at the end though. :( Funny how her abusive and mole issues are popping out this season. :shifty: I hope it is nothing bad for her, being left out and all.

Anyway, nice to FINALLY see them addressing her hearing issue but funny how she tells everyone about it suddenly and it was meant for her to unfortunately discover Eric and his 'job' which puts her in an uncomfortable position. Also, we now see that her hearing aide can interfere with her job, it can be rather dangerous for her if she goes out on a crime scene alone. Hmm. Hope to see more.

I've been thinking about how Natalia didn't go with them to drink at the end, and trying to gather how I felt about it, I thought she just wanted to not be involved with Delko...But then all of a sudden I was like
she CAN'T GO!! Because either her hearing aid would get in the way of her being able to 'normally' hang out with them, OR she'd have to take her hearing aid out and then she wouldn't be able to hear anything...

So I'm thinking that the hearing aid is going to cause her to feel increasingly isolated from the team as Delko becomes more involved.

I am actually ok with this, as long as it means Natalia has a storyline. And a storyline that doesn't just leave us flat and dry. Heck I'd even say BRING IT ON!

as for Houghton, it's weird because I really liked some of her episodes in season's 6 & 7, so I thought I liked her, but as I saw the episodes she's done since then...not so much
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