Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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I'm okay with that. I like the tension between the boys. If they do away with it too soon, I'll be disappointed.

Ah, their tension is what keeps me watching CSI: M.. kind of. Sadly, Miami is all about Horatio, no one else. We'll get our little bits of Eric/Ryan tension & then, it's back to Horatio. It's all getting very tiring! Horatio isn't that interesting..

In light of tonight's episode, I had to bring this thread back. I enjoyed the interaction between them tonight. I especially liked that both Eric and Ryan admitted they were wrong. :eek:

So in my head, when Eric picked Ryan up at the ER, he stopped somewhere, got them something to eat, and then they went back to Ryan's place to talk. Yes, I sense the beginnings of a deeper relatioship here.
I never really gave the pairing a second thought until tonight. Then boom.

I loved that they both admitted wrong doing and apologized to one another. I really loved their little joke moment as they walked down the hall. Very shippy.
I never really gave the pairing a second thought until tonight. Then boom.

I loved that they both admitted wrong doing and apologized to one another. I really loved their little joke moment as they walked down the hall. Very shippy.

It took Ryan a LONG time to grow on me, and sometimes, he still tries my patience. But I've grown fond of the guy, and my favorite scenes are usually the ones that feature the Ryan and Delko.

I've been inching toward this pairing for a long time, but this episode confirmed it.

I can't wait to see what their interaction is like next week, now that they seem to have reach a mild understanding. I mean, Eric is still dealing with his personal problems, so that's still on the table. But we might see the guys bond a bit more after this.

I haven't enjoyed watching Miami this much in a long time. :)
I so didn't know this was here!! :D

I'm so digging the way the camera stayed on Eric's hand on Ryan's arm for a couple of seconds... ;) Omg... Eep! :eek:
It's true love!

Did you see how worried Eric was when he drove Ryan to the hospital? And how he came to pick him up at the end? True love. You know Eric tucked Ryan in when he got him home. ;) :devil:
The way my gutter-mind works, I keep thinking of the title, "Nailed," and my mind goes...somewhere. :D :)

:lol: :lol: ship. I love new ships!
The way my gutter-mind works, I keep thinking of the title, "Nailed," and my mind goes...somewhere. :D :)

And here I was, trying to be good and NOT immediately turn my new pair R.... Thanks a lot. ;)

Now I expect to read something along the lines of this... :devil:
I only caught the last 10 minutes last night. And from someone who has seen very few of the eps, and doesn't really know the relationship between the two: there was definitely something there. :)

Can't wait until this ep is back on so I can see the whole thing.

So there were some slashy vibes tonight. Ryan was concerned about "his colleague" (is that what they're calling it these days?) when he arrived at the bank.

And then there were the moments when Eric sat down next to Ryan as he played that game. In fact, they were working together a lot this episode.

But Eric got nailed for checking out the girl. He probably thought Ryan would never know. :D
Spoilers (sort of)

I thought they seemed to work really well together, and there was some kind of chemistry going on there. I can picture them playing video games on their days off together now.

But my question is this. Since I'm still new to Miami, did they used to dislike each other? I've only picked up bits and pieces, but that's what I thought I'd read.
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